






One day, Conius led his disciples to the State of Chu. When crossing a stretch of forest, they saw a chbacked old man standing under a tree, catching cicadas with a bamboo stick. With each stroke he caught one cicada, just as easily as picking it up at will. Conius asked: "You are very skillful at catching cicadas. You must he followed some pattern."

"That's right!”the old man answered. "The cicada is a clr little insect. It would fly away at themere rustling of lees in the wind. Therefore, to catch cicadas, one must, first of all, train one's hand to hold the bamboo stick without shaking. When 2 pellets are put on the top of the bamboo stick and do not fall off, one has certain assurance in catching cicadas; when 3 pellets are put there and do not fall off, only one cicada out of ten can ma to escape; when 5 pellets are put there and do not fall off, then catching cicadas is as easy as picking them up at will."

He then added: "But that is not enough. One must be good at hiding oneself. Now I am standing under a tree, just like half of a tree stump, with my arm stretching out like part of awithered twig. Last of all, one must be attentive. When I am catching cicadas, I don't think at all of the vastness of the universe, nor do I look at the numerous things around. I only see the two wings of the cicada. No matter what happens, nothing will distract my attention. As I ma to accomplish all these, I can be so skillful at catching cicadas."

Hearing this, Conius turned to his disciples and said: "Whatr you do, only when youpersre with concentrated attention and devotion, can you achi the acme of perfection. This is the truth that this chbacked old man has taught us."







According to legend, there was a kind of birds called "dais" (swallow) on the East China Sea.

The Yidais were slow in reaction. They could not fly very high and seemed clumsy andincapable.

But when they moved about, they always moved in groups, depended on one another for survival, and flew and landed toger.

When they aanced, no one dared to aance rashly. When they retreated, no one dared to fall behind at will. When they fed, no one dared to scramble to be the first. All their activities were orderly.

When they went into action,万 dais always acted uniformly without any disorder. They depended upon the collective efforts to oid any harm from the outside world.








Zhuang Zhou's family was poor. Once, he went to the official who supervised rivers to borrow some grain. The official said: "Well, wait until the end of the year when I collect the taxes from the people, then I will lend you 300 gold pieces. All right?"

When Zhuang Zhou heard this, he was so angry that the colow of his face changed. But he told the official this story: When I came here yesterday, on the way I heard a vo calling 'Help!' I turned my head and saw a all crucian carp in the dried-up carriage ditch."

I went over and asked: "Little crucian carp, why are you calling for ?"

The little crucian carp answered: "I am a subject of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Unfortunay I fell down here. Can you give me a little water to se my life?"

I said: "All right, I am just going to the south to sell ideas to the kings of the States of Wu and Yue. I will ask them to stir up the water of the Xijiang River to welcome you. Will that do?"

When the crucian carp heard this, it got angry and said: "When I lose the water which is always with me, I cannot survive. Now, I want only a little bit of water so that I can survive.Yet you say such things. Then you'd better go to the salt-fish shop to look for me."



我走过去,问它: “小娜鱼,你为什么喊救命?”





【 #儿童故事# 导语】寓言是用比喻性的故事来寄托意味深长的道理,给人以启示的文学体裁,字数不多,但言简意赅。寓言的主人公可以是人,可以是动物,也可以是植物等。寓言多用借喻手法,使富有教训意义的主题或深刻的道理在情节高度凝练的故事中得到揭示。下面是 整理分享的英语寓言故事简短的,欢迎阅读与借鉴,希望对你们有帮助!


It’s very hot. An old man is asleep on the chair. A fly comes and sits on the end of the man’s nose.

The old man has a naughty monkey. He chases the fly.

The fly comes back again and sits on the old man’s nose again. The monkey chases it away again and again.

This happens five or six times. The monkey is very angry. He jumps up, runs to the garden and picks up a large stone.

When the fly sits on the old man’s nose again, the monkey hits it hard with the stone.

He kills the fly and breaks the old man’s nose.


It happened that the cat met Mr. Fox in the woods. She thought, "He is int and well experienced, and is highly regarded in the world," so she spoke1 to him in a friendly manner, "Good-day, my dear Mr. Fox. How is it going? How are you? How are you getting by in these hard times?"

The fox, filled with arrogance2, examined the cat from head to feet, and for a long time did not know wher he should give an answer. At last he said, "Oh, you poor beard-licker, you speckled fool, you gry mouse ter, what are you thinking? He you the nerve to ask how I am doing? What do you know? How many tricks do you understand?"

"I understand but one," answered the cat, modestly.

"What kind of a trick is it?" asked the fox.

"When the dogs are chasing me, I can jump into a tree and se myself."

"Is that all?" said the fox. "I am of a dred tricks, and in addition to that I he a sackful of cunning. I feel sorry for you. Come with me, and I will teach you how one escapes from the dogs."

Just then a ter came by with four dogs. The cat jumped nimbly up a tree, and sat down at its top, where the branches and foliage3 compley hid her.

"Untie4 your sack, Mr. Fox, untie your sack," the cat shouted to him, but the dogs had already seized him, and were holding him fast.

"Oh, Mr. Fox," shouted the cat. "You and your dred tricks are left in the lurch5. If you been able to climb like I can, you would not he lost your life."


ONE WINTER a Farmer found a Snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom. The Snake was quickly revived by the warmth, and resuming its natural instincts, bit its benefactor, inflicting on him a mortal wound.

"Oh," cried the Farmer with his last breath, "I am rightly served for pitying a scoundrel." The greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful .


A horse and an ass were treling toger. The horse was prancing along in its beautiful trappings, but the ass was carrying the hey weight in its saddlebags.

"I wish I were you," sighed the ass. "You he nothing to do, and wear such a beautiful harness."

The next day there was a great battle. The horse was badly woundedin the final charge.

The ass passed and saw the dying horse. "I was wrong," said the ass."Safety is much more important than beautiful clothes."


A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard among the hens when suddenly he espied soming shinning amid the straw.

"Ho! ho!" quoth he, "that's for me," and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw. What did it turn out to be but a Pearl that by some chance had been lost in the yard?

"You may be a treasure," quoth Master Cock, "to men that prize you, but for me I would rather he a single barley-corn than a peck of pearls."

Precious things are for those that can prize them.


寓言 故事 翻译成英语也是很有趣的,说明寓言故事是上流行的元素,下面是我为你整理的英语超短寓言故事,希望对你有用!

英语超短寓言故事篇1:Fox is with the grape

Hungry of the fox see the grape to up hang the radiant and extremely keen grape of a string, saliva direct current, and want to pick to eat, but again

Can not take off.See in a short while, lessly walked, and his side walk the side oneself to comfort to by oneself say:" this grape he noes familiar, affirmativeIs sour."

This is to say, and the some person's ability is all, and do to not accomplish anything, borrow to say the opportune moment immaturity.




英语超短寓言故事篇2:Wolf and egret

The wolf mistake swallowed a piece of bone, very suffered, running about, look for to visit the doctor rywhere.He met the egret, and talk to settle the serv fees to invite him to take out the bone, egret to stretch in the wolf's throat the own head, and the 叼 outs bone, then toward to settle the good serv fees wolfThe wolf answer says:" hello, friend, you can since the wolf 嘴 take back the head in the peace ground, and the difficult way return the dissatisfied foot, and how and still speak the guerdon?"

This story elucidation, guerdon badly person act charitably, and is a bad person of cognition and does not speak the reputation's innate character.




英语超短寓言故事篇3:Little boy and scorpion son

There is a child in front of city wall to catch the grasshopper, and in a short while caught the lots of.Suddenly see a scorpion son, he to think is also grasshopper,

Then two go to catch him.The scorpion son raises his poison to stab, say:" come, if yoeally dare to do like this, connect your grasshopper that catch to also would entirely lose."

This story warns people, and want to distinguish the pure good man with the bad person, and distinct to treat them.






【 #儿童故事# 导语】寓言故事是文学体裁的一种。含有讽喻或明显教训意义的故事。它的结构简短,多用借喻手法,使富有教训意义的主题或深刻的道理在简单的故事中体现。寓言的故事情节设置的好坏关系到寓言的未来。下面是 考 网整理分享的简单英语寓言故事精选,欢迎阅读与借鉴。

【 一、Sun the Ice 】

Once a ton's wife told him to buy some .

Two hours later, he didn't come back. She wanted to know why he didn't come back and went out to he a look. She saw he was standing in the sun at the gate and watching the melting.

"What's the matter?" She asked him. "Why don't you bring it in?"

"I saw the was wet and I was afraid that you would scold me so I'm running it dry." The ton answered.







【 二、Mike and the Pot 】

One day, Mike's mother needed a pot. She asked Mike to borrow one from her friend. So Mike went to the friend's house. She ge him a big pot. On the way home Mike put it down on the road and looked at it. It was made of clay and had three legs.

Then he said to the pot, "You he three legs and I he only two. You can carry me for a few minutes." Then Mike sat down inside the pot. But the pot didn't move.

Mike got angry and broke it then carried the broke pot home. His mother was angry. "You are stupid." She said. But Mike thought, "I'm not stupid. Only a stupid person carried soming with three legs."



然后他对锅说:"你有三条腿而我只有两条腿。 你应该背我一会儿。"然后,迈克坐在锅里,但是锅一动也不动。
