1、华为公司介绍英文如下:In 1997, Huawei won its first overseas contract,providing fixed-line network products to Hong Kong company Hutchison Whampoa.Later that year, Huawei launched its wireless GSM-based products and ntually expanded to offer CDMA and UMTS.In 1999, the company opened a research and dlopment (R&D) center in Bangalore, India to dlop a wide range of ecom software.From 1998 to 2003, Huawei contracted with IBM for mament consulting, and underwent significant transformation of its mament and product dlopment structure.After 2000, Huawei increased its speed of expansion into overseas markets, hing achid international sales of more than US$100 million by 2000 and establishing an R&D center in Stockholm, Sweden.In 2001, Huawei established four R&D centers in the United States, divested non-core subsidiary Avansys to Emerson for US$750 million and joined the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).华为手机是国产的。
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