coat是什么意思 shoes是什么意思
1、【例句】The bitter wind cut through his jacket.刺骨的冷风吹透了他的夹克衫。
2、coated, coating, coats中文翻译 [HELP]n. 外套, (动物的)皮毛, (植物的)表皮, (漆等的)层, 涂层vt. 涂上, 包上[ 名词 ]1. an outer garment that has sles and covers the body from shoulder down; worn outdoors2. a thin layer covering soming; "a second coat of paint"3. growth of hair or wool or fur covering the body of an animal[ 动词coat ]4. put a coat on; cover the suce of; furnish with a suce;外n.上衣,外套套的意思上衣,外套。
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