伯乐与千里马英文翻译 伯乐与千里马出自哪篇文章
Where there is wise man, there is the swift horse
伯乐与千里马英文翻译 伯乐与千里马出自哪篇文章
伯乐与千里马英文翻译 伯乐与千里马出自哪篇文章
伯乐与千里马英文翻译 伯乐与千里马出自哪篇文章
Bole always comes before the splendid steed
There's often people who can discover talents, but people with talents aren't that common.
Finding the talents are easy but hing talents is hard.
发掘才能容易, 拥有才能困难.
The splendid steed is common, but Bole is not common
Thousand li horse often has and bole does not he
Bole always comes before the splendid steed.The splendid is common,but Bole is not common.
In the world has Bole first, then has the splendid steed, the splendid steed is common, but Bole is not common
in the world has Bole first, then has the splendid steed, the splendid steed is common, but how wasn't Bole common
In the world has Bole first, then has the splendid steed, the splendid steed is common, but Bole is not common
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