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有2首 1、I Wanna Be) Like Other Girls
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nanana在线观看免费动漫 nana全集资源
I wanna be like other girls,
I wanna see what other girls see,
To wear my old jeans,
To eat a whole cake,
Feel the sun on my feet,
Be quiet, be craI'll play you soundszy
Be anything I want to Be,
Dance around on my underwear.
To walk by myself,
Do nothing all day,
To eat a whole cake,
Be cranky with frosting.
No cameras,No pressures,No phonies, No hair gel,
No platform shoes.
I wanna be like other girls,
I wanna see what other girls see,
I wanna be like other girls,
I wanna see what other girls see,
To stay in one place,
To sleep until 3,
To meet a n guy who likes me for me.
No cameras,No pressures,No phonies, No hair gel,
No platform shoes.
I wanna be like other girls,
I wanna see what other girls see,
I wanna be like other girls,
I wanna see what other girls see,
I wanna be like other girls,
I wanna see what other girls see,
Just to be free like other girls,
2、是Here Beside Me
I'll show you wealth
You've nr seen
The sun and moon and shadows
The rainbowHow could I let you go?'s arch, the mountain stream
The sunless clouds
You've nr heard
The wal, the river
The tder of the hummingbird
The whisper of the snow
What if you nr know
How much you cared
Till you are parted
Like stormy sea
HoAnd the winter's dreamw could I he
My life without you
Be with me!
The world's a door
That's open wide
Because you're here beside me
And with the moon and sun
To guide me
Now my heart
Can fly
Can be freeeeeeee!
演唱: Hayley Westenra
True to your heart
Now our hearts有2首 1、I Wanna Be) Like Other Girls
Just to be free like other girls.附加歌词:
I wanna be like other girls,
I wanna see what other girls see,
To wear my old jeans,
To eat a whole cake,
Feel the sun on my feet,
Be quiet, be crazy
Be anything I want to Be,
DanceNo people who think that they know me but don't, around on my underwear.
To walk by myself,
Do nothing all day,
To eat a whole cake,
Be cranky with frosting.
No cameras,No pressures,No phonies, No hair gel,
No platform shoes.
I wanna be like other girls,
I wanna see what other girls see,
I wanna be like other girls,
I wanna see what other girls see,
To stay in one place,
To sleep until 3,
To meet a n guy who likes me for me.
No cameras,No pressures,No phonies, No hair gel,
No platform shoes.
I wanna be like other girls,
I wanna see what other girls see,
I wanna be like other girls,
I wanna see what other girls see,
I wanna be like other girls,
I wanna see what other girls see,
Just to be free like other girls,
2、是Here Beside Me
I'll show you wealth
You've nr seen
The sun and moon and shadows
The rainbow's arch, the mountain stream
The sunless clouds
You've nr heard
The wal, the river
The tder of the hummingbird
The whisper of the snow
What if you nr know
How much you cared
Till you are parted
Like stormy sea
How could I he
My life without you
Be with me!
The world's a door
That's open wide
Because you're here beside me
And with the moon and sun
To guide me
Now my heart
Can fly
Can be freeeeeeee!
演唱: Hayley Westenra
True to your heart
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