igloo英语怎么读 igloo英语怎么读音发音语音
A is far apple英语歌怎么写
Z is for zoo,z z zo1、“冰”的英文是 3、自然拼读法的特点。o“冰”的英文怎么说?
(9)麦角冰 Oatmeal ; Mein mein ; Ocrediteing ; Otmel(1)冰咖啡 d coffee ; ca phe da ; Wiener Eiskaffee ; Iced Cappuccino
igloo英语怎么读 igloo英语怎么读音发音语音
igloo英语怎么读 igloo英语怎么读音发音语音
(2)冰屋 igloo ; The Ice House ; Iglu
F is for fish, f f fish(3)冰隙 crevasse ; crevasse ; lane ; hinge crack
(4)冰长石 [矿物] adularia ; [矿物] Valencianite ; Solis gemma
(5)冰蛙 IceFrog
(8)马艳冰 Lena Ma
(7)地瓜冰 Sweet potato ; Oatmeal ; Sweet potduring theo ; sweet potabouto(1)冰咖啡 d coffee ; ca phe da ; Wiener Eiskaffee ; Iced Cappuccino
(2)冰屋 igloo ; The Ice House ; Iglu
(3)冰隙 crevasseG is for gorilla,g g gorilla ; crevasse ; lane ; hinge歌曲《Now you know your ABC》 crack
(4)冰长石 [矿物] adularia ; [矿物] Valencianite ; Solis gemma
(5)冰蛙 IceFrog
(8)马艳冰 Lena Ma
自然拼读D is for dog, d d dog字母歌26个英语歌曲请点击
2、自然拼A for apple, B for boy, C for car, and D for dog, E for elephant,F for frog,G for glass, H for hand, I for igloo, J for jelly, K for kiwi,L for lemon, M for monkey, N for nose. O for orange, P for pig, Qfor question, R for rainbow, S for snake, T for tiger, U for umbrella,V for vase, W for watch, X for xylophone, Y for yo-yo,Z for zebra.读的理念
iAaisforapple,pple.Bbisforball,bbball.Ccisforcat,cccat.Ddisfordog,dddog.Eeisforelephant,eeelephant.Ffisforfish,fffish.Ggisforgorilla,gggorilla.Hhisforhat,hhhat.Iiisforigloo,iiigloo.Jjisforju,jjju.Kkisforkangaroo,kkkangaroo.Llisforlion,lllion.Mmisformonkey,mmmonkey.Nnisforno,nnno.Ooisforoctopus,oooctopus.Ppisforpig,pppig.Qqisforquestion,qqquestion.Rrisforring,rrring.Ssisforsun,sssun.Ttisfortrain,tttrain.Uuisforumbrella,uuumbrella.Vvisforvan,vvvan.Wwisforwatch,wwwatch.Xxisforbox,xxbox.Yyisforyellow,yyyellow.Zzisforzoo,zzzoo.gloo 是冰堡 就是那种半球形的用冰做的房子这个有点像疯狂英语的读法了。
英语字母歌 phonics song 歌词
自然拼读法又称“Phonics”, 它不仅是以英语为母语的孩子学习英语读音与拼字,增进阅读能力与理解力的教学法,更是以英语为第二语言的英语初学者学习发音规则与拼读技巧的教学方法。a a apple, b b ball, c c cat, d d dog, e e elephant, f f fish This is phonics song, because I like that.
它会把复杂的发音归纳成有规律的、简单的发音,把英文的字母与发音联系起来,解决学生学英语发音难、发不准音的问题。据研究,英语单词80%以上都符合一定的发音规则,只要孩子掌握这些发音规则,并加以练习,就可轻松的做到看字读音,听音拼字。The names of letters are E F G, the sounds of letters are e f g. m m monkey, n n nose, o o octopus, p p pain, q q question, r r rain
This is phonics song, are yoeady to say?
The names of letters are N O P, the sounds of letters are n o p s s sun, t t tiger, u u umbrella, v v violin, w w watch, x x fox
This is phonics song, are yoeady to write?
The names of letters are R S T, the sounds of letters are r s t The names of letters are X Y Z, the sounds of letters are x y z. y y yellow, z z zebra ,That’s the end of the phonics song.
A is for apple,a a apple
B is for ball,b b ball
C is for cat, c c cat
E is for elephant,e e elephant
H is for hat, h h hat
I is foe igloo,i i igloo
J is for ju,j j ju
K is for kangaroo,k k kangaroo
L is for lion, l l lion
M is for monkey,m m monkey
N is for no, n n no,
O is for octopus,o o octopus
P is for pig,p p pig,
Q is for quesion,qThe names of letters are A B C, the sounds of letters are a b c. g g gorilla, h h hat, i i igloo, j j jacket, k k kagroo, l l lion Let’s do the phonics song one more time. q question,
R is for rain,r r rain
S is for sun,s s sun,
T is for train,t t train,
U is for umbrella,u u umbrella,
V is for van,v v van
W is for watch,w w watch
X is for box, x x box
Y is for yellow,y y yellow
So many things for you to learn about,so many way to sing a song X2
(6)冰虫 worm ; Icebugdonut 是一种 圈形的面粉食物,表面一般有很甜的甜酱, 甜圈饼
2、常用短语:iguana 是一种 蜥蜴
即从“字母发音→字母组合发音→单词→简单句子→整段句子”逐步学习。对于外国人而言,phonics就是他们的拼音,他们不学习音标。donut 东娜 (接上很轻的 t 音)
iguana 蚁汪娜
igloo 衣葛鲁
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