科比获艾美奖特别奖 科比颁奖典礼视频
1、For episode "Incident in a SmallJail".13届黄金时段艾美奖主要奖项 MainAwards年度节目 The Program of the Year获奖霍尔马克·霍尔名人堂电影 Hallmark Hall of FameFor提名 episode "Macb (II)(#10.2)".An Hour with Danny KayeCBSAstaire TimeSunday ShowcaseFor coverage of the 1960 politicalconventions.男配/女配(单集) Outstanding Performance ina Supporting Role by an Actor or Actress in a Single Program 历届获奖名单获奖罗迪·麦克道尔 Roddy McDowall(NBC)Sunday ShowcaseFor episode "Our American Heritage:Not Without Honor".彼得·法尔克 Peter Falk(ABC)The Law and Mr. JonesFor episode "Cold Turkey".查尔斯·布朗森 Charles Bronson(CBS)G.E. True TheaterFor episode "Memory in White".男配/女配(系列) Outstanding Performance ina Supporting Role by an Actor or Actress in a Series 历届获奖名单获奖唐·诺茨 Don Knotts(CBS)The Andy Griffith Show芭芭拉·海尔 Barbara Hale(CBS)佩里·梅森 Perry MasonAbby Dalton(CBS)Hennesey男主角(系列) OutstandingPerformance by an Actor in a Series (Lead)获奖雷蒙德·布尔 Raymond Burr(CBS)佩里·梅森 Perry Mason罗伯特·斯塔克 Robert Stack(ABC)不可触犯 TheUntouchables杰基·库伯 Jackie Cooper(CBS)Hennesey男演员(单集) OutstandingSingle Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role获奖Maur Evans(NBC)霍尔马克·霍尔名人堂电影 Hallmark Hall of FameFor episode "Macb (II)(#10.2)".艾德·温 Ed Wynn(CBS)Westinghouse Desilu PlayhouseFor episode "The Man in the FunnySuit".克里夫·罗伯逊 Cliff Robertson(CBS)The United States Steel HourFor episode "The Two Worlds of CharlieGordon".女演员(单集) OutstandingSingle Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role 获奖朱迪丝·安德森 Judith Anderson(NBC)霍尔马克·霍尔名人堂电影 Hallmark Hall of FameFor episode "Macb (II)(#10.2)".英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman(CBS)Twenty-Four Hours in a Woman's LifeElizab Montgomery(ABC)不可触犯 TheUntouchablesFor episode "The Rusty HellerStory".女主角(系列) OutstandingPerformance by an Actress in a Series (Lead)获奖芭芭拉·斯坦威克 Barbara Stanwyck(NBC)The Barbara Stanwyck Show洛丽泰·扬 Loretta Young(NBC)写给洛蕾塔的信 Letterto Loretta唐娜·里德 Donna Reed(ABC)The Donna Reed Show剧情类剧集 Drama Series获奖霍尔马克·霍尔名人堂电影 Hallmark Hall of FameFor episode "Macb (II)(#10.2)".阴阳魔界 TheTwilight Zone不可触犯 TheUntouchablesSunday ShowcaseFor episode "The Sacco-Vanzetti Story:Part 1".剧情类剧集编剧 Outstanding Writing Achiment in Drama获奖罗德·瑟林 Rod Serling(CBS)阴阳魔界 TheTwilight ZoneFor various episodes.Reginald Rose(NBC)Sunday ShowcaseFor episode "The Sacco-Vanzetti Story:Part 1".达尔·瓦瑟曼 Dale Wasserman(CBS)The DuPont Show of the MonthFor episode "The Lincoln MurderCase".剧情类剧集导演 Outstanding Directorial Achiment in Drama获奖George Schaefer(NBC)霍尔马克·霍尔名人堂电影 Hallmark Hall of FameFor episode "Macb (II)(#10.2)".拉尔夫·尼尔森 Ralph Nelson(CBS)Westinghouse Desilu PlayhouseFor episode "The Man in the FunnySuit".西德尼·吕美特 Sidney Lumet(NBC)Sunday ShowcaseFor episode "The Sacco-Vanzetti Story:Part 1".喜剧类剧集 Comedy Series喜剧 Outstanding Program Achiment in the Field of Humor获奖The Jack Benny ProgramCandid Camera摩登原始人 TheFlintstonesThe Andy Griffith ShowThe Bob Hope Show喜剧类剧集编剧 Outstanding Writing Achiment in Comedy获奖舍伍德·施瓦茨 Sherwood Schwartz,雷德·斯克尔顿 Red Skelton(CBS), Al Schwartz, De O'Brien, Martin RagawayThe Red Skelton HourRichard Baer(CBS)HenneseyFor various episodes.喜剧类剧集导演 Outstanding Directorial Achiment in Comedy获奖Sheldon Leonard(CBS)Peter Tewkury(ABC)My Three SonsJack Shea(director), Dick McDonough(director)The Bob Hope Show, NBC综艺系列节目 - 脱口秀/音乐秀 Variety Series -Talk/Musical Show综艺/音乐节目表演奖 OutstandingPerformance in a Variety or Musical Program or Series获奖弗雷德·阿斯泰尔 Fred AstaireAstaire Time, NBC哈里·贝拉方特 Harry BelafonteBelafonte New York, CBS狄娜·肖尔 Dinah ShoreThe Dinah Shore Chevy Show, NBC综艺节目 Outstanding Program Achiment in the Field of Variety获奖Astaire TimeThe Garry Moore ShowThe Jack Paar Tonight ShowAn Hour with Danny KayeCBSBelafonte New YorkCBS其他和技术类奖项 Emmy TechOutstanding WritingAchiment in the Documentary Field获奖Winston Churchill: The Valiant Years, Victor Wolfson(ABC)NBC White Paper, Arthur Barron, Al Wasserman(NBC)For episode "The U-2 Affair".CBS Reports, Fred W. Friendly,爱德华 R·莫罗 Edward R.Murrow(CBS),Did LoweFor episode "Harvest of Shame".OutstandingAchiment in Art Direction and Scenic Design获奖Checkmate, John J. Lloyd(art director)Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall, Gary Smith(art director), NBCTwenty-Four Hours in a Woman's Life, Jac Venza(art director), CBSOutstanding ProgramAchiment in the Field of Public Serv获奖20世纪 The Twenti CenturyProject XXNBC White PaperFor episode "The U-2 Affair".CBS ReportsOutstandingAchiment in Electronic Camerawork获奖The Bell Telephone HourFor episode "Sounds of America".剧院90分 Playhouse 90, CBSWrangler, NBCThe Dinah Shore Chevy Show, NBC获奖Young People's Concerts: Aaron CoplandBirthday PartyThe Shari Lewis Show秀兰·邓波儿剧场 Shirley Temple Theatre哈克狗 TheHuckleberry Hound ShowCaptain Kangaroo获奖The Huntley-Brinkley ReportEyewitness to HistoryFor coverage of the 1960 political conventions.OutstandingAchiment in Cinematography for Television获奖阴阳魔界 TheTwilight Zone, GeorgeT. Clemens(cinematographer)For various episodes.Walter Strenge(cinematographer)For episode "Sam Elder Story".William Margulies(cinematographer), NBCOutstandingAchiment in Film Editing for Television获奖城市 NakedCity, HarryCoswick(editor), AaronNibley(editor), MiltonShifman(editor)For various episodes.希区柯克悬念故事Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Edward W. Williams(editor)佩里·梅森 Perry Mason, Richard Cahoon(editor), John Faure(editor), CBSOutstandingAchiment in the Field of Music for Television获奖Leonard Bernstein and the New YorkPhilharmonic in Berlin,伦纳德·伯恩斯坦 LeonardBernstein, CBSOfficial ATAS records list title as"Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic".Thriller,杰瑞·高史密斯 JerryGoldith(NBC), PeteRugoloThe Donald O'Connor Show,安德列·普列文 André Previn(NBC)。
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