甄别是什么意思 乱花多注意甄别是什么意思
甄别是什么意思 乱花多注意甄别是什么意思
甄别是什么意思 乱花多注意甄别是什么意思
2、对了 专业词汇 去cnki比较权威全面临界值If the cut-off value of P-ADA>40U/L in tuberculous diagnosis,its sensitivity was.7%and specificity was.0%,if the cutoff value of P-ADA/S-ADA>1in tuberculous diagnosis,its sensitivity was97.2%and specificity was95.5%.以P-ADA>40U/L作为诊断结核的临界值 ,其敏感性为.7 % ,特异性为.0 % ,以P -ADA/S-ADA>1为临界值 ,其敏感性为97.2% ,特异性为95.5%。
3、The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of H-FABP for AMI was 84.38% and .8% when the cut off value was 16.8 ng/mL.以16.8 ng/mL作为H-FABP诊断AMI的临界值,其诊断AMI敏感性为84.4%,特异性为.8%。
4、the cutoff value for IL-10 was 40 μg/L, sensitivity 61.7%, and specificity 90.0%.血清IL-10的临界值为40μg/L,灵敏度为61.7%、特异性为90.0%。
5、The sensitivity for DD3 mRNA,PSA mRNA and DD3 mRNA/PSA mRNA was 90. 5% ,81. 0% and 81. 0% , respectively, and the specificity was 85.0% ,62.0% and 66.7% at cutoff value of 1.4×105 copies/mg tissue,3.0×107 copies/ mg tissue and 5. 0×10-3,respectively.当DD3 mRNA、PSA mRNA和DD3 mRNA/PSA mRNA临界值分别为1.4×105拷贝/mg组织、3.0×107拷贝/mg组织和5.0×10-3时,敏感性分别为90.5%、81.0%和81.0%,特异性分别为85.0%、62.0%和66.7%。
6、2. As cut off value is 48U/ml, the sensitivity of serum CA125 assay in the diagnosis of maligant pleural effusion was 85. 7%, specificity 90. 9%, accuracy 88. 9%.2.以48U/ml为临界值,CA125诊断癌性胸腔积液的敏感度85.7%,特异度90.9%,准确度88.9%。
7、=================================================临界值If the cut-off value of P-ADA>40U/L in tuberculous diagnosis,its sensitivity was.7%and specificity was.0%,if the cutoff value of P-ADA/S-ADA>1in tuberculous diagnosis,its sensitivity was97.2%and specificity was95.5%.以P-ADA>40U/L作为诊断结核的临界值 ,其敏感性为.7 % ,特异性为.0 % ,以P -ADA/S-ADA>1为临界值 ,其敏感性为97.2% ,特异性为95.5%。
8、The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of H-FABP for AMI was 84.38% and .8% when the cut off value was 16.8 ng/mL.以16.8 ng/mL作为H-FABP诊断AMI的临界值,其诊断AMI敏感性为84.4%,特异性为.8%。
9、the cutoff value for IL-10 was 40 μg/L, sensitivity 61.7%, and specificity 90.0%.血清IL-10的临界值为40μg/L,灵敏度为61.7%、特异性为90.0%。
10、The sensitivity for DD3 mRNA,PSA mRNA and DD3 mRNA/PSA mRNA was 90. 5% ,81. 0% and 81. 0% , respectively, and the specificity was 85.0% ,62.0% and 66.7% at cutoff value of 1.4×105 copies/mg tissue,3.0×107 copies/ mg tissue and 5. 0×10-3,respectively.当DD3 mRNA、PSA mRNA和DD3 mRNA/PSA mRNA临界值分别为1.4×105拷贝/mg组织、3.0×107拷贝/mg组织和5.0×10-3时,敏感性分别为90.5%、81.0%和81.0%,特异性分别为85.0%、62.0%和66.7%。
11、2. As cut off value is 48U/ml, the sensitivity of serum CA125 assay in the diagnosis of maligant pleural effusion was 85. 7%, specificity 90. 9%, accuracy 88. 9%.2.以48U/ml为临界值,CA125诊断癌性胸腔积液的敏感度85.7%,特异度90.9%,准确度88.9%。
12、================================================截止值Factors Affecting NMR T_2 Spectra of Oil Well Samples and Mods for Determining the T_2 Cutoff Value油井样品NMR T_2谱的影响因素及T_2截止值的确定方法T_2 cutoff value in low-permeability reservoirs and its application.低渗透储层T_2截止值实验研究及其测井应用use of the T2 value of the valley in bimodal T2 distribution as the T2 cutoff value when the T2 cutoff value from core ysis is not ailable;在没有条件获得实验室岩心T2截止值时,以目的层T2双峰分布谱峰谷的T2值作为T2截止值;In addition,the experimental results of the NMR properties of the shaly sandstones show that the transverse relaxation time(T_2) spectrum distribution changes with the salinity of solution and the cutoff value of T_2 decreases with the increase of the solution salinity.T2受到饱和溶液矿化度的影响,矿化度的变化带来T2谱分布形态的变化,T2截止值随饱和溶液矿化度的增大而减小。
15、」值Mods:Bile CEA,AFP and CA19 9 were detected in 31 cases of bile duct carcinomas and 13 of benign biliary diseases by immunoradiometry,followed by the determination of their cut off value.方法 :采用放射免疫测定法测定 31例胆管癌患者和 13例良性胆管疾病患者的胆汁中癌胚抗原 (CEA)、甲胎球蛋白 (AFP)、糖链抗原 (CA19- 9)的含量 ; 确定具有诊断价值的肿瘤标志物及其分界值。
16、If cut off value was 7.0 ng/ml,the sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis for biliary carcinomas based on the CEA ll were 80.6% and respectivly.取分界值为 7.0 ng/ m l,根据胆汁 CEA水平升高诊断胆管癌的敏感性为 80 .6 % ,特异性为 10 0 %。
17、A STUDY ON THE CUT OFF VALUE FOR NEONATAL CORD BLOOD TSH MEASURED WITH IRMA.IRMA法新生儿滤纸血斑TSH分界值的讨论The serum amylase assay had a sensitivity of 79.2 percT2截止值是T2谱中最重要的参数之一,选取的科学性与准确性直接影响到核磁共振测量结果.ent(cut off value,125U per liter) and a specificity of 76.1 percent,the sensitivity and specificity of the urinary amylase assay and the ratio of urinary amylase to urinary creatinine were 81.1(cut offvalue,490U liter),73.1,94.4 and 89.7 percent,respectively.Bamy对急性胰腺炎的诊断敏感度为79.2%(分界值为125U/L),特异性为76.1%; Uamy的敏感性为81.1%(分界值为490U/L),特异性为73.1%;。
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