纳米科技(英文:Nanotechnology)是一门应用科学,其目的在于研究于纳米尺寸时,物质和设备的设计方法、组成、特性以及应用。纳米科技是许多如生物、物理、化学等科学领域在技术上的次级分类,美国的纳米科技启动(National Nanotechnology Initiative)将其定义为“1至100纳米尺寸间的物体,其中能有重大应用的独特现象的了解与纵。” 纳米科技是尖端科技,却早就存在身旁。举例来说,就是莲花表面的出污泥而不染的特性。莲花表面的细致结构和粗糙度大小都在纳米尺度的范围内,所以不易吸附污泥灰尘。莲花的出污泥而不染是自然天成,这比人类的任何清洁技术还高明。这种莲花表面纳米化结构,自我清洁的物理现象,就被称作莲花效应(lotus effect)。 纳米科技是学习纳米尺度下的现象以及物质的掌控,尤其是现存科技在纳米时的延伸。纳米科技的世界为原子、分子、高分子、量子点和高分子,并且被表面效应所掌控,如范德瓦耳斯力、氢键、电荷、离子键、共价键、疏水性、亲水性和量子穿隧效应等,而惯性和湍流等巨观效应则小得可以被忽略掉。举个例子,当表面积对体积的比例剧烈地增大时,开起了如催化学等以表面为主的科学新的可能性。 微小性的持续探究以使得新的工具诞生,如原子力显微镜和扫描隧道显微镜等。结合如电子束微影之类的程序,这些设备将使我们可以精密地运作并生成纳米结构。纳米材质,不论是由上至下制成(将块材缩至纳米尺度,主要方法是从块材开始通过切割、蚀刻、研磨等办法得到尽可能小的形状(比如超精度加工,难度在于得到的微小结构必须)。或由下至上制成(由一颗颗原子或分子来组成较大的结构,主要办法有化学合成,自组装(self assembly)和定点组装(itional assembly)。难度在于宏观上要达到高效稳定的质量,都不只是进一步的微小化而已。物体内电子的能量量子化也开始对材质的性质有影响,称为量子尺度效应,描述物质内电子在尺度剧减后的物理性质。这一效应不是因为尺度由巨观变成微观而产生的,但它确实在纳米尺度时占了很重要的地位。物质在纳米尺度时,会和它们在巨观时有很大的不同,例如:不透明的物质会变成透明的(铜)、惰性的物质变成可以当催化剂(铂)、稳定的物质变得易燃(铝)、固体在室温下变成了液体(金)、绝缘体变成了导体(硅)。
Nanotechnology is a highly multidisciplinary field, drawing from fields such as applied physics, materials science, intece and colloid science, dev physics, supramolecular chemistry (which refers to the area of chemistry that focuses on the noncovalent bonding interactions of molecules), self-replicating machines and robotics, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, biological engineering, and electrical engineering. Much speculation exists as to what may result from these lines of research. Nanotechnology can be seen as an extension of existing sciences into the nanoscale, or as a recasting of existing sciences using a newer, more modern term. Grouping of the sciences under the umbrella of "nanotechnology" has been questioned on the basis that there is little actual boundary-crossing between the different sciences that operate on the nano-scale. Instrumentation is the only area of technology common to all disciplines; on the contrary, for example pharmaceutical and semiconductor industries do not "talk with each other". Corporations that call their products "nanotechnology" typically market them only to a certain industrial cluster.
Two main approaches are used in nanotechnology. In the "bottom-up" approach, materials and devs are built from molecular components which assemble themselves chemically by principles of molecular recognition. In the "top-down" approach, nano-objects are constructed from larger entities without atomic-ll control. The impetus for nanotechnology comes from a renewed interest in Intece and Colloid Science, coupled with a new generation of ytical tools such as the atomic force microscope (AFM), and the scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Combined with refined processes such as electron beam lithography and molecular beam epitaxy, these instruments allow the deliberate manipulation of nanostructures, and lead to the observation of novel phenomena.
Examples of nanotechnology in modern use are the manufacture of polymers based on molecular structure, and the design of comr chip layouts based on suce science. Despite the great promise of numerous nanotechnologies such as quantum dots and nanotubes, real commercial applications he mainly used the aantages of colloidal nanoparticles in bulk form, such as suntan lotion, coetics, protective coatings, drug delivery, and stain resistant clothing.
Based on the metrology legal norm, the basic concept of nanometer measurement is introduced firstly in this . It includes nanometer, measurement, nanometer standard, nanometer measurement instrument, nanometer measurement mod, nanometer length, etc. Then, the present status of the measurement of nanometer length is described. More attention is paid to the dlopment and the prospect of the microscope technology for measuring nanometer length
在长期的晶体材料研究中,人们视具有完整空间点阵结构的实体为晶体,是晶体材料的主体;而把空间点阵中的空位、替位原子、间隙原子、相界、位错和晶界看作晶体材料中的缺陷。此时,他想到,如果从逆方向思考问题,把“缺陷”作为主体,研制出一种晶界占有相当大体积比的材料,那么世界将会是怎样??格兰特在沙漠中的构想很快变成了现实,经过4年的不懈努力,他的研究组终于在1984年研制成功了黑色金属粉末。实验表明,任何金属颗粒,当其尺寸在纳米量级时都呈黑色。纳米固体材料(nanometer sized materials)就这样诞生了。
效应颜料 这是纳米材料最重要最有前途的用途之一,特别是在汽车的涂装业中,因为纳米材料具有随角变统汽车面漆大增光辉,深受配受专家的喜爱。
防护材料 由于某些纳米材料透明性好和具有优异的紫外线屏蔽作用。在产品和材料中添加少量(一般不超过含量的2%)的纳米材料,就会大大减弱紫外线对这些产品和材料的损伤作用,使之更加具有耐久性和透明性。因而被广泛用于护肤产品、所装材料、外用面漆、木器保护、天然和人造纤维以及农用塑料薄膜等方面。
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