人教pep六年级上册点读 英语6年级上册人教版点读
1、六年级上册第六单元英语42页的公告栏内容:Thirty years ago, my mother was a beautiful girl.Her house was all, the air was fresh, there were many animals, beautiful flowers and trains at that time it was n.Now my mother is a young woman, the buildings are very tall, the air is dirty.There are many cars on the street, they can make the air dirty, there is much rubbish on the grass, the river is very dirty, that's too bad please care for our earth.Thirty years ago, my mother was a beautiful girl.Her house was all, the air was fresh, there were many animals, beautiful flowers and trains at that time it was n.Now my mother is a young woman, the buildings are very tall, the air is dirty.There are many cars on the street, they can make the air dirty, there is much rubbish on the grass, the river is very dirty, that's too bad please care for our earth.。
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