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题目:The impact of the Internet on interpersonal communication
根据去年的评分标准解释:该作文类型既考表达,又考理解。即:1)The impact of the Internet on interpersonal communication;2)对于对话的评论:"Dad:Hi sweetie, how was school, today? Daughter: You can read all about it on my blog, Dad"
In contemporary society, our life is filled with a variety of anecdotes or stories, and the following is no exception: "Dad:Hi sweetie, how was school, today? Daughter: You can read all about it on my blog, Dad." This conversation can be naturally associated with the impacts of Internet on our life: In an era of Internet, the time for interpersonal communication is impaired by online cha2、氛围好:写作文不会觉得枯燥,老师们会从兴趣入手,首先改变孩子们害怕写作文、不爱写作文的现状,学生们在一起有氛围,也会比较乐意写,只要多写就能提高,也只有多写才能提高。ts or blogs.
Apparently, the impacts of the Internet on interpersonal communication are diverse. For one thing, as a vital invention, Internet brings great convenience to our communication, eliminates the barrier of distance, and s humans to keep in touch wherr and whenr. For another, it is Internet that does not enables family members, friends or ctes to communicate more in a face-to-face way. One case in point is that youngsters may spend hours chatting with acquaintances through QQ or MSN, but rarely do they talk with other face to face. Unfortunay, it we let this trend to continue as it is, the interpersonal relationship will, definiy, become alienated or indifferent.
雅思作文一篇 请高手指点
要求:by commenting on "Dad:Hi sweetie, how was school, today? Daughter: You can read all about it on my blog, Dad"楼主写得灰常好啊,觉得有7+水平。根据本人的想法稍微改了一下,大家多多指教
To express freely is an undeniable legal right for citizens including creative artists. As a particular group of individuals in society, artists he an obligation to not only publicize the itive aspects in our daily life but also exe the negative aspects to remove the barrier for the sustainable dlopment of economy and society. In the meanwhile, government should grip with solving major issues bearing on the future social and economic dlopment in our country, instead of restricting the free expression by artists. By that I mean expressing freely is very estimable in this day and age which government is oblig好,教学方式好、氛围好。ated to stimulate it, rather than stifle it. Without the to express, our spiritual life would be in stagnation.
On the other hand, I would acknowledge that some expressions launched by artists may he a detrimental influence upon us without government’s function of supervision. To be exact people, agers, in particular, may not get clear perspective of the sense of right and wrong. Admittedly a host of movies and magazines are inundated with ography and violence, which not only run contrary to traditional morality but also drive up youngsters’ crime rate.
Although lack of discipline will ensue, if government lee it untreated, the merits of this phenomenon prevail over the demerits according to the facts. Thus, I shall argue that government should not stifle original ideas by sre restriction but allow sufficient as long as creative artists do not work against basic human value.
第三句举例说明好处(2,3两句是正面描述)教师专业、学习资源丰富。新东方的语文课授课老师全部都是具有10多年教学经验以上的老师,在授课过程当中能够根据学生的To my understanding, it is aisable for people to communicate more with their families, friends and acquaintances in real life instead of merely through the Internet. Do bear in mind: Internet is just a tool. (213words)特点制定不同的教学,帮助学生答疑解惑,找出学生存在的问题,受到学生的一致好评,教师是很专业的。
前面赞同的部分 写的太多了开头用词就很普通,句式也不太好。
文章写improving salary好的太长了,与你的观点不符。人家会认为你走题。
Howr,improving salary do brin第三点,思路可以在放的开一些,比如反面例证的写法,我不接受撒谎,那么诚实呢,诚实有什么好处呢。g us benefits~~~~~~~~
我今天刚写了这篇文章。 建议你play devil's aocate,效果不错。
第二段解析:根据我们一直讲解的“天龙八部”写法,第二段应满足总分总的写法(或者是总分)。句要点明蕴涵在简单图画中的大道理,作为全段的主题句(论点),结尾以Generally speaking之类的关联词总结全段(结论)。中间的论据我们可以选择事实和现状描述,问题背景,原因或后果,层进,举例说明。可以分析现代合作的原因和必要性,可以描述合作在各个领域里的现状(如个人层面,企业层面,层面),可以讨论合作的好处,可以联系实际,举例说明合作的重要性。论点一句,论据4-5句,结论一句,第二段6-7句。根据查询知乎显示。
第三句转折Nowadays, an increasing number of works of art expand our outlook dramatically. But meanwhile, wher government should restrict the free expression of creative artists has aroused heated controversy by a growing number of people. Some individuals convinced that it is not necessary to restrict artists’ free expression. As I see it, there is more to it than that.+结果:我们太迷恋而忽视了人际交往,这样对正常交流不好,也让我们隔绝开来托福写作有半分吗, 比如有4.5分或3.5分吗
在新东方作文网SAT批改也会有王子睿,2006年以大三工科生背景闯入市大学生英语演讲比赛总决赛,被时任新东方国外考试部主任相中,开始在新东方教师生涯。2007年毕业后,正式签约新东方学校,成为托福培训师,当年获得“新东方学校新人”奖。2008年新东方开始VIP一对一授课业务,他成为最早一批开始探索一对一授课模式的新东方大班教师,并在长达数年的一对一与大班结合的教学探索中积累了丰富的经验,帮助近十万托福考生提高了英文水平和考试分数。除托福及SAT等国外考试写作,他还曾在新东方前途出国公司创立阶段担任文书顾问,并在同期启动了新东方学校国外考试部写作中心项目(新东方批改网前身)。2009至2011年,王子睿将全部重心转向写作教学,成为新东方学校写作单项班和点题班的讲师,并开始受邀以培训师身份参与全国新教师培训工作。2011年底,他被聘为新东方教育科技演讲师,次年,他又通过层层选拔成为新东方教育科技“优才”成员,以后备高级管理人才培训生的身份开始担任不同行政岗位。先后曾负责新东方学校北美部教师、全国新教师培训、培训师及演讲师竞聘会议等工作。尤其值得一提的是,由于其长期在总公司市场部兼任行政职务,获得了大量与ETS(美国教育考试服务中心,托福、GRE命题机构)高管及命题人的接触机会,在长达一年半的时间里负责ETS来华人员的接待及英文专访工作,成为大陆地区最了解ETS考试的培训师之一;在负责全国演讲师竞聘工作期间,他又在自己多年的考试培训和留学申请实战经验的基础上,全面革新了演讲师竞聘的规则,提出了传统励志型演讲向精细规划型演讲转变的倡导并成功实施,为新东方选拔了一批实战经验丰富、了解学生需求的实用型备考及留学规划演讲师。 半分··
孩子可以尽情展现自己的语言天赋,轻松爱上说英语。依托于新东方的强资力量,新东方多纳的教研团队来自清北、中科院、牛津等国内外知名学府,他们拥有丰富的教学经验,参考美国 CCSS 课程标准形成多纳教学体系。
段解析:这是一道单图题。图画中是两个都只有一条腿的人,丢开了拐杖,互相搀扶着往前走。 文字说明:“你一条腿,我一条腿;你我一起,走南闯北。” 根据我们课堂的讲解,单图题段写3句。图画描述应有两句,挖掘两个可写点,串成两句简单描述即可。一句可以对图画进行挖掘后总结,比如“他们有了互相的帮助,自信而乐观的迎接着挑战”(Undoubtedly, with each other’s , they are embracing the upcoming challenges with confidence and optimi) 也可以对文字说明进行简单翻译,也就是我们课堂解释过的The caption reads/indicates,或者We are rmed by the caption that “You he merely one leg and so do I. Helping each other, we can trel around the world.” 一句还可以简单发表评论,说明合作的重要性,但段始终是描述段,对深刻含义的评论不宜过多,一句即可,否则跑题。
不少考生反映,这一段最难的写的是“拐杖”这个词语。Crutch 对于考研的同学来说属于极其生僻的词语,改卷者也明白这个道理。只要你把这个意思表达出来就可以了,我们一直强调“秒写不出,第二秒换说法”,这里可以写为Supporting tools/assistant equipment/supporting sticks等等。
第三段解析:注意到提纲规定是“comments”。我们曾经对这个词进行过深入分析,水平高的同学可以自己发表议论,水平一般的人,可以把comments理解为suggestions, 于是回到我们最熟悉的建议措施段,坏事当然提建议,好事也可以提出建议,使其变得更好。在这一段里,主题句一句,从意义过渡到建议上来;具体评论或措施2句,写出层次感;总结加展望未来一句,第三段4句。注意:考研写作的观点并无对错之分,只要不跑题即可。06年可以写追星的负面意义,也可以正面挖掘积极方面;07年可以写为自信,也可以写为挑战,人生意义。08年的写作,写为合作,互相帮助,困难中互相扶持均属合理。在考研写作三大要素语言结构思路里,思路始终是次要的。关键是语言基本正确,结构清晰,逻辑严谨。
The impressive and thought-provoking cartoon graphically portrays a moving scene invoving two handicapped men. The most striking feature of the drawing is that the two cripples, leing their crutches behind and supporting each other with their powerful hands, are walking forward with confidence and optimi. In addtion, we are rmed by the caption that “You he merely one leg and so do I. Helping each other, we can trel around the world.”
Simple as the picture is, its subtle connotation endeors to rm us that due attention has to be paid to the issue of cooperation, which is prevalent and pervasive in contemporary society. On account of the quickening pace of life, unprecedented competition in all walks of life makes it difficult for a single individual to finish an arduous task all by himself. The past sral years he witnessed the increase of collaboration both academically and professionally. On the one hand, scholars and scientists benefit considerably from the coordinate efforts among a variety of universities. On the other hand, teark among different companies exerts an undeniably far-reaching impact on their dlopment. Generally speaking, if we were isolated from the society, we would feel desperate in the ruthless and relentless competition.
Accordingly, it is imperative for us to derive itive implications from the profound picture. For one thing, we should be educated and enlightened to enhance the awareness of cooperation. For another, we can take aantage of the aanced science and technology to us work with others effectively and efficiently. It is in this way that we can make our society dlop in a prosperous, harmonious and dynamic direction.
Apparently, the pure of the sketch is to convince us that considerable emphasis has to be placed upon the issue of Internet communication, which is prevalent and pervasive in contemporary society. Nobody could he failed to not the fact people in increasing numbers are addicted to the cyber world, for the reason that surfing on line can provide them with fascination and recreation. Regrettably, we are so obsessed with the virtual world that we almost turn a blind eye to the real interpersonal communication around us, which not only es a potential and probable threat on our normal contact with other people, but also makes our life isolated. Generally speaking, hardly can we maintain physical and psychological health if we were deprived of social communication.
Apparently, the pure of the sketch is to convince us that considerable emphasis has to be placed upon the issue of Internet communication, which is prevalent and pervasive in contemporary society. This picture is thought-provoking, in that it contains the following three layers of meanings. Initially, nobody could he failed to not the fact people in increasing numbers are addicted to the cyber world, for the reason that surfing on line can provide them with fascination and recreation. Additionally, we are so obsessed with the virtual world that we almost turn a blind eye to the real interpersonal communication around us. Finally, hardly can we maintain close contact with p【参考范文】eople, both individually and socially, if we fail to attach great importance to social communication.
Apparently, the picture is a metaphor of a thought-provoking phenomenon: the Internet is a double-edged sword. (On the one hand)The past sral years are accompanied by unprecedented dlopment of the Internet, and people in mounting numbers are benefiting from its amazing convenience in communication. It can be aptly exemplified by the effective and efficient “chatting tools(softwares)” ranging from QQ to MSN. Regrettably(On the other hand), unable to resist the fascination and temptation of the cyber world, a great number of people fail to not the importance of social activities and interpersonal communication. If we let the situation go as it is, the phenomenon would become unimaginable and uncontrollable/people would suffer from sre communication crisis.
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