葡萄糖英文缩写 血清葡萄糖英文缩写
葡萄糖英文缩写 血清葡萄糖英文缩写
葡萄糖英文缩写 血清葡萄糖英文缩写
1、PSS 藻酸双酯钠 rhEGF 重组人表皮生长因子中文名称: 葡萄糖右旋糖 英文名称: glucose看了MEBO 美宝湿润烧伤膏一大埋东西,但甚么是右旋糖呢? 唉!其他更能提供合适的。
3、 所有糖分子具一定数目的手征性碳原子(即是以共价键与四个不同基团或原子连接的碳原子),这些手征性碳原子令糖分子具不对称性。
5、 把某糖以旋光计测试,若果发现平面偏振光的偏振平面向右旋转,则该糖称为右旋糖。
6、for the anic pounds: if a carbon which bond with 4 different type of atom or function groupit has a chiral center---- which hing a special stereo--structure characteristic and an identical bonding carbon can be different from itlike our left hand and right hand..... their structurally different with each other (you can imaginate: you cannot use your left hand to replace right hand if it is accidentally lostcan you??)we found that all the suger hing this chacteristic because all the monosaccaride(单糖) are chiral!! In nature only one kind of sugar exist due the synthesis of sugar be living ani can produce the enantiomer (chiCO SMZ 复方磺胺甲基异恶唑 CO VB 复方维生素Bral isomer) can not be it is because most of the bio-anic pound are chiral---- e.g. protein....... If you ask why it is right turn not left turn ??-- I think it is because how the scientist name it only..... 2006-11-17 18:12:18 补充: Woo Bai:you also talking about mono-sodium glutamateit is not suger!!Since sugar has chiral carbon(手征性碳)。
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