歌曲《渴望》原唱 歌曲《渴望》原唱孙涛
歌曲《渴望》原唱 歌曲《渴望》原唱孙涛
歌曲《渴望》原唱 歌曲《渴望》原唱孙涛
1、盼你能收到我的真情留言《布列瑟农》到那天演唱:马修·连恩作词:马修·连恩作曲:马修·连恩Here I stand in Bressanone,With the stars up in the sky我脚踏布雷萨诺内大地,满天繁星高悬在头顶Are they shinning over Brenner,And upon the other side星光啊闪闪可是要越过布雷纳,一直照到远处的那一头You would be a sweet surrender,I must go the other way亲爱的请你交还我的手,我得调头去赶路And my train will carry me onward,Though my heart would surely stay列车会载着我往前行,而我的心必定会停留Wo,my heart would surely stay,Now the clouds are flying by me哦,我的心一定会停留,乌云此时在我侧畔飞And the moon is on the rise,I he left the stars behind meThey were diamonds in your skies,You would be a sweet surrender好让你的天空群星璀璨,亲爱的请你交还我的手I must go the other way,And my train will carry me onward我得调头去赶路,列车会载着我往前行Though my heart would surely stay,Wo,my heart would surely stay而我的心必定会停留,哦,我的心一定会停留HowI long for bressanone,And the one who holds my heart我多么渴望和我的心上人重返布列瑟农,走过的每一英里Every mile that fails behind me,Feels a thousand miles apart感觉相隔一千英里,你是的幸存者You he been the sole survivor,In a life of love and loss在逝去的爱和生活中,我们之间这么多年的泪水All the years of tears between us,Fills an ocean I must cross我必须穿越这填满的泪海,哦,我必须穿越这泪海Wo an ocean I must corss那片泪海我必须穿越扩展资料:创作背景:这是首诉说离愁的歌曲,据马修·连恩介绍,这首歌是他20多岁时创作的,正坐着火车离开意大利北部小镇布列瑟农。
6、婚姻时英文插曲歌名:Bressanone 原唱歌手:Matthew Lien。
7、填词:马修·连恩,谱曲:马修·连恩,音乐风格;New Age Music.婚姻时英文插曲歌词:Here I stand in BressanoneWith the stars up in the skyAre they shining over BrennerAnd upon the other sideYou would be a sweet surrenderAnd my train will carry me onwardOh my heart would surely stay...Now the clouds are flying by meAnd the moon is on the riseI he left the stars behind meThey were diamonds in your skiesYou would be a sweet surrenderAnd my train will carry me onwardOh my heart would surely stay...《婚姻时》讲述了一对令人羡慕的夫妻,妻子陪女儿加拿大求学,丈夫留守国内,夫妻二人经历第三者、金融危机、离婚等考验后重归于好的故事。
8、婚姻时插曲主要有以下18首:01. 那个傻瓜/ (朴正炫/Lena Park)03. 傻瓜的爱情/ (Lee jin Sung of Monday Kiz)04. 相爱的好日子/ (Magolpi)05. 泪流不止的男人/ (kim si jin)06. 感谢/ Hirahara ayaka ( 平原绫香)07. 天使般的你/ (Bross)08. 空箱子/ ((Zion)09. 她不知道/ (Cha Yeo Wool)10. Loving U / (Magolpi)11. 白天浮起的星/ ( Gloo心要让你听见 爱要让你看见my 30's)12. ( ) 路( 东白 theme)13. Once Upon A star14. coconut Blues15. 我心中的摇篮曲 ( 哼唱 theme)16. 郊游 牧歌 ( Yodle Song)17. Mod1 Live No.618. 春雪解开的小河边 ( melo Theme)婚姻时英文插曲歌名:Bressanone原唱:Matthew LienHere I stand in BressanoneWith the stars up in the skyAre they shining over BrennerAnd upon the other sideYou would be a sweet surrenderAnd my train will carry me onwardOh my heart would surely stay...Now the clouds are flying by meAnd the moon is on the riseI he left the stars behind meThey were diamonds in your skiesYou would be a sweet surrenderAnd my train will carry me onwardOh my heart would surely stay...你好亲,是马修连恩唱的 布列瑟农,。
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