有志者事竟成英语 有志者事竟成英语怎么说
有志者事竟成英语 有志者事竟成英语怎么说
有志者事竟成英语 有志者事竟成英语怎么说
有志者事竟成英语 有志者事竟成英语怎么说
有志者事竟成英语 有志者事竟成英语怎么说
1、Where there is a will, there is a way.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (^__^)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!Nothing is imsible to a willing heartWhere there is a will there is a wayEverything is sible to a willing heart.Where there is a will, there is a way ~ 有志者事竟成Nothing is imsible to a willing heart.(有志者事竟成)Where there is a will there is a way有志者事竟成where there's a will,there's a way 有志者事竟贵有志,有志者事竟成,艰苦奋斗,百折不回,是事业有成的动力。
2、It is important to he ambition. Where is a will, there is a way. Hard work and persrance ensure the achiment in career是 Wherereisawillthereisaway。
3、Where there is a will there is a way, where there is a will there is a way。
4、where there is a will, there is a way例句与用法:1. 安德鲁想到印度学医,但他还没有积足钱。
6、Andrew wants to study medicine in India, but he hasn't raised the necessary money yet.I'm, sure he will. Where there's a will there's a way.Nothing is imsible to a willing heart.Where there is a will there is a way。
7、where there is a will,there is way.Where there is a will, there is a way.。
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