
housing mortgage 住房按揭

问题一:金融专业用英文怎么说 my major is finance

金融英语词汇 金融英语词汇量多少金融英语词汇 金融英语词汇量多少

金融英语词汇 金融英语词汇量多少

问题二:金融界 金融系 的英文分别怎么说? 金融界可以常the field of finance

金融系可以说the Faculty of Finance

问题三:金融上市公司用英语怎么说 金融上市公司

Financial listed panies


listed 英 ['l?st?d] 美 ['l?st?d]

adj. 列入文物保护名册的; 登记上市的;


问题四:我的梦想是从事与金融行业,用英语怎么说? my drean is to be a financial aisers ,i want to make great contribution to the福chinese future econom另外,价值专访的记者提问《金融服务营销手册》作者Evelyn Ehrlich时用的是on line financialy ,so from now on ,i will study hard ,definiy ,its very necessary to learn english well ,so i he e on ,i hope i can make my dream e true someday希望对楼主有帮助不是机器翻译的

问题五:金融 英文怎么说? Finance staff

问题六:互联网金融英文怎么翻译 internet financial 应该是正确的,在发表的论文中出现过


问题七:金融用英语怎么说 finance

MT760 是经对相关单证的检验,确认,查证并发送到你方后产生的一种付款。如果它不符合你方标准,那么钱就不会进入你方的账户。钱不可能转出账户直到证件完全符合你方所在银行的标准。但是你必须有足够的钱作为保证金,或者你必须与银行机构有良好的关系(如果没有存款或者保证金的情况),才能用某种MT(信汇)来转账。此做法是避免此保函的(the)medical cost social pool for major diseases 大病医疗费用统筹受益人乙方风险的途径。


acquiring company 收购公司

bad loan 呆帐

chart of cash flow 流量表

[例句]Some of Australia's largest listed panies are expected to announce huge interim earnings this week.clearly-established ownership 产权清晰

diversity of equities 股权多元化

economy of scale 规模经济

emerging economies 新兴经济

exchange-rate regime 汇率机制

fund and financing 筹资融资

global financial architecture 全球金融体系

global integration, globality 全球一体化,全球化

go public 上市

growth spurt (经济的)急剧增长

he one's "two commas" 百万富翁

hedge against 套期保值

holdings 控股,所持股份

holding company 控股公司

initial offerings 原始股

initial public offerings 首次公募

innovative business 创新企业

inlectual capital 智力资本

inter-bank lending 拆借

internet customer 轻松移动指标ease of movement网上客户

investment payoff period 投资回收期

joint-stock 参股

mall rat 爱逛商店的年轻人

means of production 生产要素

mergers and acquisitions 并购

mobile-phone banking 青岛星月光人力资源开发有限公司是青岛市企业员工多的私营企业,现已进行了员工、培训、薪资保险、劳动关系四大业务。移动电话银行业

moods 人气

net potato 网虫

non-store seling 直销

offering 新股

online-banking 网上银行业

online client (银行的)网上客户

profit 帐面收益

physical assets 有形资产

pyramid sale 传销

recapitalize 资产重组

regional corrency blocks 地区货

regulate 调控

sell off 变现

share(stock) option 期权,股票认购权

art card 智能卡

slash prs 杀价

spare capacity 闲置的生产能力

strong growth 强劲的增长势头

switch trade 转手贸易

take…public 上市

tap the idle assets 盘活存量资产

transaction (银行的)交易

transfer payment from the exchequer 财政转移支付

venture-capital 风险资本

virtual bank 虚拟银行




幅度指标absolute breadth index

累积/派发线accumulation/distribution line

累积摆动指标accumulation swing index

上涨/下跌线aance/decline line

上涨/下跌比率aance/decline ratio

上涨-下跌值aancing-declining issues

价格上涨、价格下跌和价格不变的证券成交量aancing,declining,unchanged volume

安德鲁斯干草叉andrews s pitchfork

阿木思指标arms index trin


平均真实区域erage true range

宽度突破breadth thrust

牛/熊比率bull/bear ratio



蔡金货流量chaikin money flow

蔡金摆动指标chaikin oscillator

钱德动量摆动指标chande momentum oscillator

商品通道指标commodity channel index

商品选择指标commodity selection index

相关分析correlation ysis

累积成交量指标cumulative volume index

需求指标demand index

非趋势价格摆动指标detrended pr oscillator

动向指标directional movement

双指数移动平均线double exponential moving erage

道氏理论dow theory

动态动量指标dynamic momentum index

有效市场理论efficient market theory

爱略特波浪理论elliott we theory

轨道交易带envelopes trading bands

等成交量equivoluAt present,banks he answered for taking the fine of transportation in many cities, and then contrasting accounts with traffic pol regularly.me

斐波纳契研究fibonacci studies

预测摆动指标forecast oscillator

百分之四模型four percent model

傅立叶转换fourier transform

基本分析fundamental ysis

江恩角ganproject fund 项目资本金制度n angles

哈里克获利指标herrick payoff index


利率interest rates

日内动量指标intraday momentum index

卡吉图线性回归斜率指标linear regression slopekagi

克林格成交量摆动指标klinger oscillator

线性回归指标linear regression indicator

市场便利指标market facilitation index

质量指标mass index

迈克勒兰摆动指标mcclellan oscillator

迈克勒兰和指标mcclellan summation index

中间价格指标median pr

会员空头比率指标member short ratio

山形正弦波指标mesa sine we


平滑异同平均指标moving erage convergence/divergence

移动平均指标moving erages

请用英文解释下列词汇 金融英语 1、sings deit 2、

cheque stub, counterfoil 票根

sing 问题七:“金融学”怎么翻译成英文? 如果只是金融学可以翻成financedeit


lump sum



lump-sum deit and


all sings 小额储蓄存款;零星储蓄存款;小额储蓄存款

principal receiving 总的接收



credit card

can be used forder cheque 记名支票or overdrawing(透支)


线性回归趋势线linear regression trendlines

利息归本:把你的利息变成本金,你的钱在证券公司The bank card connect a cabinet的资金帐户上,每年要给你活期利息,利息归本就是把利息给你成为你的本金,好像是三个月一次。



银行转证券:从银行布林带bollinger bands帐户里转钱证券帐户里,方便购买证券


联行 Interbank


In fact the whole amout of the par value thereof has not be paid in.


Watered stock can also be defined as stock issued as bonus or otherwise without consideration or issued for a sum of money less than par value,or issued for labor,serv,or property which at fair valuation is less than the par value.



注:bonus share的金融专用词汇是“红股”,可以在业绩好的时候送给广大股东,也往往是公司用来只是送给业绩好的高层管理人员的,它比奖励还好,因为股会升值。

Highten the prize, please.


outstanding cheque 未付支票

记帐 recording account

对帐 checking account

联行 interbank

debit业务 agent serv

接柜 bankcard receive counter

审批开销户cash approval expenses account

记帐 keep accounts

对帐 contrasting accounts

业务 agent serv 或 Agency Business

接柜 Bank Card Cabinet


controls of network flow and keep accounts as well as mament of domain name and setup.

网络流量控制和记帐 ; 域名管理和设置。

The Design and Implementation of Contrasting Accounts System Based on Different Networks

基于异型环境下的罚单对帐系统的设计与Watered Stock(“掺水股”的定义):Stock issuesd for inadequate consideration. It can also be defined as stock which is issued by a corporation as fully paid-up stock.实现


银行基层行会计联行工作亟待加强 An Urgent Promotion of Interbank Work in the People's Bank of China at Basic Ll

The Researches to Extend the "sky-earth connection" System in Electronic Interbank


Tsingdao Xingyueguang human resources dloped limited company is the biggest private agency in Tsingdao city, which is engaged in agent serv of employment, training, salary insurance and labor relations.

On Lawyers Agency Business in Marital Diss


试论业务风险及其防范对策 Risks and Countermeasures in Bank Card Business

We are a well-established Certified Practising Accounting company in Hong Kong and sincerely would like to provide bookkeeping, auditing and taxation consultancy servs.


记帐 Keep accounts

对帐 Contrasting Accounts

联行 Affiliated bank

业务 Agent serv/ Agency business

审批开销户 Overhead accunt of cash examination

1记帐 Keep accounts

2对帐 Contrasting Accounts

4业务 Agent serv/ Agency business

6审批开销户 Overhead accunt of cash examination

Open account

To debt

Allied line

Act for business

The cash examination and approval expense door

我的妈呀!这翻译...对帐都给翻译成contracsting accounts了..汗!我不翻译了.看楼住貌似也不想给分..爱..


问题八:金融行业用英语怎么说 卖方通过MT760发送支持工具。

account number 帐目编号

审批开销户 Cash Auditing Account

deitor 存户

pay-in slip 存款单

a deit form 存款单

a banding machine 自动存取机

to deit 存款

deit receipt 存款收据

private deits 私人存款

certificate of deit 存单

deit book, pasook 存折

credit card

principal 本金

overdraft, overdraw 透支

to counter sign 双签

to endorse 背书

endorser 背书人

to cash 兑现

to honor a cheque 兑付

to dishonor a cheque 拒付

to suspend payment 止付

cheque,check 支票

cheque book 支票本

bearer cheque 不记名支票

crossed cheque 横线支票

blank cheque 空白支票

rubber cheque 空头支票

cash cheque 支票

treler s cheque 旅行支票

cheque for transfer 转帐支票

canceled cheque 已付支票

forged cheque 伪支票

Bandar s note 庄票,银票

balance sheet 资产负债表

cash flow 流转

glossary 术语表

money order 汇款单,汇票

letter of credit n.[商](银行发行的)信用证

charge for 想...收费

overdraw v.透支

overdraft n.透支, 透支之款项

endorse [In5dC:s] v.在(票据)背面签名, 签注(文件), 认可, 签署

liability n., 义务, 倾向, 债务, [负债], 与assets相对

asset n.[资产], 有用的东西

solvent adj. 有偿付能力的 n.溶媒, 溶剂, 解决方法

securities n.有价证券

time hull insurance 船舶定期保险

marine insurance 海损保险

maritime transportation insurance 海洋运接柜 Bankcard connect a cabinet输保险

fire insurance 火险

cargo insurance 货物保险


debt to equity 债转股

问题一:金融专业用英文怎么说 my major is finance

问题二:“金融系金融专业”用英语怎么说? Finance society (afs international financial professional 1102 class

问题三:金融用英语怎么说 金融

[jīn róng]

finance; banking ;

例句大宗交易比率large block ratio:



问题四:金融界 金融系 的英文分别怎么说? 金融界可以常the field of finance

金融系可以说the Faculty of Finance

问题五:我的专业是金融学用英语怎么说啊? my major is finance

问题六:我是来自商学院金融专业的学生用英语该怎么说 你好,

可以译为:I am a student from5接柜 Bankcard connect a cabinet School of merce, majoring in finance.

但如果是货金融学 比较流行的翻译是banking

问题八:我的专业是金融学 用英语怎么说 My major is finance

问题九:英语中,财政学和金融学分别怎么翻译? 财政学一般用Finance或者Public Finance;而金融学一般用Finance或者Money and Banking。

PS:Finance可以通用在不同场合表示不同的意思。金融学之所以会用Money and Banking货银行学这个名罚,是因为在金融产生的早期阶段,金融的含义非常狭隘,即指银行,后来虽然金融的实际含义扩大,但是基于习惯人们还是把金融学叫做货银行学。

问题十:金融管理的英文怎么说 金融管理学 MSc Financial Mament(Distance Learning) 汽车管理 automobile mament ,Diploma of Automotive Technology(Electrical Stream)


owire transfer 电子转帐nline-finance 在线金融

1, mi货流量指标money flow indexxed-industry

2, the financial industry

3, the financial holding company

4, the mixed financial holding company / purely financial holding company

5, the financial supervision

6, risk prntion