哈利波特全集名字 哈利波特各部名字
哈利波特全集名字 哈利波特各部名字
哈利波特全集名字 哈利波特各部名字
哈利·波特,英国女作家J.K.罗琳的魔幻系列《哈利·波特》系列及其衍生作品中的主人公,是詹姆·波特和莉莉·波特(原名莉莉·伊万斯)的独生子,出生于1980年7月31日,教父为小天狼星布莱克(Sirius Black),或者说西里斯·布莱克。
Harry Potter is a series of Sn Magic novels written by British writer J. K. Rowling from 1997 to 2007. The first six of them are the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft.
The snth book is about Harry Potter, a young wizard student, who spent six years in Hogwarts studying, living and taking risks. The snth book is about Harry Potter's search for the Horcrux and the destruction of Voldemort in the Second Magical World War.
根据作者J·K·罗琳的介绍,这个故事的灵感是19年她在从曼彻斯特到伦敦的火车上萌发出的。她当时经常在爱迪安堡的一家咖啡馆中撰写集。链接This story began when Voldemort kills Harry's parent's, Harry an orphan,starting his 10 miserable years of living with his aunt,uncle,and their proud and extremely fat son,Dudley.Then on Harry's elnth birthday,he recis a mysterious letter,addressed from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Harry's aunt and uncle move to a faraway shack,to oid those "annoying" letters .But just when ryone is sleeping,a giant named Hagrid comes and ls a very shocked Harry that he is a wizard .Hagrid takes Harry away,and that starts Harry's exciting and series of great aentures.:
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哈利波特创作背景:Harry Potter and the Sorcers Stone is about a boy who's parents are killed my an evil wizard. Then Harry is taken to a school where he is taught how to be a wizard and how to use his powers. He then is taken to live with these one very evil people who don't n like him and treat him like he's an animal. Making him d《哈利·波特1-7全集》内容:哈利·波特在霍格沃茨魔法学校经过三年的学习和磨练,逐渐成长为一个出色的巫师。新学年开始前,哈利和罗恩、赫敏一起去观看精彩的魁地奇世界杯赛,无意间发现了消失十三年的黑魔标记。哈利的心头笼上了一团浓重的阴云,但三个少年依然拥有他们自己的天地,霍格沃茨是他们心目中永远的伊甸园。然而,少男少女的心还是那样难以捉摸,三人之间的美好友情竟是那样一波三折,忽晴忽雨—一哈利渴望与美丽的秋·张共同走进一个美丽的故事,但这个朦朦胧胧的憧憬却遭受了小小的失意。他要做一个普普通通的四年级魔法学生,可是不幸的是,哈利·波特注定永远都不可能平平常常——即使拿魔法界的标准来衡量。黑魔的阴影始终挥而不去,种种神秘将哈利卷进了罪恶漩涡的深处。哈利渴望在百年不遇的三强争霸赛中战胜自我,完成那三个惊险艰巨的魔法项目,谁知整个这场竞赛竞是一个天大的黑魔法阴谋。o all the work on their farm and all the chores around the house. Harry then becomes a magnifnt wizard and uses his powers against ryone who is in his way. Harry also comes to relize that ryone in his way will get hurt because he can not control his powers all that good. Harry has a lot of aentures in all his books. It's a series of books written by J.R. Rowling as he comes over the most remarkable nts. J.rR. Rowling had written 4 books about Harry Potter and his wizard's ways into the way of life. It shows how a little boy left with nothing can become the most famous person in soming. Harry Potter a(
“The books chronicle the aentures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter, toger with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his friends from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world and subjugate non-magical (Muggle) people to his rule.”
附件为33G的种子资源__哈利,24岁的罗琳有了创作哈利·波特的念头。1997年6月,推出哈利·波特系列本《哈利·波特与魔法石》。随后,罗琳又分别于1998年与1999年创作了《哈利·波特与密室》和《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》。2001年,美国华纳兄弟电影公司决定将的部《哈利·波特与魔法石》搬上银幕。波特 8部全集___国英双语,双字幕超清版______
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