爵士舞crycry 爵士舞视频
1、演唱:冯曦妤A Little Love75、Can Anybody Hear Me--Meredith Andrews(嗓音听起来很舒服,比较喜欢以外的部分。
2、);greatness as youyes I doallest as meyou show me what is deep as seaa little love,little kissa litlle hug,little giftall of little soming.these are our memoriesyou make me crymake me feel that love is truei don't want to say goodbyeyou make me cryoh kissing youthank you for all the loveyou always give to meoh i love yougreatness as youallest as meyou show me what is deep as seaa little love,little kissa litlle hug,little giftall of little soming.these are our memoriesyou make me crymake me feel that love is truei don't want to say goodbyeyou make me cryoh kissing youthank you for all the love youalways give to meoh i love you。
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