英文版食物金字塔 英语食物金字塔简笔画
1、食物金字塔: Food Pyramid 1.淀粉类 BreadCerealR and Pasta Group 2.鱼肉豆蛋类 Meat Group :MeatPoultryFishEggs and Dry be Group 3.奶类 MilkYoghurt and Cheese Group 4.水果Fruit Group :BananaAppleMango 5.蔬菜类Vegetable Group 6..油脂及甜食Fatoil and sugar Group you can also refer to this website of the full food pyramid photo: en. /wiki/File:USDA_Food_PyramidFood pyramid 1st layer: Oilsalt and sugar 2nd layer: Meatfisheggspeas and dairy products 3rd layer: Fruits and vegetables 4th layer: Grain products食物金字塔=Food Pyramid /油 / 糖 / 盐 /Oilsugar /_ salt_ /奶品类 / Dairy /_products / 蔬果类 / fruits and /_vegetables__ / 五谷类 / Grains 琦形食物金字塔XDD参考: autopenhosting/-diabetes/food_trangle食物 金字塔 英文Food pyramid 1.淀粉类 :breadcereal and potato groups 2.鱼肉豆蛋类:meatfish and alternative groups 3.水果蔬菜类:fruit and vegetables groups 4.奶类:milk and dairy group 5.油脂及甜食 :fatty and sugary foods group参考: me食物金字塔- Food Pyramid 1.淀粉类Grain Group :BreadCerealRand Pasta 2.鱼肉豆蛋类Meat Group :MeatFishEgg 3.奶类Milk Group :MilkCheese 4.水果Fruit Group :BananaAppleMango 5.蔬菜类Vegetable Group :Potatoes 6..油脂及甜食 Fatoil and sugar参考: Me^^食物金字塔英文Food pyramid 1.淀粉类:breadcereal and potato groups 2.鱼肉豆蛋类:meatfish and alternative groups 3.水果蔬菜类:fruit and vegetables groups 4.奶类:milk and dairy group 5.油脂及甜食:fatty and sugary foods group参考: 自己。
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