向日葵 英文 向日葵英文介绍
5、g野生向日葵的用途很广:种子可以做成点心,还可以提炼食用油;叶片是家畜喜爱的饲料;花可以做成染料等。它和人类的日常生活息息相关,是一种和人类相当投缘的植物。因此,它的花语是——投缘。iant sunflower phr. 大向日葵向日葵不就是吗?名字学名/拉丁名字:Helianthus annuus 英语名字: sunflower 别名: 葵花。,
向日葵 英文 向日葵英文介绍
向日葵 英文 向日葵英文介绍
1 was born in herb, 1 ~ 3 meters high. (for hybrids also he half a metre high. Vertical stem, stout, rounded edges and corners, be more white thick hard wool. Lees alternate, usually heart shape
Growth habit有好几种哦,一般叫做nill ,还有芹菜common storkill,芹叶alfileria, 向日葵可翻译成sunflower或者helianthus(向日葵属植物)
7、sunflower rust 向日葵锈病是的, 晋所著《群芳谱》,其中称之为“丈菊”,都是:sunflower
(拉丁学名:Portulaca grandiflora),又称松叶牡丹、半枝莲,马齿苋科马齿苋属一年生花卉。喜欢温暖、阳光充足而干燥的环境,见阳光花开,早、晚、阴天闭合,故有、午时花之名。原产于南美洲的巴西。现各地均有栽培。花色繁多,有淡香味,易养易成活。问题一:向日葵花又叫什么 向日葵(别名:)是一种可高达3米的大型一年生菊科,向日葵属植物。其盘型花序可宽达30厘米。因花序随太阳转动而故名。向日葵种子叫葵花籽,俗称瓜子。可以做为零食,也可以榨油,油渣做饲料。其花语有爱慕光辉和忠诚之意,象征着沉默却又灼烈的爱意。
问题二:向日葵又叫做什么? ,因为它总是面朝太阳!
问题三:向日葵中间的叫什么 花盘
问题四:向日葵又叫吗?向日葵的花语是什么? 一、向日葵
向日葵(学名:Helianthus annuus)别名,是菊科向日葵属的植物。向日葵是一年生草本,高1~3米,茎直立,粗壮,圆形多棱角,被白色粗硬毛,性喜因花序随太阳转动而得名。
问题五:向日葵中间的叫花什么? 向日葵花盘
问题六:向日葵在古代叫什么? 向日sunflower葵,约在明朝时期引进,最早文献为明朝人王象
问题七:向日葵 还有一个很好听的名字叫什么 ? 名 字
学名/拉丁名字:Helianthus annuus
英语名字: sunflower
别名: 葵花。,朝阳花
界: 植物界 Plantae
门: 被子植物门 Magnoliophyta
纲: 双子叶植物纲 Magnoliopsida
目: 菊目 Asterales
属: 向日葵属 Helianthus
种: 向日葵种 H. annuus
sunflower 向日葵,朝阳花
向日葵又叫朝阳花,因其花常朝着太阳而得名。英语称之为sunflower却不是因为它的这一特性,而是因为它的黄花开似太阳的缘故,虽然sunflower也多少带着“向日”的含义。sunflower一词是16世纪到17世纪从拉丁语flos solis借译过来的。向日葵的法语和意大利语名称tournesol,girasol同汉语名称一样,也是基于“向日”这一特性来命名的。美国德克萨斯因盛产向日葵有Sunflower State的别称。
问题九:向日葵 还有一个很好听的名字叫什么 ? 太阳
问题十:向日葵花又叫什么 向日葵(别名:)是一种可高达3米的大型一年生菊科,向日葵属植物。其盘型花序可宽达30厘米。因花序随太阳转动而故名。向日葵种子叫葵花籽,俗称瓜子。可以做为零食,也可以榨油,油渣做饲料。其花语有爱慕光辉和忠诚之意,象征着沉默却又灼烈的爱意。
10、sunflower manual 葵花宝典向日葵的英文名是:Sunflower。
16-17世纪,Sunflower一词从拉丁语Flos Solis借译过来。向日葵的法语、意大利语和西班牙语名称Tournesol,Girasol和Girasol,同汉语名称一样,也是基于“向日”这一特性来命名的。
高大草本。茎直立,高1-3米,粗壮,被白色粗硬毛,不分枝或1、太阳(The Sun)、沉默的爱、爱慕。有时上部分枝。叶互生,心状卵圆形或卵圆形,顶端急尖或渐尖,有三基出脉,边缘有粗锯齿,两面被短糙毛,有长柄。头状花序极向日葵花语为“沉默的爱,没有说出口的爱”。大,径约10-30厘米,单生于茎端或枝端,常下倾。
Sunflower (English: Sunflower scientific name: Helianthus annuus Japanese name: ヒ マ ワ リ), alias Xiangyang Hua, is a can-shaped up to 3 meters of the annual sunflower species of Comitae. The plate-type inflorescence can be 30 cm wide. Inflorescence with the sun due to the rotation of the name. Sunflower stems can be up to 3 meters, flower 问题八:向日葵的大圆盘叫什么 向日葵开个花瓣,大圆盘叫花盘,中间是葵花子。head can reach 30 cm
Sunflower (English: Sunflower Helianthus annuus scientific name: Japanese name: ヒ マ ワ リ), alias xiangyanghua, is a type of up to three meters of large scale annual comitae Sunflower plant. The disc inflorescence can kuanda 30 centimeters. Because the inflorescence with sun rotating the name. Sunflower stems can last for 3 meters, the comite can reach 30 centimeters.
Morp沉默的爱/我不让你走。hological characteristics
Sunflower plant by roots, stems and lees, flowers, fruits five parts. (a) the root sunflower, lateral root and commercial taproot regarding comition. 一样 ,都是SunflowerTaproot acorns deep, it is commonly 100 to 200 centimeters; Lateral root from taproot horizontal direction on brought forth, grow. Lateral root grows on many regarding. Lateral root regarding bears the hair. Sunflower root dloped in soil wide distribution and deep, including some 60% of the root distribution in 0 ~ 40 centimeters in soil. Sunflower root growth rate has been than stem fast, anxle before and after the formation of the fastest, root growth to seeds begin to maturity, root no longer grow, after he gradually wither. In addition, in suitable conditions can grow large amounts of water roots (like corn gas root). (2), erect stems stalks circular rough suce and he bristles. Stem by cortex, xylem and spongy marrow component. Growth anaphase, stalks, and stems of woodiness hip is formed within the hollow. Sunflower, the embryo stem with green, Dan zi, deep purple etc, it is an important symbol of seedling recognition varieties. Stem height, different types of varieties, the same breed bigger differences, height by sowing and cultivation condition the influence, difference is very big also. Stem's growth rate from budding to flowering to grow the fastest, at the height of the total height about 55%, later growth slowed, only 5% or so. Sunflower branch of the , one kind is decided by genetic after one kind is caused by environmental conditions. (3) lees sunflower lees into cotyledons and true leaf. Cotyledons couple. True leaf in the stem bottom 1 ~ 3 quarter is often opite, above is alternate. True leaf is relatively large, hairy, and petiole bears the short and hard bristle, and reviewed a waxy layer. Leaf number for varieties vary, precocious kind of general for 25 ~ 32 pieces, mature for 33 ~ 40 sheets. Stem the lower lees in before blossomming food-, main supply root growth, when its function basically end flowering. Upper the blade manufacture nutrient main supply anxle prompted seed formation. (4) flower sunflower for inflorescence, bears in the stem , commonly known as the plates. Its shape is convex, flatten and conce under three types. There are two anxle flowers, namely tongue fluted and GuanZhuangHua. Tongue fluted 1 ~ 3 layers, bears the anxle around the edge, for aual flowers. Because of its color and size varies, there are varieties, weak yellow, orange and purple, he deceived insects come flower-counting pollination effect. GuanZhuangHua, located in tongue fluted inside, for both es flowers. Corolla color has yellow, brown, dark purple, etc. (5) fruit, fruit for fruit an achene habit called seeds. Fruit including peel, kind of skin, cotyledons and embryos four parts. Edible type seeds longer, peel black and white stripe majority, peel thick, accounting for approximay seeds weight of 40%, and 1000-grain weight of 100 to 200 grams. Oil is short, with type seeds for black rind, thin skin, about seeds weight of 20% ~ 30% and 1000-grain weight 40 ~ 110 grams.
Sunflower about in the Ming dynasty introduced to China, and now know the earliest recorded sunflower literature for the Ming dynasty people WangXiangJin with the qunfang spectrum "(1621), the book there's" sunflowers "a, only in the HuaPu three chrysanthemum" in the attached "zhangs chrysanthemum"; the original is as follows: "zhangs chrysanthemum - name this zan chrysanthemum - name meet Yang flower, stem long more than 100zhang Kennedy, such as bamboo culm coarse linen, how straight inproper born, although he branches, and only give birth to a large flowers such as dish dishes, single color yellow heart all make life such as the honeycomb shape, to fall gradually purple black and strong, take the son of very easily, flower toxic can abortion". "The name of the dis", in the WenZhenHeng ChangWu volunteers "(about 1635 years). 1820 XieFang in the flowers and trees all ambition "in speech is full of sunflower, already but viewing, and edible. Explain sunflowers in China widely planted.
Successive poet, write a sunflowers psalm opite less, ry scholarships-from and, more loyal thought: "reing in flowers for beauty, men he coring dis. Gu loyal servant, if such a virtuous adjectivals." Lee Zan of these four poem, can be represented. The formation of his poems in summer the guest has: "no more LiuXu because of the wind, but the sunflower dis pour." Xu HuaMing volunteers ls of personality. "Sunflower", Canon out dis pour the three · Chen WangZhi biography: "if the sloping lees, kwai herb sun although not for the return of light, but ntually to those cheng also." Du fu also has "kwai herb pour the sun, petrophysical property solid mo takes" verse. Qi chuas "sunflower" or "most frets point in Chen Dan, not for setting the shadow will move." LiuChangQing "to sing wall Yin kwai" cloud: "here often WuRi, qing qing alone in Yin. The sun is not inferior, the partial weiyuan." For loyal sunflower justifications, was so thoughtful.
Sunflower four seasons are acceptable, mainly in summer and winter seasons give priority to. Flowering can reach two weeks or more. Sunflower except appearance resembles the sun outside, her flowers bright and easy, suitable for viewing place adorn, her seeds he economic value, not only can finish popular sunflower seed, more but pre-pressed low cholesterol senior edible oil arrived. Sunflower varieties can be divided into general ornamental USES "breed or" edible "varieties, general ornamental plants with varietal character for more
The poet's s当我经历过喜怒哀乐 想和你分享 请让我牵你手 陪你晒晒太阳 在不同时空对视 冷静而缄默如常 我明白你深沉目光背后所有守望 什么都不必说 我们已读懂对方。unflower psalmI sunflower一词是16世纪至17世纪从拉丁语flos solis借译过来的。向日葵的法语和意大利语名称tournesol,girasol同汉语名称一样,也是基于“向日”这一特性来命名的。美国堪萨斯州因盛产向日葵有Sunflower State的别称。Like Sunflowers
Sunflower is a kind of beautiful flower. It has golden color and a round face. It looks like the sun, that is why people call it sunflower. Besides, it looks like a warm ile, too. When you look at it, it seems ile to you. It can bring warm to people. So, I like sunflower very much. During the day, its face turns to the sun all the time. When autumn comes, it is ripe. Therefore, we can eat its seeds. They are very delicious.
1、alpine sunflower phr. 高山向日葵(一年生草本植物,分布于美国中北部高山地区)
2、desert sunflower phr. 沙漠
3、jerusalem artichoke sunflower phr. 洋姜
4、mexican sunflower phr. 肿柄菊
6、su三、向日葵向日葵(朝阳花、转日莲、向阳花、望日莲)沉默的爱、爱慕、光辉、忠诚花语nflower seeds 葵花籽
8、sunflower seed oil 【化】 向日葵籽油
9、feeding sunflower 饲用向日葵
Basic rmation向日葵的花语:
并不总看得清,你蹙眉或苦笑背后的心情 并不常对你说,我内心所有的欢喜与伤痛 却在彼此生命中互为激赏 不断地相逢再离别 相拥然后目送 把你赐予我的种籽,种在天边 你温暖的注视,像太阳明亮灿烂 伴我一路泥泞,挣扎跌倒反复爬起 ,生根发芽, 依然不屈不挠顺从天意。
科: 菊科 Asteraceae学名/拉丁名字:Helianthus annuus
向日葵的花姿虽然没有玫瑰那么浪漫,没有百合那么纯净,但它阳光、明亮,爱得坦坦荡荡,爱得不离不弃,有着属于自己的独特魅力,而且,它绽放的不仅是爱情,还有对梦想、对生活的热爱。英语名字: suOvate or ovoid, acuminate, sharp ashdod or a gileadite from 3 arteries and veins, with thick serrated edge, two sides coarse, coat, hing a long handle. Inflorescence, great, 10 ~ 30 cm in diameter, solitary in stem top or branch end, often downward inclined. Total bracts multilayer, leaf qualitative, overburden tegular arrangement, by long horklumps, summer flowering, inflorescence edge born yellow tongue fluted, without fruit. Inflorescence of central for both es GuanZhuangHua, brown or purple, strong. Fruit an achene, obovate or oval oblong, slightly compressed pressure, peel woodiness optimization, grey or black color, commonly known as sunflower seeds. Sexual xi warm, drought. Originated from North America, all over the world are cultivated.nflower
别名: 葵花。,朝阳花,转日莲
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