spain什么意思 spain什么意思英语
spain什么意思 spain什么意思英语
spain什么意思 spain什么意思英语
2、双语例句:1、I must go to the bank and get some money.我得上银行取点儿钱。
3、2、You can't take your money with you when you go.你不可能把钱带进棺材。
4、3、The money is much better in my new job.我的新工作薪水高多了。
5、4、The money will go towards a new school building.这笔资金将用于修建新校舍。
6、5、I don't he that much money on me.我身上没带那么多钱。
7、6、I'd like to pay some money into my account.我想在我的账户里存一些钱。
8、7、Lack of money is the main problem, as I see it.依我看,主要问题是缺钱。
9、8、The money could be better spent on more urgent cases.这笔钱用于较紧迫的事情也许会好些。
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