融云rongcloud 平安金融云
ios 融云当用户变更时怎么清空好友会话列表
融云rongcloud 平安金融云
融云rongcloud 平安金融云
融云rongcloud 平安金融云
3.出入自己的数据源数据,父类里面有个设置数据源的方法;记住一定要设置conversationModelType的类型为:RC_CONVERSATION_MODEL_TYPE_CUSTOMIZATION(用户自定义的会话显示),然后我设置置顶显示 model.isTop = YES;
[objc] view plain copy
- (NSMutableArray )willReloadTableData:(NSMutableArray )dataSource{
if ([PersonInfo.type isEqualToString:@"STUDY"]) {
_titleArr = @[@"系统通知",@"评论",@"点赞"];
}else if ([PersonInfo.type isEqualToString:@"TEACHER"]){
_titleArr = @[@"系统通知",@"评论",@"点赞",@"访客"];
}for (int i = 0; i<_titleArr.count; i++) {
RCConversationModel model = [[RCConversationModel alloc]init];
model.conversationTitle = _titleArr[i];
model.isTop = YES;
[dataSource insertObject:model atIndex:i];
}return dataSource;
[objc] view plain copy
#pragma mark - 设置cell的高度
return 70;
[objc] view plain copy
#pragma mark - 设置cell的删除
- (UITableViewCellEditingStyle)tableView:(UITableView )tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath )indexPath{
RCConversationModel model = [self.conversationListDataSource objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
if(model.conversationModelType == RC_CONVERSATION_MODEL_TYPE_CUSTOMIZATION){
return UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone;
return UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete;
6.修改cell上面字体的字体样式;RCConversationBaseCell里面没有title和content label等控件,所以需要转化一下;转成RCConversationCell;我用的是平方字体;
[objc] view plain copy
#pragma mark - 修改cell样式
- (void)willDisplayConversationTableCell:(RCConversationBaseCell )cell atIndexPath:(NSIndexPath )indexPath{
RCConversationModel model = [self.conversationListDataSource objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
RCConversationCell RCcell = (RCConversationCell )cell;
RCcell.conversationTitle.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"PingFangSC-Light" = [UIFont fontWithName:@"PingFangSC-Light" = [UIFont fontWithName:@"PingFangSC-Light" size:14];
[objc] view plain copy
#pragma mark - 自定义cell
- (RCConversationBaseCell )rcConversationListTableView:(UITableView )tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath )indexPath{
RongYunListCell cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"RongYunListCell"];
if (!cell) {
cell = [[[NSBundle mainBundle]loadNibNamed:@"RongYunListCell" owner:self options:nil] firstObject];
cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone;
cell.ListOneCount.hidden = YES;
}NSIntegAgreement, except for limited deployment on Authorized Test Units for testing and dlopmenter count = 0;
if(indexPath.row < _badgeValueArr.count){
count = [_badgeValueArr[indexPath.row] integerValue];
cell.ListOneCount.hidden = NO;
cell.ListOneCount.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld",count];
cell.ListOneCount.hidden = YES;
[cell setRongYunListCellOneUIViewWithModel:model iconName:_iconArr[indexPath.row]];
return cell;
[objc] view plain copy
#pragma mark - cell选中
- (void)onSelectedTableRow:(RCConversationModelType)conversationModelType conversationModel:(RCConversationModel )model atIndexPath:(NSIndexPath )indexPath{
[self.conversationListTableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES];
if(model.conversationModelType == RC_CONVERSATION_MODEL_TYPE_CUSTOMIZATION){
NSString cellTitle = model.conversationTitle;
if([cellTitle isEqualToString:@"系统通知"]){
[self.nigationController pushViewController:svc animated:YES];
}else if ([cellTitle isEqualToString:@"评论"]){
SystemCommentViewController svc = [[SystemCommentViewController alloc]init];
[self.nigationController pushViewController:svc animated:YES];
ClickLinckedViewController svc = [[ClickLinckedViewController alloc]init];
[self.nigationController pushViewController:svc animated:YES];
}else if ([cellTitle isEqualToString:@"访客"]){
MyVistorsViewController svc = [[MyVistorsViewController alloc]init];
[self.nigationController pushViewController:svc animated:YES];
RCConversationViewController conversationVC = [[RCConversationViewController alloc]init];
conversationVC.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES;
conversationVC.targetId = model.targetId;
conversationVC.title = [self get②实现tap,在tap中判断是否实现了如下方法,UserNameWithUserID:model.targetId];
[self.nigationController pushViewController:conversationVC animated:YES];
Apple may provide access to servs by or through the Program for You to use with YourNewsSystemSecondViewController svc = [[NewsSystemSecondViewController alloc]init];能买。
是可靠的。因为该公司是有正规营业执照,所以可靠。中植融云()企业管理有限公司,成立于2015-04-22,注册资本为155000万,法定代表人为王晔,经营状态为存续,工商注册号为110108018965469,注册地址为市朝阳区东四环中路39号12层A单元1509,经营范围包括企业管理。经济贸易咨询。市场调查。技术咨询。技术推广。技术转让。技术服- (CGFloat)rcConversationListTableView:(UITableView )tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath )indexPath{务。福清融云物联网科技有限公司怎么样
福清融云物联网科技有限公司很不错。福建融云物联网科技有限公司成立于2014年,坐落于福建福conversationVC.svc.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES;conversationType = model.conversationType;清融侨经济技术开发区的核心区域。作为集技术、产品、应用为一体的多元化高新技术企业,业务内容涉及政企管理应用平台搭建、部队安全管理智能系统研发、智慧城市民生建设。
}else if ([cellTitle isEqualToString:@"点赞"]){注册消息
RCMessageCoding 主要有三个功能:
(3) 内容摘要协议
RCMessageContentView 主要有一个功能:
开发者在进行完自定义消息类后,需要在 SDK init 之后,注册此自定义消息类。
开发者可根据自己的业务需求是否需要显示用户信息来选择继承消息 Cell。
1结构图if(model.conversationModelType != RC_CONVERSATION_MODEL_TYPE_CUSTOMIZATION){:
控件需要添加在 baseContentView 上,建议在 baseContentView 上方预留 10
控件需要添加在 messageContentView 上,根据需求在画 Cell 视图布局的时候调整 messageContentView 的 frame ,如果是接收方,只需要修改 messageContentView 的 width 和 height ,如果是发送方,需要修改 messageContentView 的 x 、 width 和 height 。
开发者需要在 Cell 的初始化中布局,并重写下面方法来返回 Cell 的 Size 。当显示自定义消息时,必须实现该方法来返回 Cell 的 Size 。
注册消息 Cell
SDK 需要开发者在会话页面注册您定义的消息 Cell 并绑定您的消息类型融云宽带是企业宽带和民用宽带的组合产品。宽带主要分企业宽带和民用宽带这两种。企业宽带是指依托于国内骨干网,搭建的宽带网络。以专线的形式接入到企业用户。而家庭宽带的意思是指:多个用户,共用同一条IP地址。
}RCConversationModel model = self.conversationListDataSource[indexPath.row];iOS 刚申请的企业账号证书,把导出的p12文件发给的融云。为什么账号被禁用
this Agreement (e.g., ting the App on a public website or non-authenticated server would be2. Internal Use Lnse and Restrictions
2.1 Permitted Uses and Restrictions; Program servs
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Apple hereby grants You during the Term,
a lherein, You agree not to share, sell, resell, rent, lease, lend, or otherwise provide access to Yourimited, non-exclusive, personal, revocable, non-sublnsable and non-transferable lnse to:
(a) Install a reasonable number of copies of the Apple Software on Apple-branded comrs
owned or controlled by You, to be used internally by You or Your Authorized Dlopers for the
sole pure of dloping or testing Your Covered Products, except as otherwise expressly
permitted in this Agreement;
(b) Make and distribute a reasonable number of copies of the Documentation to Authorized
Dlopers for their internal use only and for the sole pure of dloping or testing Your
Covered Products, except as otherwise expressly permitted in this Agreement;
(c) Install Provisioning Profiles on each of Your Authorized Test Units, up to the number of
Authorized Test Units that You he acquired lnses for, to be used internally by You or Your
Authorized Dlopers for the sole pure of dloping and testing Your Covered Products,
except as otherwise expressly permitted in this Agreement;
(d) Distribute Provisioning Profiles only to Your Employees and only in conjunction with Your
Internal Use Applications (excluding Internal Use Applications for Apple TV) for the pure of
dloping and testing Your Internal Use Applications (excluding Internal Use Applications for
Apple TV);
(e) Distribute Provisioning Profiles only to Your Employees and/or Permitted Users in conjunction
with Your deployment of Your Internal Use Applications (excluding Internal Use Applications for
Apple TV) on Deployment Devs for internal use by Your Employees and/or Permitted Users;
(f) Allow Your Customers to use Your Internal Use Applications (excluding Internal Use
Applications for Apple TV) on Deployment Devs, but only (i) on Your physical premises and/or
on Your Permitted Entity’s physical premises, or (ii) in other locations, provided all such use is
under the direct supervision and physical control of Your Employees or Permitted Users (e.g., a
sales presentation to a Customer); and
(g) Incorporate the Apple Certificates issued to You pursuant to this Agreement for pures of
digitally signing Your Internal Use Applications, Passes, Safari Push Notifications, and as
otherwise expressly permitted by this Agreement.
Enterprise Agreement Page 8
For clarity, Internal Use Applications dloped for Apple TV may not be distributed under this
pures only. Except as set forth in Section 2.1, You may not use, distribute or otherwise make
Your Internal Use Applications ailable to Your Customers or to any third parties in any way
(excluding Your Internal Use Application that is for use on OS X). You may permit Your
Permitted Entity to deploy Your Internal Use Applications to Permitted Users on Your behalf,
provided that such deployment is at least as restrictive and protective of Apple as the terms of
prohibited). Any actions undertaken by Your Permitted Entity in relation to such deployment
and/or arising out of this Agreement shall be deemed to he been taken by You, and You (in
addition to Your Permitted Entity) shall be responsible to Apple for all such actions. Apple
reserves the right to set the limited number of devs that each Lnsee may register as an
Authorized Test Unit and obtain lnses for under this Program.
dloper account (e.g., dev or app provisioning, managing teams or other account
resources). You agree to access such servs only through the Program web portal (which is
accessed through Apple’s dloper website) or through Apple-branded products that are
designed to work in conjunction with the Program (e.g., OS X , Xcode). You agree not to
create or attempt to create a substitute or similar serv through use of or access to the servs
provided by or through the Program. Further, You may only access such servs using the
Apple ID associated with Your dloper account. Except as otherwise expressly permitted
dloper account or any servs provided therewith, in whole or in part, to anyone who is not an
Authorized Dloper on Your team, and You understand that each team member must he
their own Apple ID to access Your account. To the extent that You own or control an Applebranded
comr running Apple’s OS X or Xcode ("") and would like to use
it for Your own dlopment pures in connection with the Program, You agree to use Your
own Apple ID for such , and You shall be responsible for all actions performed by such
You may permit Your
Permitted Entity to deploy Your Internal Use Applications to Permitted Users on Your behalf,
provided that such deployment is at least as restrictive and protective of Apple as the terms of
p12文件,Provisioning Profile都不可以传第三方平台。
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