德信中外公寓 德信中外公寓是住宅吗
1、5、步行约800米,到达茱莉咖啡吧5, Dickson - foreign apartment public area decoration project mament [dlopers: Zhejiang Dexin Binhu Real Estate下沙现在没这么便宜的房子吧,三四年前还行,不过首付足够了 Limited]Work experience: A, 2009.6 -- 2010.6 Company Name: (Dickson estate) Zhejiang Geya decoration limited company engaged in the work of project mament: Project: 1, Dickson - early City Sales Department, a model of the housing (2) construction mament [dlopers: Zhejiang Dexin Jinsha Company Limited] 2, Hangzhou Jiubao Dexin gold Bolin apartment building 5# (64 sets) of refined decoration housing project mament delivery two, 2010.7-2013.8 Company Name: Dexin group (refined decoration mament department) engaged in the work of project mament: Project: 1, Dickson - foreign sales of apartments, senior housing model (2) construction mament [dlopers: Zhejiang Dexin Binheal estate Limited] 2 Dickson, early city public area Decoration Engineering (including overhead layer) [dlopers: Zhejiang Dexin Sands Ltd.] 3, Dickson - foreign apartment building 5# entity model of the housing decoration engineering mament [dlopers: Zhejiang Dexin Binhu Real Estate Limited]。
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