南卡罗来纳大学 南卡罗来纳大学nba球员
南卡罗来纳大学 南卡罗来纳大学nba球员
南卡罗来纳大学 南卡罗来纳大学nba球员
南卡罗来纳大学 南卡罗来纳大学nba球员
1、 Integration, enrollment explosionIn the 1950s, the university began recruiting national-caliber faculty and extended its presence beyond Columbia with the establishment of campuses in communities across South Carolina. On Sept. 11, 1963, Henrie D. Monteith, Robert Anderson and James Solomon became the first African-American students to enroll at the university in the 20th century; in 1965, Monteith became the first African-American graduate, earning a B.S. in biochemistry.In the ensuing years, Carolina underwent explosive growth as the baby boom generation entered college. Enrollment stood at 5,660 in 1960, but by 1979 had reached nearly 26,000 students on the Columbia campus alone. To meet the needs of these students and South Carolina's changing economy, the university put new emphasis on research and introduced innovative degree programs as well as a number of new schools and colleges. Carolina had become a true research university. 整合及注册人数的激增20世纪50年代,南卡罗莱纳大学开始美国国内的教师,学校的规模也不再局限于哥伦比亚,在南卡罗莱纳州的各个地方都建立了校区。
2、1963年9月11日,学校注册了批非裔美籍学生,其中就有Henrie D. Monteith、罗伯特·安德森和詹姆斯所罗门。
3、1965年,Henrie D. Monteith成为学校个非裔美籍毕业生,获得生物化学学士学位。
9、 Horseshoe restoration, bntennialCarolina also honored its past. A renovation program that began in 1972 restored the 19th-century Horseshoe buildings, a renaissance that served the South Carolina Honors College, which was established in 1977 and whose administrative offs and housing for juniors and seniors are largely on the Horseshoe.In the 1980s and 1990s, the university continued to dlop its resources to better serve the Palmetto State. A concerted drive to achi national recognition brought Carolina into the 21st century. In 2001, the University of South Carolina celebrated a legacy of 200 years of educating leaders for the future of South Carolina, the nation and the world. Horseshoe改建及建校二百在发展的同时,南卡罗莱纳大学也铭记过去,并对过去给予褒奖。
11、改建恢复了19世纪 Horseshoe 校区的建筑。
12、1977年,在 Horseshoe 老建筑的基础上,学校开设了荣誉学院。
13、荣誉学院的行政办公室和大二、大三学生宿舍也主要是在 Horseshoe 。
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