
d. 优选设计单位,协助建设单位签订设计合同。


工艺流程英文 工艺流程用英文怎么讲工艺流程英文 工艺流程用英文怎么讲

工艺流程英文 工艺流程用英文怎么讲


4.1.2结合本项目的实际情况,采用自动化程度高、稳妥可靠、信誉质量 好的技4.1.1认真执行有关标准、规范的规定,贯彻“生产可靠、技术先 进、节省投资、提高效益”的设计指导方针。术与设备。


卡洛斯水务(常州)有限公司,从事粉末状,颗粒状混合分装项目,原材料均为外购产品,产品销往国内各个地区,主要用于工业污水处理、住宅饮用水处理和不同地理环境水质处理。4.1 The main design principles and guidelines

4.1.1 conscientiously implement relevant standards and specifications requirements, implementation of the "production of reliable, aanced technology, reduce investment, increase efficiency" design guidelines.

4.1.2 combined with the actual situation of this project, with high degree of automation, secure, credit quality and good technology and equipment.

4.1.3 in good faith for customer serv, careful research conditions of a construction project, designed to be realistic and general layout, process flow oothly concise, clear functional production areas, building structures to meet the technological requirements of production to the premise, focusing on design optimization.

4.1.4 emphasis on environmental protection, actively implement the areas of environmental protection, labor safety, industrial hygiene, measurement, fire and other aspects of the relevant regulations and standards.

4.2 Engineering Analysis

4.2.1 Production process:

Carlos Water (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., in powder, granular phosphate mixed-packing s, raw materials were purchased products, products are sold in various areas, mainly for industrial wastewater treatment, water treatment and various high-end housing geographical water treatment.


1.Preparation - soaking - flushing - dehydration - Platin是吧g Process Flow.

3.Just asked the pull head length, oil code is SY-02. Do you know what i6、依据产品制程可靠性/ORT要求,审批产品制程可靠性/ORT实验方案。ngredients?

4.They said the oil is also light oil, is the head of the zipper plating a layer of transparent, anti-oxidation.

Preparation - soaking - flushing - dehydration - Pl或者production process。ating Process Flow

material preparation---soaking---flushing---dewatering---electrofacing process flow




3.3-site assembly


3.3.1 projects in the pre-construction, process engineers based on approval "process map" "process inspection card", a "guide", drawings and other documents of the entire assembly staff technical clarification, detailed description assembly, quality, safety and technical requirements, technical clarification after Process engineers from completing the "three represents technical clarification", all the participants recognized the signature Detail content. "Technical Detail three represents" four copies, process engineers, class and group leaders, professional firms, the construction of a library branches.

3.3.2 in the assembly process, the class and group leaders and assembly should carefully read the map and record important data, processes, and installation of pipelines to the scope, found problems in a timely manner and process engineers, QC engineers contact address. Found assembled, the unsuitability of Engineers should be reported. Process engineers explained, if necessary, modify, according to "document control procedures," the request to amend changes completed before the next steps related operations.

3.3.3 assembly Branch Construction Engineering Process engineers and assembly in accordance with the norms of order, drawings, Operating guide books of documents assembled at the request of the situation, operational guidance on the implementation of the inspection and mament. Quality Branch QC engineers in the process of assembling quality supervision, to ensure that all the requirements to be implemented. Of the problems found "inconsistencies" in the form of notification responsibility units and the implementation of corrective action.

3.3.4 assembly process for the design change, Construction Technology Division by engineers under effective "design change orders" assembly work arrangements and the implementation of the certification.

3.3.5 each procedure is completed, class and group leaders responsible for notifying the staff, According to the "process" and "process inspection card" or participate in the arrangements for inspection, testing or testing. Road work of the inspection, examination or test and passed, the staff should sign "process test cards." If the inspection, testing or the results do not meet the requirements, or "process inspection card" incomplete, no assembly process for the next one. 3.4 installation testing and installation of water pressure test pilot each boiler, superheater, Wall or steel economizer completed by the authorized inspection division (AI) for examination. Authorized examiner may also be designated in a particular stage of te2、DQE:设计质量工程师sting. QC engineers aance not authorized examiner witness testimony or stop point, and is responsible for ensuring the quality of all relevant documents to facilitate authorized examiner who examined guarantee scene examiner authorized access to the site at any time. See specific "final examination procedures" implementation.

3.4.2 boiler pressure test after the completion of the water temperature should not be less than the ambient temperature, and in any case not less than 70 ° F (20 ° C) water pressure test. pressure test, process engineers should collect relevant rmation and review to ensure that the "process map" all steps he been completed, all the inconsistencies he been resolved. AI also requested to review these documents. process engineers to guide the preparation of operating pressure, approved by the Chief of Construction organized and implemented. conducting pressure tests without hing to install a safety valve. The following procedures shall be conducted in two phases test : a) hydrostatic test, the pressure will gradually increase to data given by the report. signs in the boiler, the maximum allowable working pressure of 1.5 times. At this stage, no detailed visual inspection of the leakage. B) then the pressure will be lowered to the test pressure data report is the introduction of the boiler signs, the maximum allowable working pressure. To maintain this pressure careful visual inspection. Check metal temperature should not exceed 120 ° F (50 ° C) Specific see "pressure test procedures" implementation





COB(Chip on board)-芯片封装流程

















请问过程与工艺,二者的区别是什么?在英文中,这二者都表示为process。那chemical process,既可以



化工工艺是将原料物主要经过化学反应转变为产品的具体方法和过程, 包括实现这一转变的参考资料来源:全部措施或者具体采用的一种方式方法。



工艺流程在英文中是“ Process Flow”。工艺和工艺流程,一般是指产品制造阶段的流程;所以也常称为制造工艺流程(Manufacturing Process)。

产品工程流程“Product Engineering Process”则包括了制造以外,从产品设计到包装交货的整个流程。我们可以说,制造工艺流程适用于描述加企业(EMS)的活动,而产品工程流程则更适合于OEM的情况。本文的中心议题就是包含了制造工艺流程的产品工程流程。

一个完整的工艺技术管理平台,其技术流程分主流5、制程、检验质量数据和报表的分析,总结提炼并指导闭环处理。程和支流程两大部分。主技术流程包括从产品的设计开发、试制、量产、安装交货一直到市场支援的全过程。支流程则包括市场、采购、库存(后勤)、基础工艺研发、设备工程、能源管理、人力资源管理以及质量管理等等各项具4.2 工程分析体工作。每个支流程和主流程都有直接或间接的相关关系;它们通过主流程而相互影响。


3、TSE(全称:Test Supporting Engineer),代表的是测试工程师

工艺PID指的是管道工艺流程图,英文为program & instruments diagram,简称P&ID。

PID=port ID,PE即英文Process Engineer,工艺工程师。或者是Product Engineer,简称产品工程师。在STP(生成树协议)中,若在端口收到的BPDU中BID和path cost相同时,则比较PID来选择阻塞端口。数字电视复用系统名词 PID(Packet Identifier) 在数字电视复用系统中它的作用好比一份文件的文件名,我们可以称它为“标志码传输包” 。工程控制和数学物理方面 PID(比例积分微分)英文全称为Proportion Integration Differentiation,它是一个数学物理术语。PID由8位端口优先级加端口号组成,端口号占低位,默认端口号优先级128。

工艺PID指的不是微积分控制,而是管道工艺流程图,英文为program & instruments diagram 简称P&ID

带控制点的工艺流程图[词典] workflow; flow of work;

急!进口葡萄酒作流程 英文翻译


Wine imports flow operation

4.1.3真诚为用户服务,认真研究项目的建设项目条件,精心设计,总图 布置要切合实际,工艺流程顺畅简洁,生产区域功能分明,建筑结构要以满足工艺生产要求为前提,注重设计优化。

One, imported wine enterprises should sess the main qualities

Chinese enterprises are engaged in wine import business apart from the general operating enterprises necessary for the industry and commerce, taxation and other procedures, the registration of business should also include within the scope of liquor lnse to operate, with imported liquor lnse and health permits.

Imported liquor lnse local Chamber of Commerce, Bureau of Liquor mament department, health permits to the local health anME在生产制造型企业里,是机构工程,或结构工程的意思,主要负责生产制造过程中的机构材料或是机构产品的异常处理,制造工艺设计和制作;d epidemic prntion department.

Also needs to relevant departments for the following procedures : to the local Chamber of Commerce for "foreign trade Registration Form", after the registration of foreign trade before he qualified.

Foreign trade operators should With the registration seal "Registration Form" in 30 days to the local customs, quarantine, foreign exchange, taxation and other departments to engage in foreign trade business for the required formalities.

Two import tax on wine imports

Imported bottled wine existing tax rates (the tax levied to pay RMB) :

A tariff : 14% (tariff : CIF × 14%);

2, value-added tax : 17% (VAT : (CIF + tariff amount) x 17%);

3, a consumption tax : 10% (consumption tax : [(CIF + tariff amount) / (1 ~ 10%)] x 10%).

3, for "Chinese trademark"

1, imported wine enterprises to be inspected for local commodities form ready to declare the following documents :

Two wine quality inspection and quarantine;

Enterprises require corresponding to the kind of wine imported liquor lnsing by the State Administration of Inspection and issuing inspection reports.

4, manufacturers "health permits," the original printed copies and asked (this certification for producers of the local agencies or organizations issued);

5, producers, "the wine production process," the original printed copies and asked (only needs a wine production process note of hands and stamping seals enterprise or person in charge of signing.) ;

6, Chinese trademark design proofs.

The preservation of the original labeling to indicate the itive and in the Chinese language on the label must be asked counterparts, and Chinese fonts Name Name is greater than language fonts. Specimen must be intact and can be color printouts.

The above data are ailable, through the local commodity inspection bureau, reported to the State commodity inspection bureau, approved by granting a "Chinese registered trademark of ratification," new wine in a trademark counterparts. If one application for a liquor trademark the Chinese name of the wine not the same. If the declaration and the Chinese name has been repeated, the names of other needs.

7, imported wine Chinese trademark ownership is generally declare all enterprises.

8, the Chinese trademark of (English back) is the glue : customs require lnsing when Chinese products are trademarks, it is best for both parties, mainly China, the design plate and then sent to foreign producers, printing and labeling




[词典] tree; flow chart; flow-process diagram; flowsheet。











2.Who knows you pull the last layer of plating head what essential oils?










容易和工艺搞起来4.1.4重视环保,积极贯彻地区对环保、劳动安全、工业卫生、计量、消 防等方面的有关规定与标准。

production procedure

Production process

assembly procedure