奥黛丽赫本 英文资料附翻译 (在线等)
3-dimesional壳。同时系统模拟School used Wikipedia ... ... I he read, in English and Chinese seemingly do not look at.
Not too long, some short, all characters on the 4th side of A4 , as it stands, can be used on Wikipedia, but I hope I can organize summarize, I he to go out a little thing ... ... do not he the time.
Do not pull on-line hopes to he good intentions to me organize the pro-click, the sentence should not be too complicated.
谢谢. On-line, and so on, well, if that time will be so good toger. (... ... I he so many points where to hard to understand in the ... ... ... ...)
Audrey Hepburn, PMF (May 4, 1929(1929-05-04) – January 20, 1993) was an English/Dutch Academy Award-, Emmy Award-, Tony Award-, and Grammy A1.4 Mobile devs networksward-winning film and stage actress, fashion icon, and humanitarian. In 1999, she was ranked as the third greatest female star of all time by the American Film Institute. She also served as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and was honoured with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her work.
要请客户提供贵公司的资料,英文翻译,(急) 资料如下: 1.麻烦提供贵司的相关资料 2.公司注册资本
. The pure of greeting is to establish or maintain social contact. So formulaic expressions are often used, but such formulaic expressions often causes conflict because of the great cultural differences between Chinese and native English speakers. In English, people often employ the following expressions to greet each other “Good morning/ning/afternoon. “Fine day, isn’t it? ”How is rything going?” He you eaten yet?” What are you going to do?” Where he you1. Please provide the rmation regarding your company.
The liquid crystal display manifUpgrade to thousand trillion er nets, want to attain main stem of network exchanges the machine to upgrade to thousand trillions, to raise the data discharge that main stem of network can bear, thus quickly first the pure of the network speed.The 100 trillions of the past exchange the machine to be the branch commutation machine, past of gather the line machine and then can order in the cloth line shortage of place usage.Currently thousand trillions exchange the product of the machine already a lot of, can the actual circumstances such as request and budget etc. cho of the basis network.estation principle and display of CRTs are different.Opite display of CRT to say, the liquid crystal display naturally owns the following bsolute antage:2. Registered capital of your company.
3. Main transaction account
4. The turnover of your company in the past 3 years
5. The brand name you conduct agency for
6. The main project for the product of transaction
7. Information regarding your company's branches in various countries in EU
1.The trouble offers the relevant materials 2 of the expensive department. Company registered capital 3. Account number of the main trade. 4.Annual sales volume of the past 3 years of your company. 5.Brand acting for at present. 6.Deal in the main project of the products. 7.In the relevant materials of the branch companies of EU countries.
目 录 4万圣节英文资料介绍:
模拟热传导和执行的应力计算Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called Jack-o'-lanterns, which means “Jack of the lantern”.
The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes ry Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they come to a new house, they say,“Trick or treat! Money or eat! ”The grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags.
万圣节英文资料[5]Bruce Eckel:ja编程思想(版本2.0),机械工业出版社,,05年03月。介绍翻译:
计算机网络课程助学系统是建立在以网络为基础的一种教学方式,它的及时性,互动性,以及模拟演示等方面,是传统教学无法逾越的,它有着传统教学方式无法比拟的优势。 计算机网络课程助学系统作为现代远程教育的重要组成部分在保障教学效果方面起着不可替代的作用,已经获得了越来越多的人青睐。但是由于它的发展起步较晚,技术上还很不成熟。Wireless network refers to any type of comr network that is wireless, and is commonly associated with a ecommunications network whose interconnections between nodes is implemented without the use of wires.
测量和计算存货温度。何时热电偶用来衡量气体温度有一个Wireless ecommunications networks are generally implemented with some type of remote rmation tranission that uses electromagnetic wes, such as radio wes, for the carrier and this implementation usually takes place at the physical ll or "layer" of the network.
1 Types
1.1 Wireless PAN
1.2 Wireless MAN
1.3 Wireless WAN
2 Uses
3 Environmental concerns and health hazard
4 See also
5 References
7 External links
Wireless PAN
Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) interconnect devs within a relatively all area, generally within reach of a perso3.2 系统说明 17n. For example, Bluetooth provides a WPAN for interconnecting a headset to a laptop. ZigBee also supports WPAN applications.
Screenshots of Wi-Fi Network connections in Microsoft Windows. Figure 1, left, shows that not all networks are encrypted (locked unless you he the code, or key), which means anyone in range can access them. Figures 2 and 3, middle and right, howr, show that many networks are encrypted.
Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi is increasingly used as a synonym for 802.11 WLANs, although it is technically a certification of interoperability between 802.11 devs.
Fixed Wireless Data: This implements point to point links between comrs or networks at two locations, often using dedicated microwe or laser beams over line of sight paths. It is often used in cities to connect networks in two or more buildings without physically wiring the buildings toger.
Wireless MAN
WiMAX is the term used to refer to wireless MANs and is covered in IEEE 802.16d/802.16e.
Wireless WAN
Wireless Wide Area Networks are wireless networks that typically cover large outdoor areas. These networks can be used to connect branch offs of business or as a public internet access . They are usually deployed on the 2.4 GHz band. A typical is as per the one deployed by Gaiacom Wireless Networks contains base station gateways, access points and wireless bridging relays. Other configurations are mesh s where each access point acts as a relay also. When combined with renewable energy s such as photo-voltaic solar panels or wind s they can be stand alone s.
Mobile devs networks
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM): The GSM network is divided into three major s: the switching , the base station , and the operation and support . The cell phone connects to the base station which then connects to the operation and support station; it then connects to the switching station where the call is transferred to where it needs to go. GSM is the most common standard and is used for a majority of cell phones.
Personal Communications Serv (PCS): PCS is a radio band that can be used by mobile phones in North America and South Asia. Sprint happened to be the first serv to set up a PCS.
D-AMPS: Digital Aanced Mobile Phone Serv, an upgraded version of AMPS, is being phased out due to aancement in technology. The newer GSM networks are replacing the older .
An embedded RouterBoard 112 with U.FL-RSMA pigtail and R52 mini PCI Wi-Fi card widely used by wireless Internet serv providers (WISPs) in the Czech Republic.
Wireless networks he had a significant impact on the world as far back as World War II. Through the use of wireless networks, rmation could be sent overseas or behind enemy lines easily, efficiently and more reliably. Since then, wireless networks he continued to dlop and their uses he grown significantly. Cellular phones are part of huge wireless network s. People use these phones daily to communicate with one another. Sending rmation overseas is sible through wireless network s using salites and other signals to communicate across the world. Emergency servs such as the pol department utilize wireless networks to communicate important rmation quickly. People and businesses use wireless networks to send and share data quickly wher it be in a all off building or across the world.[5]
Another important use for wireless networks is as an inexpensive and rapid way to be connected to the Internet in countries and regions where the ecom infrastructure is poor or there is a lack of resources, as in most dloping countries.
Compatibility issues also arise when dealing with wireless networks. Different components not made by the same company may not work toger, or might require extra work to fix these issues. Wireless networks are typically slower than those that are directly connected through an Ethernet cable.
A wireless network is more vulnerable, because anyone can try to break into a network broadcasting a signal. Many networks offer WEP - Wired Equivalent Privacy - security s which he been found to be vulnerable to intrusion. Though WEP does block some intruders, the security problems he caused some businesses to stick with wired networks until security can be improved. Another type of security for wireless networks is WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access. WPA provides more security to wireless networks than a WEP security set up. The use of firewalls will with security breaches which can to fix security problems in some wireless networks that are more vulnerable.
Environmental concerns and health hazard
In recent times, there he been increased concerns about the safety of wireless communications, despite little evidence of health risks so far.The president of Lakehead University refused to agree to installation of a wireless network citing a California Public Utilities Commission study which said that the sible risk of tumors and other diseases due to exure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) needs to be further investigated.
VessFire承担暴露在火焰中千瓦/平方米结 论 41。在投标人必须完成以下所有空白,以其建议包括连线为了晋级。”请投标人坚持以下格式为了报酬出价可以统一评估。
所有费用将基于一个有效的工作或工作The main stem of network upgraded, the branch of the network also should upgrade immediay.If the original customer calculator has already installed the 10 Ms/100 Ms from the orientation net card, then need not upgrade the net card, only receive the net card the 100 trillions commutation is on board all right;If originally what to use is the 10 Mbps net card, then needing to replace the net card as the 10 Ms/100 Ms from the orientation net card, then can raise the speed of the work station interview server thus.时间固定在每天24小时不间断。
动员和Demobilization 2.1[一次性收费金额]:美元()
投标人据此表明有仔细观察招标书,包括形式合同和其他文件包括在这温柔的规格,其草拟的利率供应和服务权限描述已经仔细核对和现提交正确的和作为为完整的协议。此外,这种提供履行服务为 。仍然有效,使你们蒙悦纳为九十(90)天,接下来的投标截止日期,可以接受的公司通过书面通知本人。
关于营销 英文资料及相应翻译
WireleHalloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago,people belid that witches gathered toger and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer beli in ghosts and witches, but these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween.ss Metropolitan area networks are a type of wireless network that connects sral Wireless LANs.viral marketing (营销?)How to Catch on to Viral Marketing?2007年09月13日 星期四 09:08在英特网上,营销指的是导致网站或者用户传递营销信息给别的网站或者用户的任何营销技术,造成消息的能见度和效果可能指数级的增长。一个成功的营 销的例子是Hotmail,微软旗下的一个公司,推广它的服务并把它的广告商的信息附在每个电子邮件信息里。有些营销人员不太原意用营销这个词。在 John Audette的流行邮件时事通信里,他让他的读者对该用什么样的名字给他们提供一个建议,包括现在用的这个。这些建议包括:雪崩营销蜂鸣营销级联型营销 离心式营销等等
How did the panda get its colors?求jsp相关论文资料的英文翻译(5000字左右)
要告辞了。”, etc. With these words, they may stand up from their seats. Chinese lee-taking is very short and quick. Western people think it so abrupt that they he not prepare for it. While moving to the door, Chinese employ expressions of apology like“对不起没,打扰了。”“对不起,占用你不少时间。”It should be noted that these expressions employed by Chinese guests to show concern for their hosts can only be appropriate for business visits in the English environment2..AddressingBoth western and Chinese people he two kinds of personal names---a surname and目 录
摘 要 1
第1章 绪 论 6
1.1系统开发背景 6
第2章 开发工具及相关理论 8
2.1 开发工具介绍 8
2.1.2 MICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2000介绍 10
2.1.3 DREAMWEAVER8介绍 10
2.1.4 TOMCAT介绍 11
2.2 开发环境介绍 11
2.2.1 jsp介绍 11
2.2.2 ja与ja script介绍 14
第3章 系统设计 15
3.1 用户需求与设计目标 15
3.3 系统模块 18
第4章 数据库设计 20
4.1 数据库设计原则 20
4.2 数据库设计特点 20
4.3 概念结构设计 21
4.4 逻辑结构设计 22
4.5 数据库物理模型设计 26
第5章 系统基本功能的实现 28
5.1 登陆实现及系统主界面 29
5.2 教务管理模块的具体实现 33
5.4 系统详细说明及意义 40
致 谢 43
参考文献 44
附录一:英文翻译原文及翻译 45
译 文 54
摘 using their title and last name (e.g., "Professor Smith"). When in doubt, use the formal manner of address, since it is better to err on the side of formality.要
本系统主要开发工具有:powerdesigner ,Microsoft SQL 2000,Dreamweer8,采用B/S结构。
The comr network course assists is a mod of education establishment on network, its timeliness, interaction, and simulate demo, is the traditional education is unable to overstep, it has the superiority which the traditional education is unable to compare. The comr network curriculum assists is the important part of the modern long-distance education , is playing the role in the safeguard education effect which cannot be substituted.Its foured by more and more people,but it dlops is very late,the technology is not aanced.
This graduation project topic is the ";comr network course assists ";, establishes on the virtual network , the two big modules are ";education ma";and";experiment ma ";. The ";educational ma "; includes ";course experiment ma ";, ";teacher rmation ma ";and ";class rmation ma ";; The ";experiment ma "; includes sral main experimental introductions.
This the teacher to carry on the course ma,instructs student to carry on the on-line experiment, the student study experiment principle by this , and study experiment operate by “Flash”, it very especially to long-distance education . This tools include:Powerdesigner, Microsoft SQL 2000, Dreamweer8, uses the B/S structure.
Keyword: The network course assists ,jsp Conceptual design, physical model design, demand ysis
[1] 肖金秀:jsp程序设计教程(版本 1图15 ,图18和图21显示的结果.0),冶金工业出版社,,03年10月。
[2] Stn Haines:ja2 primer plus(版本 1.0),邮电出版社,,03年11月。
[4]姜江:powerdesigner数据库系统分析与设计(版本1.0),电子工业出版社,, 04年08月。
[8]刘亚宾,杨红:精通Eclipse(版本2.0)电子工业出版社,, 05年3月 我只有这么多了
5000字左右! 才舍得给20分,太少了吧! 没有动力哦!
The giant panda is a national treasure in China and is therefore protected by law. This unique bear has long been rred by the Chinese and can be found in Chinese art dating back thousands of years. The Chinese call their beloved pandas "large bear-cats." People outside of China he been fascinated by giant pandas since they were first described by French Missionary Pere Armand Did in 1869. Now, more than 100 years later, the worldwide love for pandas has been combined with international efforts to keep them from becoming extinct.The aantage and the weakness of the display of LCD
The aantage of the liquid crystal display
1 and zero radiations, low consume the ability, spread the heat all.The manifestation principle of the liquid crystal display is pass to turn round the LCD pixel is of LCD member deflect the angle to come to the background light but the realization revivification appearance of, its nonexistent elephant CRT so the inner part he a machine of extra high voltage piece, being unlikely to appear because the x that high pressure cause shoots the super mark of line.And the machine structure electric circuit is , the mold piece turn and chip of high gather turn good enough to the electric circuit work time electromagneti radiation of creation decline lowest.Such design lowers the 功 of the electric circuit to consume directly, hing fr the quantity also very all.Liquid crystal display although at work the time may produce the slight electromagneti radiation, pass to shield the electric circuit to solve very easily.But display of CRT because of in consideration of spread hot, can not drill a hole to cause radiate in shield cover of ral.
3, precision revivification picture.Liquid crystal display adoption of is the manifestation mod [3] 周绪:sql server基础简称与上机指导(版本1.0),清华大学出版社,, 04年09月。that the direct figures looks for the address, it gives or get an electric shock n medium" address" signal according to the signal after can show the card output's video frequency signal through the AD conversion, direct come out the video frequency signal is 11 rightnesses of should of on the LCD on the screen pixel manifestation.But the display of CRT control the electron beam by deflecting the coil creation electromagneti field is periodic on the screen of scan to attain to show the picture of pure.Because the sport track of the electron beam easily under the influence of the environment magnetic field or terrestrial magneti, can't attain the electron beam in absolute fixed ition on the screen.So sral HE2 SHI of the easy emergence appearance of display of CRT is really, the line loses the phenomenon that true etc. can't basically remove.But the liquid crystal display is then the nonentity this is sible.The liquid crystal display can is perfect the appearance to present out on the screen, but really will not appear sral any HE2 SHIs, the line really lose.
5, the screen regulates the convenience.The liquid crystal display looks for the address manifestation mod directly, the screen of the liquid crystal dYet despite the attention they receive from their mothers, many young pandas do not survive. Through captive propagation programs in China and other zoos around the world, we are learning more about the care of panda cubs and how to them reach hood.isplay regulate do not need sral too manies to regulate to regulate and show that the ition of the contents regulate with line.The liquid crystal display regulate the screen to the best ition after can pass the chip calculation very conveniently the auto, this step you need to click" Auto" key once only and can complete.Sed the display of CRT that but regulate trivially.You only need to move to regulate the bright degree and the contrast degrees of the screen and can make machine work in the best appearance.
The traditional display of CRT dlops for sral decades, its technique structure principle limitted its further dlopment.Proper and a few important weakness of the vacuum cathode ray tube causes the display of CRT more and more difficult to adapt the consumer to the further exaltation that display request, by this time, a different soldier 突 of flat panel display rise, among them replacing the display of CRT to show that the ition that the terminal 垄 break is a liquid crystal display in the PC most probably.英文:Run Run Shaw (1907.10.4-?) Formerly known as Shao Yan Leng. Male Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, was born in Shanghai, then moved to Hong Kong. Han, Chairman of Hong Kong Television Broadcasts Limited, the film company co-founder of Shaw Brothers, the famous Hong Kong film producers. In the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan 8 earthquake after the occurrence of natural disasters, generous donations to the disaster area one dred million Hong Kong dollars, a single individual donations of most people. Shaw's father was a Shanghai Tai Cheong Kam paint company owner. He ranked sixth in the brothers and sisters, it was known as the
4, the manifestation character list keenness.The appearance stability does not gleam.The LCD shows that the special manifestation principle comes to a decision its screen to give out light up the each pixel n, and three 基 color pixels of red turquoise blue are close to arrange, the video frequency signal sends to the pixel back directly of give out light by driving the pixel, so will not appear the traditional display of CRT proper will gather and focuse the bad corrupt Currently, thousand trillion er nets he already dlop to become the essential network technique.Big go to the large business enterprise of the thousands person, all go to the medium all scaled business enterprise of sral ten people, while constuct the area net of the business enterprise bureau would thousand trillion er net techniques be a the head choose of high-speed network technique.Thousand trillion er net techniques n just replace the technique of ATM, become main soldier of the city area net construction.pract.So, the text on the liquid crystal display shows that the result and traditional display of CRTs compare to he originally great difference.The form of written of the liquid crystal display is very sharp-edged, hing no CRT display manifestation text compley originally the form of written that time appear is misty, the form of written is suffused with the color etc. phenomenon.And, because of the liquid crystal display is after switch on electricity always at give out light, carry on the back the light light to work under the high 频 , show that appearance stability but don't gleam, be aantageous to the long-playing usage comr.But display of CRT is depend the electron beam bumps shot to the fluorescence powder again to attain to give out light of, will cause a periodic gleam thus.With long hours usage after easily result in person's eye of unwell.Run Run Run Run "English name" also he different versions of origin. Anecdotal always think that Run in nanyang fight, often holding film rushing in all the grand theater, so call "Run", he Run errands meaning; But there is refers to the story from a joke, not of chow yun-fat veracity. According to huang zhan "number" quoted w2 Run explanation, his English name "Run Run", actually is using his name of "RenLeng" mandarin pronunciation to spell into English, is "Run Run".
6 Further reading很长
补偿)Giant Panda
Another difference is about the form of addressing. From the viewpoint of sociolinguistics, forms of addressing can serve as an indication of the relationship of power and solidarity in the society. In calling their superiors or elders, the Chinese are accustomed to the nonreciprocal or asymmetrical addressing, in other words. They use “title +surname” to address their superior or elders rather than call them surnames, while the superior or elders call the addressers their names. The Chinese tend to abide by the polite principle of depreciating oneself and respecting others to show appropriate respects towards the persons being addressed, otherwise, the addresser may be considered as ill mannered, ill educated or rude. But in English speaking countries, people he a tendency to follow the reciprocal or symmetrical addressing. Although they are different in age and status, they can call the other directly, namely, their names, n first names except when they call the doctors, not arousing offence between them, but demonstrating the sense of intimacy and the conception of” Everyone is created equal”. Chinese people feel unnatural addressing a westerner by his given name, feeling that it indicates too close a relationship, and westerners, on the other hand,Range: southwestern China, in six all forest fragments
Habitat: damp, misty forests of bamboo and conifers, in altitudes above 4,000 feet (1,200 meters)
Giant pandas are black and white and loved all over
Scientists aren't exactly sure. One theory is that pandas dloped the contrasting black and white colors over time so they would stand out in the forest and be able to find each other to mate.
Are giant pandas bears?
For years scientists he wondered wher pandas are bears, raccoons, or in a group all their own. Through studying the genetic code (DNA) in pandas’ cells, scientists he confirmed the panda's relationship with bears. Giant pandas are similar to other bears in their general looks, the way they walk and climb, and their skull characteristics. It's important to know that pandas are bears, because the more we know about pandas, the better we can them reproduce and survive.
Giant pandas start out all
Giant pandas are only about the size of a stick of butter at birth, and they're hairless and less. The panda mother gives great care to her tiny cub, usually cradling it in one paw and holding it close to her chest. For sral days after birth, the mother does not lee the den, not n to eat or drink!
Bamboo is food and shelter
Bamboo is the most important plant in a giant panda's life. Pandas live in cold and rainy bamboo forests high in the mountains of western China. They spend at least 12 hours each day eating bamboo. Because bamboo is so low in nutrients, pandas eat as much as 84 pounds (38 kilograms) of it each day. Pandas grasp bamboo stalks with their five fingers and a special wristbone, then use their te to peel off the tough outer layers to ral the soft inner tissue. Strong jaw bones and cheek muscles pandas crush and chew the thick stalks with their flattened back te. Bamboo lees are also on the menu, as pandas strip them off the stalks, wad them up, and swallow them. Giant pandas he also been known to eat grasses, bulbs, fruits, some insects, and n rodents and carrion. At the San Diego Zoo, pandas are offered bamboo, carrots, yams, and special leaf eater biscuits made of grain and packed with all the vitamins and minerals pandas need.
Vocal pandas
Pandas make a bleating sound similar to the sound a lamb or a goat kid would make. It's a friendly sound, a greeting. They don't roar, the way you think of a brown bear roaring. But they do bleat and honk, they sometimes huff, bark, or growl, and young cubs croak and squeal.
Giant pandas face big problems
Today, only around 1,600 giant pandas survive on Earth. There are sral reasons why pandas are enered:
Bamboo shortages— When bamboo plants reach maturity, they flower and produce seeds, and then the mature plant dies. The seeds grow slowly into plants large enough for pandas to eat. Giant pandas can eat 25 different types of bamboo, but they usually eat only the 4 or 5 kinds that grow in their home range. The unusual thing about bamboo is that all of the plants of one species growing in an area will bloom and die at the same time. When those plants die, pandas move to another area. But now, with humans taking up much of the panda’s habitat, pandas are often unable to move to another area and may face starvation.
Habitat destruction— China has more than one billion people. As people build more cities and farms and use more natural resources, giant pandas lose their homes.
Hunting— When ters set snares for other animals, like musk deer, the traps often kill pandas instead.
It takes an international effort
Work to keep pandas from becoming extinct crosses oceans and international boundaries. In China, wildlife reserves he been established to ensure that the remaining wild pandas he space to live, eat, and move around without human interference. There is still much that humans do not know about pandas. We must understand how pandas survive, reproduce, and communicate. Researchers at zoos like the San Diego Zoo are studying pandas' scent marking, their nutritional needs, and how they communicate with each other. Working toger with Chinese panda experts may increase the number of giant pandas and ensure the future survival of the giant panda population.```
a large bearlike mammal (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) with characteristic black and white markings, native to certain mountain forests in China. It feeds almost entirely on bamboo and has become increasingly rare. Usually placed with the bears (family Ursidae), it was formerly thought to belong with the raccoons (family Procyonidae).
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