反倾销关税的名词解释英文 反倾销关税的含义
免税: tax exampted (按某些条例而免税的), tax waived (因特殊原因而免税的), tax free (不用交税的)
反倾销关税的名词解释英文 反倾销关税的含义
反倾销关税的名词解释英文 反倾销关税的含义
反倾销关税的名词解释英文 反倾销关税的含义
抵扣: tax withheld, tax credit
退税: tax returned
免税 Tax exemption 或者 Duty Free
抵扣 Tax-sparing 或者 Tax credit
退税 Tax Return 或者 Tax refund
免税 tax-free
抵扣 mortagage
退税 tax-refund
免税tax exemption或dutyfree
抵扣tax credit
退税tax rebate或drawback
免税 Avoid tax
抵扣 Applying
退税 Rebates
tax examption, duty free 免税
tax refund 退税
In 1776, the famous economist, Adam ith, firstly introduced the definition of dumping into the field of economy when he expounded the phenomenon that ry government at that time encouraged and rewarded export. Howr, this definition is quite different form today’s definition of dumping. It is more like the definition of subsidy in today’s international trade law.
In 1923, American international trade specialist, Jacob Viner, researched and summarized the international trade theories and pract and then published the book named Dumping-A problem in international trade. In this book, he defined dumping as pr discrimination carried out in different countries. This definition was broadly accepted by the economic circle at that time. Howr, what is the pr discrimination? Jacob Viner could not give us a further explanation.
问题一:外贸英语中各种税怎么说? 税的相关单词: duty, tax, tariff, levy
VAT value added tax
关税 custom duty
消费税 excise duty
关税 tariff 尤指进口税,很少指出口税
出口退税 export rebate
免税 duty/tax exemptin 或 duty/tax free
国内税务局 IRS (这个用的非常多)
报复性关税 retaliatory tariff,
惩罚性关税 punitive tariff
保护关税 Protective tariff
反倾销税 Anti-dumping Duties
特惠税 Preferential Duty
过境税 Transit Duties
进口附加税 Import Surtaxes
价税 Variable Levy
问题二:热门单词:“进口关税”用英文怎么说 import tariff
问题三:海关税英文咋说 duty, imt, tariff, customs 关税
a duty - free shop 免税商店
In general,tariffs can be divided an import tariff and an export tariff.
问题四:您必须付关税。如何用英语说。 You should pay the customs duties
问题五:办理保险和支付关税用英语怎么翻译准确? duty payment 当然可行,很正统
insurance to be effected (办理保险(将要办理))
effected insurance 已经办理的保险
问题六:热门单词:“出口关税”用英文怎么说 出口关税
Export duty
export 英 [?eksp?:t]
美 [?eksp?:rt]
vt. 出口,输出;
vt. 传播,输出(思想或活动);
n. 输出,出口; 输出[出口]物;
[例句]The nation also exports beef.
[其他] 第三人称单数:exports 复数:exports 现在分词:exporting 过去式:exported 过去分词:exported
问题七:关税几个翻译问题 楼主英语渣渣 asean harmonised tariff nomenclature(AHTN)
asean china free trade agreement (ACFTA)
PDK(Porsche Doppelkupplung)
The customs tariff is refers to a country according to the law of the country, a tax on the import and export of goods on the territory. Customs Tariff in countries generally belong to the country's highest administrative units designated tax rates, for foreign trade dloped countries, tariffs are often the main income of the national tax and n the state finance. The government can ime tariffs on import and export commodities, but import duties are the most important.
According to the pure of the collection division
Fiscal duties
Protective tariff
According to the collection of the object or the flow of goods division
Import tax
Export duty
Transit tax
According to the specific pure or the specific implementation of the classification
Import surcharge
Pr difference tax
Classification according to differential treatment
General preference
Preferential tax
(1) tariff is the import and export of goods through the territory of a country, the Department set up by the government to the import and export business taxes.
(2) tariff is mandatory.
(3) tariff is free of charge.
(4) tariff is scheduled.
South Korea currently only ime tariffs on imported goods, the erage tax rate of 8%. South Korean import tariff rate includes temporary tariff adjustment of the basic tariff rate and on the basis of the tariff rate and substitution rate, elastic return preferential tariff rates, as well as the South Korean government and other countries agreed rate concessions. Tariff rate applicable to a particular commodity shall be
ESCAP tax reduction rate among dloping countries.
Tax rates among GATT dloping countries.
Agreement rate of WTO.
The flexible tariff rate.
The provisional tax rate.
The basic rate of order decision.
But for tourists from home and abroad and the transport attendants imported goods, mail s in foreign countries, repair vehicles or replacement parts, consignment s used, you can apply a tax rate.
South Korea's imition of duties to commodity prs as the standard to ad valorem tax and the number of goods from the amount of tax standard two, but in the actual implementation, mostly by the ad valorem tax standard.
The rate of flexible tariff in the tariff of South Korea plays an important role in regulating the import and export, and the reasonable protection of the relevant industries in China:
(1) the anti-dumping tariffs (2) retaliatory duties (3) emergency tariffs (4) tariff regulation (5) of the special emergency tariffs of animal products (6) and countervailing duties (7) (8) preferential tariff tariff pr balance (9) tariff quota
The low rate of tax rates or tax exemption policies for the necessities of life in the country with insufficient domestic supply.
Low rate policy for import of raw materials and materials
On the domestic production or production quality does not pass through the mechanical equipment and instrumentation parts, parts of the import, the implementation of the low tax policy.
The high tariff policy has been imed on the import of the necessities of production and non - National Planning
The need to protect the domestic and international pr difference between domestic and foreign countries to implement the policy of high tax rates
For the vast majority of export goods not to levy export tariffs
反倾销税的英语翻译 反倾销税用英语怎么说
Anti-dumping duty
Anti-dumping and countervailing duties under Article VI of GATT1994;
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