关于可口可乐的ppt介绍 关于可口可乐的ppt介绍怎么写
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关于可口可乐的ppt介绍 关于可口可乐的ppt介绍怎么写
关于可口可乐的ppt介绍 关于可口可乐的ppt介绍怎么写
关于可口可乐的ppt介绍 关于可口可乐的ppt介绍怎么写
3、可乐的发明者是美国的一位剂师,名叫约翰彭伯顿。在19世纪80年代,当时禁酒令的背景环境,激起了他研究无酒精饮品的兴趣。最初他期望创造出一种能提神、解乏的用混合饮料。1886年,潘伯顿和他的助手一起, 从树的树叶和树籽中提取成分,经过反复试验,配制成功了一种水, 当时这种水颜色是深绿色的。
附加 可口可乐 4个字就价值699亿美元 是世界的品派 第2的是万宝路
百事可乐与可口可乐竞争时双方的优势 英文版ppt
PepsiCo (NYSE: PEP) is one of the world's most familiar consumer food and brage companies, offering brands like Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Tropicana and Quaker.
It's best known, of course, for is its flagship soft drink brand... and its rivalry with -Cola(NYSE: KO).
The Coke vs. Pepsi conflict raged on for decades across the country on supermarket shelves, fast food restaurants and the like.
Coke always held the bigger market share in this area. But at times, Pepsi - fueled by arter and more aggressive aertising campaigns - moved ahead.
Many investors beli the cola war is still going strong. But that's where they're wrong.
Sure, the TV commercial designed to show that PepsiMax tastes better than Coke Zerorather acked of the blatant competition in the 1980s and 1990s. But in reality, Pepsi surrendered; the war was lost.
That -Cola Company is set up in 1892 , general headquarter is set up in USA Qiao Ya Zhou Atlanta at present, is maximal the whole world drink company , the binomial (-Cola row owning the whole world 48% marketplace occupation ratio and the whole world first three big drink is first, Pepsi second, low quantity of heat -Cola third), whose camp in 2001 is collected amounting to 20 , 92 million U. S. dollar, the common stock stockholder's equity is 11 , 351 million U. S. dollar then. But -Cola owns 160 kinds drink brands in 200 countries , also is a maximal the whole world ju drink dealer (include the Minute Maid brand) including that soft drink , motion drink , milk kind drink the product , ju , tea and coffee,before first -Cola of USA row be that the person gets the market share exceeding 40%, Sprite is that the quickest drink , other brand include Berk then grow up, the fruit country and billow.
可口可乐公司成立于1892年,目前总部设在美国乔亚州亚特兰大,是全球的饮料公司,拥有全球48%市场占有率以及全球前三大饮料的二项(可口可乐,百事可乐第二,低热量可口可乐第三),其2001年营收达20,092百万美元,普通股股东权益则为11,351百万美元。可口可乐在200个拥有160种饮料品牌,包括汽水、运动饮料、乳类饮品、果汁、茶和咖啡,亦是全球的果汁饮料经销商(包括Minute Maid品牌),在美国的可口可乐为其取得超过40%的市场占有率,而雪碧则是成长最快的饮料,其它品牌包括伯克,水果国度以及大浪。
-Cola Enterprises is the world's largest marketer, producer and distributor of -Cola products. We operate in 46 U.S. states and Canada, and are the exclusive -Cola bottler for all of Belgium, continental France, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Monaco and the Nerlands. Our sales represent 16 percent of The -Cola Company's worldwide volume.
-Cola Enterprises’ growing product portfolio includes the world’s greatest brands and brages. We deliver them to the right place at the right moment with the industry’s most effective marketplace execution. We are the largest nonalcoholic bottler in the world, and our total volume represents 16 percent of The -Cola Company’s total global volume. We also distribute Dr Pepper and other notable brands.
While sparkling soft drinks represent our heritage, our portfolio now encompasses a full range of brage categories, including energy drinks, still and sparkling waters, jus, sports drinks, fruit drinks, coffee-based brages and teas.
our roots go back to the birth of the -Cola bottling business in the 19th century. Today, we serve a population of 419 million, representing approximay 81percent of the people in North America and the entire populations of Belgium, continental France, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Monaco and the Nerlands.
Our reach is international, yet our focus remains with the communities in which we operate. We strive to be an outstanding local and corporate citizen and work in partnership with our constituents at ry ll.
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