50feet什么意思中文翻 50feet表达什么
1、54I like私は今日1件の青色のT-shirtと黒色のズボンを着ました.头の上で1顶の绿色の帽子をかぶりました.私は好きですToday,I wearing a blue shirt ,black pants, green hat and white shoes.they're so beautiful and i love it very 就是这样.much!Today, I wearing a blue T-shirt and black pants. Wearing of a green hat.Feet to wear a pair of white shoes. They are beautiful! I likeI today wore a T-shirt of orchid color and black of pants.Wore a hat of green on the head.Wore a pair of shoes of white on the feet.They are all very beautiful!I wearing a blue T-shirt, a black pantsa green hat and a white shoes today.theyare very beautiful!T-shirt衬衫Today, I wearing a blue T-shirt and black pants. Wearing of a green hat.Feet to wear a pair of white shoes. They are beautiful! ..I swear a blue T-shirt and black trousers with a green hat on my head and a pair of white shoes on my feet.They are all very beautiful!这样吧?~。
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