




3、不是啊其实英文名字都有含义的啊 例如Angel 安琪儿 含义:天使Jim 上帝仁慈的给予lz 大概是想取个英文名吧,说出来让大家帮你建议建议也不一定哦,比如你的,你可以给自己的孩子起那个名字的啊!也有许多的寓意的哦~~~不是一个单单的符号啊,也有古典的啊!他们也是一个的文化的反应啊,你认为呢?我希望我的回答能够给你帮助哦其实许多名字都有来源,比如出自圣经、希伯来语等等大部分的英文名字都来自其它语言,下面说的比较明白SourcesMost English given names are not derived from the English language. See European names for a discussion of the most prevalent sources of English names. The stock is further increased by:Vocabulary words, such as Hope, Sky and Summer. See also Puritan names.Surnames, such as Brley, Bradley, Cameron, Kelly and Ryan.Variants of more traditional names, such as Alicia from Al, Krystle from Crystal.Independent short forms and diminutives of other names, such as Bill from William, Jessie from Jessica.Made-up names, such as Lone and Jolene.HistoryThe Angles and Saxons were continental Germanic tribes who began settling in Britain in the 5th century. They absorbed or displaced the native Celtic population, who had for sral centuries been under Roman rule. The Anglo-Saxons used Old English Germanic names.In the late 8th century Vikings began raiding England. Eventually they started settling in the north and east, bringing with them Old Norse names. Some of these Scandinian names permanently joined the pool of English names.The Norman Conquest of England took place in 1066. The Normans became the new ruling class, and many of their Germanic names replaced the Old English ones. In fact most Old English names ceasBaird, 拜尔德 爱尔兰 很会唱民谣的人。

4、 Baldwin 柏得温 条顿, 在战场很英勇的人。

5、ed to be used within the next sral decades.Though Christianity had long been established in Britain, Christian names did not become very common in England until the 13th century. The Church encouraged parents to give the names of saints to their children. These names were often of Ancient Greek, Latin or Hebrew origin.The Protestant Reformation began in 1517. In England king Henry VIII split with the Catholic Church and created the Anglican Church with him as its head. Protestants generally placed more emphasis on scripture and rred the saints less, so biblical names came into fashion. The fundamentalist Puritans of the 17th century used n more obscure biblical names from the Old Testament and also virtue names, such as Charity and Patience.The trend of using surnames as given names started in the following years. This pract has traditionally been more common in America than Britain.Bartley 巴特莱 英国, 看管牧草地的人。

6、 Basil, 巴泽尔 拉丁, 像国王的。

7、During the 18th and 19th centuries many older names were revived. Also, names from literature and mythology became more common. In the later 19th century, during the Victorian Age, some vocabulary words began to be used, such as those of flowers and gemstones.In modern times the stock of English names has been enlarged by invented names, variants, and borrowings from other languages.不是大多数都有意思的还有取名字典呢。
