
1、告诉我你为什么要离开,为什么要离开,离开半壁江山是My Oh My吧ny 在酷狗搜ny就有一个:哦哦哦2012新版Oh Oh Oh 是dj的!My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye - to half a kingdom Baby l me why为什么要离开,为什么不在我身边,和同掌管这个If you were my king留下吧My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye - to half a kingdom Baby l me whyIf you were my king留下吧Little princess in a terrible mess - a kingdom alone but no lovers confessDreams of a prince on a tall white horse - runs like a spirit by the castle walls小公主现在心乱如麻,拥有一个王国,却不能拥有自己心爱的人。

2、梦想着王子的出现如精灵一般,骑着白马沿着古堡的城墙飞奔……Gotta steal from the rich - when they don’t know I’m comingGotta give to the poor - no time for loving(王子):我劫富济贫,来去无踪,无暇顾及儿女私情……My oh my, don’t you cry - ‘cause there’s no way I’m stayingI will lee, say bye bye - I’m going my way居无定所,来去匆匆,我一直在路上……ChorusIf you were my king - I would be your queen让我做您的王后好吗?If you were my king - I would be your queen让我做您的王后好吗?Misery deep in the royal heart - crying at night “why wanna be apart?br> Prince, oh prince are yoeally sincere - that you one day are gonna disappear高贵的心在夜里痛苦哭泣--“我的王子,你为什么要离开”“你是认真的吗?”“认真又怎样,总有一天你会离我而去”Gotta steel from the rich - when they don’t know I’m comingGotta give to the poor - no time for lovingMy oh my, don’t you cry - but there’s no way I’m staying你不要哭,但是我无法留下来I will lee, say bye bye - I’m going my way(王子):我劫富济贫,来去无踪,无暇顾及儿女私情……居无定所,来去匆匆,我一直在路上……My oh my - My oh myChorusIf you were my king - I would be your queen如果你是我的国王,我愿意做你的皇后If you were my king - I would be your queen。
