魔兽世界主题曲 魔兽世界主题曲钢琴谱
1、sorry-sibel你问的是魔兽世界主题曲?下Candy Bling Mariah Carey (悠闲中板歌曲,O.D.B风格强势回归)面是我网上转贴的歌手:celine dion (席琳迪翁)歌曲:《a new day comes to》歌词:a new day has comea new day has... comei was waiting for so longfor a acle to comeryone told me to be stronghold on and don’t shed a tearthrough the darkness and goodtimesi knew i’d make it throughand the world thought i had itallbut i was waiting for youhush, lovei see a light in the skyoh, it’s almost blinding mei’ve been touched by an angelwith lovelet the rain come down and waslet it fill my soul and drownmy fearsh away my tearslet it shatter the walls for anew, new suna new day has... comewhere it was dark now there’slight大把人听不懂....。
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