Busy as I am, I am quite happy.怎么理解?
Last night, my family and I went to he a great dinner! It was a Japanese meal!虽然我很忙,但我很快乐。
10. Holiday nearly comes to the ead now. I am very happy because I he already finished my homework. I also ed my mother with some housework this summer holiday. I beli I he grown up now and should know what I should be in the future. I will try harder to study well and be a good person.
忙Busy as I am, I am quite happy.并快乐着
我忙但很快乐500字 写两件事 一件详写 一件略写
My friend Peter will he his birthday next Monday. He invites me to go to his birthday party at night. So I need to buy a present for him. Then I went to a big shop which is near my home. Peter likes to play football. Maybe I could buy a football for him. Howr, the football was too expensive. It costs 260 yuan! And I only had 100 yuan. So I had to think about soming else. I walked in the shop around and around, We had a wonderful time in the garden. While we were running, he fell down on the ground. And his feet were hurt. I was so afraid because his feet were bleeding. So I ran to my home and ephoned mum. She was not at home. She was shopping in the supermarket. Mum came back home quickly and she took little Jimmy back to our home and took care of his feet. Mum said to us it will be fine. But she said we should be careful while we are playing. She also praised my cousin. Little Jimmy is a bre boy. He did not cry at all!and I bought nothing. Suddenly, I saw a bookstore and I remembered that Peter wanted a book named Harry Potter very much. I could buy him this book! Then I hurried to the bookstore and bought the book. I think Peter will like this present very much!有人说我们小学生是世界上最忙的人群之一。朋友们,我有我的忙碌之处,想必你们也有吧!
6. Mingming came to my house today. We spent some time playing comr s. We played basketball online. I chose NBA and Mingming had to take CBA. Of course, I won finally. We had a good time.在这里,你将会面临许多新的挑战和机遇,如何快速适应大学生活,融入大学校园,是每个新生都需要思考的问题。下面是一些适应大学生活的方法和建议。
I learn swimming when I was only 8 years old. I did not afraid of water. Mum and Dad said that I was very bre. My swimming teacher taught me how to swim. He was an excellent swimmer. And I learnt fast and hard. Soon I could swim very well.1. 主动适应新的环境
Father came back from Shanghai yesterday. He went to Shanghai for business. I was so happy because he brought me many wonderful things. There were interesting books, colorful pens and beautiful notebooks. The most important was that there was a very cool model of an airplane. (The most important was that there was a very pretty red dress.) I was so excited about it. I want a model of airplane/a red dress for a long time. I hug and kissed my father again and again. He said: “Your mum told me that yoead books and go swim ryday. You also your mum with her housework. So I want to buy some presents for you as prize.”在大学里,你会面临一个全新的环境,包括新的校园、新的宿舍、新的同学等。要适应这个新环境,你需要主动去了解和适应。可以通过参加学校组织的迎新活动、加入社团、参加课外活动等方式,与更多的人接触,了解大学的文化和氛围。
2. 建立良好的人际关系
3. 安排好自己的时间
4. 积极参与课堂
5. 学会生活
9. Xiaomei and I went out this morning. We went to the city centre. We went window shopping, and then we had lunch at the restaurant. We didn't buy anything as we didn't he much money, but we still had a wonderful time.其实、有许多事情总是在经历过以后才会懂得,感情痛过了才会懂得如何保护自己,傻过了才会懂得适时的坚持与放弃,在得到与失去中我们慢慢的认识了自己,人世间有好多事情都是在过去的时候才能看得清楚。其实、生活并不需要这么些无所谓的执着,没有什么不能割舍。学会放弃,生活会更容易;学会放弃,在落泪以前转身离去,留下简单的身影;学会放弃,将昨天埋在心底;留下美好的回忆;学会放弃,让彼此都能有个更轻松的开始,遍体鳞伤的爱不一定就刻骨铭心,一程走过来情深清浅已经不容易,轻轻地抽出手说一声再见,不必让自己受到的伤害更深,每一份感激都是很美的,每一份相伴都是很令人迷醉的。是不是不能拥有就倍感遗憾,是不是思念就让我们更觉留恋,感情是没有的的问卷,苦苦的追求并不能让生活更加,也许一点迷撼,一丝伤感,会让这份答卷更久远,收起心情走吧,错过花你将收获雨,谁说喜欢一样东西就一定要拥有,有时候,有些人为了得到他想要的东西,费尽心机不择手段走向极端,也许他是得到了,但是在追逐的过程中,失去的东西也是无法计算的,付出的代价也是无法弥补的,也许那些代价是沉重的。 其实、喜欢一样东西不一定要拥有它,有时候为了追求一样东西而令自己身心疲惫不堪,这样是不是很不划算的,再者、有些东西也只是远观不能近瞧,虽然得到了,但是你一旦拥有就知道了它的价值所在,因此,得到的东西不一定是的,放弃的也不一定都是最坏的,有一首歌这样唱道,原来暗恋也很快乐,至少不会毫无选择,从不觉得感情的事多难负荷,不想占有就不会太坎坷;不管你的心是谁的,我也不会受到挫折,只想做个安静的过客。所以、无论是喜欢一样东西也好,喜欢一个人也罢,与其让自己负累,还不如轻松的放弃和面对,喜欢一样东西,就要学会欣赏它,珍惜它,使它更弥足珍贵,喜欢一个人,就要让她快乐,让她幸福,使那份感情更诚挚,如果你做不到,那就放手吧,学会放弃,因为放弃也是一种美丽。
你都可以对我的消息视而不见后面怎么接?你可以对我的消It was a big Japanese restaurant called XXX. The Japanese food there was delicious. There were many sushi and they were all different. Those sushis were put in a moving line. We could take anyone we wanted. And I ate many eel and salmon. They were not cooked. Japanese like to eat things in that way. It was a little bit weird. But it was fun!息视而不见,但你不能不理我
生活如此忙碌,我却因此而快乐Last weeken你都可以对我的消息深不见,你可以告诉他,我工作忙d I was very busy, but I was very happy
我一直以来最为敬佩的就是雷锋叔叔,他才是我们的榜样,祖国的先锋,他时时刻刻都为服务,时时刻刻都为自己是一个人而骄傲。我要向他学习做一名的少先队。busy as i was last weekend, but i enjoyed myself.
2. I didn't go anywhere today. I stayed at home doing my homework and ing my mother with housework. I realised it was not easy to do so much housework all by oneself. I should mother more in the future.Sunday,July 6(日起可以更换)
It was a fine day today.I was busy but happy.In the morning,I went to a park with my friends.We played tennis and went for a walk.In the afternoon,I went shopping.There were many things in the shop.I met my friend,Nancy.I spent 2 hours in going shopping.At night,I watched an exciting show.I was happy.
Today and friends of foreign trel, outside air is very good, people feel very comfortable. We all appreciate the fine girls bicycles. We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought. We happily spent a happy day. 今天和朋友一起出外交游,外面的空气很好,人感觉很舒服。我们骑着自行车一路欣赏鸟语花香。享受着大自然带给我们的无限美好。大家开开心心地度过了愉快的一天。
This summer holiday, I had a very wonderful trip in SiCuan toger with my family. We lived in a ho. It is big and beautiful. Sicuan has a famous place, named JIuZaigong. It is very natural. The water is clear, the trees and flowers are pretty. And we also can hear birds singing. I took many photos there. Some of them are very interesting. Also, we ate delicious food in Sicuan. The Sicuan food is spicy and hot. I love it! We enjoyed ourselves during this 7-days trip! What a wonder trip!
Today, I went to the cinema and enjoyed a very good movie!
My friend, John, told me to get to the XXX cinema at 10 am. But he was late. I waited for a long time. Finally he arrived at the cinema at half past 10.
We were so excited to see the movie Ice Age 3. I’ve watched Ice Age 1 and 2 before. I’m a big fan! This is a great cartoon. And the most exciting thing was that the third movie is a 3D one. I’ve nr watched a 3D movie before.
We also bought the popcorn and coca cola. The Movie lasted for 94min. There was a pair of special glasses for the movie. It was really fun! Diego is bre. Sid always causes troubles. Mammoth is loyal to his friends. I like Mammoth best!
After watching the movie, we had our lunch in McDonalds’. We discussed the movie again and again. John was also fond of cartoons. He said that he would watch it again if there’s a chance.
Just after Dad and Mum arriving at home, they ge us a big surprise. That was we could he a Japanese dinner at night. I felt happy about that. I’ve nr eaten Japanese food before. I didn’t know what was like. But I was still looking forward.
This is a wonderful experience! And I will nr forget it!
Summa vacation is long. In summa vacation, I don’t he to do any homework or go to school. I’m so happy about that. Howr, my mum doesn’t like the summa vacation, because I play all the time. This summa vacation, mum asked to me to do some useful things, for example, reading books, swimming, learning English. If I play all the time, she will get angry with me. I don’t want to be scolded. So I he a good plan for this summa vacation. I read books in the morning, go swimming in the afternoon, and play in the ning. I also mum to do his housework. Mum is very happy about that because she thinks I’m a good girl/boy. I’m happy too, because I can do many useful things.
Yesterday, I was playing hide-and-seek in the garden with my younger cousin, Jimmy.
He is five years younger than me. He’s really cute! He has two big round eyes, a tiny nose, and a big mouth. He likes eating very much. But his mother gets angry about this because he eats too much.
I am reading a book named Harry Potter. It is a famous book. And it is in English. But I read it in Chinese because my English is not good enough. There are 7 books in all. But I’m only reading the first one. It is fascinating. I read the book just after I get up ry morning and ry night before I go to sleep.
Harry Potter is a young boy who is very bre. He fights against the bad people for many times. He also has two good friends to him. They he a very true friendship. They take care of each other, each other and fight toger all the time.
I love this book, for I respect bre people. Harry Potter set a good example for us. I want to be a bre boy/girl as him. I also learn to be n to my friends. I will take care of my friends, them and also fight toger with them.
I like sports! I think sport is very important, because it is good to my health. Among all kinds of sports, I like swimming best!
There is a big swimming pool which is near my home. I go to swim ry afternoon.
Swimming is very comfortable. When I am in the water, I don’t feel hot and the sunshine is wonder.
Now, I want to learn to dive very much. But Mum did not agree, because she thinks diving is very erous.
It’s raining today. I don’t like rainy day, because I he to stay at home. I can’t go swimming. I can’t go outside to play with my friends, either.
So I stay at home. I read a book. But soon I stop reading because the book is boring. I begin to listen to the music, but soon I find that the music is boring. In the end, I turned on the evision. There is a funny movie. I am attracted. Then I sat down on the sofa and begin to watch the funny movie. I watched the evision for almost 4 hours. Oh! It’s 5:50. Dad and Mum will come back home soon! If they know I was watching evision, they will be very angry with me! So I turned off the evision quickly and ran back to my bedroom.
This summer holiday, I had a very wonderful trip in SiCuan toger with my family. We lived in a ho. It is big and beautiful. Sicuan has a famous place, named JIuZaigong. It is very natural. The water is clear, the trees and flowers are pretty. And we also can hear birds singing. I took many photos there. Some of them are very interesting. Also, we ate delicious food in Sicuan. The Sicuan food is spicy and hot. I love it! We enjoyed ourselves during this 7-days trip! What a wonder trip!
Today, I went to the cinema and enjoyed a very good movie!
My friend, John, told me to get to the XXX cinema at 10 am. But he was late. I waited for a long time. Finally he arrived at the cinema at half past 10.
We were so excited to see the movie Ice Age 3. I’ve watched Ice Age 1 and 2 before. I’m a big fan! This is a great cartoon. And the most exciting thing was that the third movie is a 3D one. I’ve nr watched a 3D movie before.
We also bought the popcorn and coca cola. The Movie lasted for 94min. There was a pair of special glasses for the movie. It was really fun! Diego is bre. Sid always causes troubles. Mammoth is loyal to his friends. I like Mammoth best!
After watching the movie, we had our lunch in McDonalds’. We discussed the movie again and again. John was also fond of cartoons. He said that he would watch it again if there’s a chance.
Just after Dad and Mum arriving at home, they ge us a big surprise. That was we could he a Japanese dinner at night. I felt happy about that. I’ve nr eaten Japanese food before. I didn’t know what was like. But I was still looking forward.
This is a wonderful experience! And I will nr forget it!
Summa vacation is long. In summa vacation, I don’t he to do any homework or go to school. I’m so happy about that. Howr, my mum doesn’t like the summa vacation, because I play all the time. This summa vacation, mum asked to me to do some useful things, for example, reading books, swimming, learning English. If I play all the time, she will get angry with me. I don’t want to be scolded. So I he a good plan for this summa vacation. I read books in the morning, go swimming in the afternoon, and play in the ning. I also mum to do his housework. Mum is very happy about that because she thinks I’m a good girl/boy. I’m happy too, because I can do many useful things.
Yesterday, I was playing hide-and-seek in the garden with my younger cousin, Jimmy.
He is five years younger than me. He’s really cute! He has two big round eyes, a tiny nose, and a big mouth. He likes eating very much. But his mother gets angry about this because he eats too much.
I am reading a book named Harry Potter. It is a famous book. And it is in English. But I read it in Chinese because my English is not good enough. There are 7 books in all. But I’m only reading the first one. It is fascinating. I read the book just after I get up ry morning and ry night before I go to sleep.
Harry Potter is a young boy who is very bre. He fights against the bad people for many times. He also has two good friends to him. They he a very true friendship. They take care of each other, each other and fight toger all the time.
I love this book, for I respect bre people. Harry Potter set a good example for us. I want to be a bre boy/girl as him. I also learn to be n to my friends. I will take care of my friends, them and also fight toger with them.
I like sports! I think sport is very important, because it is good to my health. Among all kinds of sports, I like swimming best!
There is a big swimming pool which is near my home. I go to swim ry afternoon.
Swimming is very comfortable. When I am in the water, I don’t feel hot and the sunshine is wonder.
Now, I want to learn to dive very much. But Mum did not agree, because she thinks diving is very erous.
It’s raining today. I don’t like rainy day, because I he to stay at home. I can’t go swimming. I can’t go outside to play with my friends, either.
So I stay at home. I read a book. But soon I stop reading because the book is boring. I begin to listen to the music, but soon I find that the music is boring. In the end, I turned on the evision. There is a funny movie. I am attracted. Then I sat down on the sofa and begin to watch the funny movie. I watched the evision for almost 4 hours. Oh! It’s 5:50. Dad and Mum will come back home soon! If they know I was watching evision, they will be very angry with me! So I turned off the evision quickly and ran back to my bedroom.
1. I went shopping with Li Mei. We left at 10 o'clock in the morning. When we got to the downtown, there were so many people. It was so crowded as it was a beautiful day and it was Sunday. I didn't buy anything because rything was very expensive.
3. I read an article today. It was about how people should try their best to se water. Water is very important for human being but some people are just wasting water. They don't turn off the tap after they finish using it. We should do better to se water.
4. My father took me out fishing today. At the beginning, we spent a long time waiting there but there was no fish. I was very impatient and didn't want to stay there. I wanted to come home. Father said to me, "Don't give up rything easily. We should keep on trying hard".
7. I went to visit one of our teachers with some of my ctes this morning. Miss Jones is our English teacher and she likes all the ctes. She tried so hard to us to improve our English. We went to her flat and had lunch there with her. We had a good time.
8. I went to see a film in the cinema this ning. It was called Kong Fu Panda. I love this film. It is funny but I also learned soming from the film. We should not give up things easily. We should he a good plan and make up our mind to m2. 我今天什么地方也没有去。在家帮妈妈做家务。我认识到,一个人做家务不容易。以后我要多帮妈忙。ake our dream come true.
1. 我跟李梅去逛街。我们早上10点出发。当我们到闹市区时,好多人啊。因为今天是星期天,天气又很好。我没有买什么东西,因为太贵了。
3. 我今天读了一篇文章,是关于人们应该尽量节约用说的。水对人类太重要了。可是有些人却只是在浪费水。他们用完水不管龙头。我们应该做的更好来节约用说。
4. 我父亲今天带我去钓鱼。一开始,我们花了好长时间都没有鱼。我很不耐烦,不想等了,想回家。爸爸对我说,做什么事情都不要轻易废弃。我们应该继续努力。
5. 今天我跟家人去公园。我们在公园野餐。我妈妈和奶奶准备吃的。爸爸跟朋友在打羽毛球,我在树下看书。
6. 明明今天来我家。我们一起玩电脑游戏。我们打在线篮球游戏。我选NBA 球队,明明只能选CBA球队。当然,我赢了。我们玩的很开心。
7. 今天早上我跟同学去看了我们老师。Jones是我们的英语来时。她对每个学生都很好。他花了很大力来帮我们供给我们的英语。我们去了她的公寓,一起吃了午餐。我们过的很开心I
8. 今天晚上我去电影院看了电影。影片教《工夫熊猫》。我爱好这部电影。很有趣可我也学到了一些东西。我们不应该轻易废弃。我们应该做个好规划,下定决心,实现梦想。
9. 今天上午我和小梅出去了。我们去了市中心。我们去逛街然后到餐馆吃饭。我们没有没东西,因为我们没有多少钱,可是我们过的很开心。
10. 期很快过去了。我很开心因为我已经做完作业了。我还帮妈妈所了家务。我想我已经长大了,应该长大将来5. I went to the People's Park with my family today. We had picnic in the park. My mother and grandparents were preparing food, father was playing badminton with his friend while I was reading under a tree.要做什么。我要更努力学习,将来做个好人。
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