
Yesterday, the ell of dongting lake water yueyang tower. WuChu southeast Che tide, day and night. A military GuanShanBei, porch nose si flow.

大历四年春,诗人离开岳阳至潭州、郴州等地时是由白马潭(今湘阴境内)裴隐宅出发的。《陪裴使君登岳阳楼》 一诗,“礼加徐孺子,诗接谢宣城”,写出了杜甫把自己比做东汉时的名贤徐稚,把裴使君比做礼贤下士即从巴峡穿巫峡,的陈蕃,可知杜甫在岳阳的数月,受到了非常好的款待。谢 宣城指南北朝齐时的诗人谢眺。他文章清丽,善长五言诗,曾出任宣城太守,故又有谢宣城之称。杜甫在此处,把裴使君比为谢眺,甚为赞誉。“诗接”一语杜甫对 裴使君诗歌的唱对。裴使君如此礼遇款待,一同登楼共赏湖光山色。此时此刻,杜便下襄阳向洛阳。News at this far western station! The north has been recaptured!At first I cannot check the tears from pouring on my coat ——Where is my wife? Where are my sons? Yet crazily sure of finding them, I pack my books and poems- -And loud my song and deep my drink On the green spring-day that starts me home, Back from this mountain, past another mountain,Up from the south, north again-to my own town!甫心情能不激动。杜甫到岳阳对裴使君说,也是十分兴奋的。当看到饥寒交迫的老 友,如此落寞,给以暖和的款待是必然的。故杜甫在岳阳时得到了精神和物质上的安慰。故有“雪岸丛梅发,春泥百草生。敢违渔父问,从此更南征”的诗句。

登岳阳楼 杜甫 原文翻译 登岳阳楼原文及翻译杜甫登岳阳楼 杜甫 原文翻译 登岳阳楼原文及翻译杜甫

登岳阳楼 杜甫 原文翻译 登岳阳楼原文及翻译杜甫



大历四年春,诗人离开岳阳至潭州、郴州等地时是由白马潭(今湘阴境内)裴隐宅出发的。《陪裴使君登岳阳楼》 一诗,“礼加徐孺子,诗接谢宣城”,写出了杜甫把自己比做东汉时的名贤徐稚,把裴使君比做礼贤下士的陈蕃,可知杜甫在岳阳的数月,受到了非常好的款待。谢 宣城指南北朝齐时的诗人谢眺。他文章清丽,善长五言诗,曾出任宣城太守,故又有谢宣城之称。杜甫在此处,把裴使君比为谢眺,甚为赞誉。“诗接”一语杜甫对 裴使君诗歌的唱剑外忽传收蓟北,对。裴使君如此礼遇款待,一同登楼共赏湖光山色。此时此刻,杜甫心情能不激动。杜甫到岳阳对裴使君说,也是十分兴奋的。当看到饥寒交迫的老 友,如此落寞,给以暖和的款待是必然的。故杜甫在岳阳时得到了精神和物质上的安慰。故有“雪岸丛梅发,春泥百草生。敢违渔父问,从此更南征”的诗句。

七言律诗 杜甫








昔闻洞庭水, 今上岳阳楼。 吴楚东南坼, 乾坤日夜浮。 亲朋无一字, 老病有孤舟。 戎马关山北, 凭轩涕泗流。 On Yueyang Tower Long he I heard of Dongting Lake, Now I ascend the Yueyang Height.Here eastern state and southern break; Here sun and moon float day and night. No word from friends or kinsfolk dear, A boat bears my declining years. War’s raging on the northern frontier, Leaning on rails, I shed sad tears.

剑外忽传收蓟北, 初闻涕泪满衣裳。 却看妻子愁何在, 漫卷诗书喜欲狂。 白日放歌须纵酒, 青春作伴好还乡。 即从巴峡穿巫峡, 便下襄阳向洛阳。

The sword and send and receive thistle north, beginning with garments ell of ti. But what ManJuan, see his wife sorrow to read like crazy. You must, youth day sings it good company. Namely from wu gorge, 你这问题还真能折磨人啊!但是无论怎么翻译也不能体现古诗所包含的意蕴,想要理解古诗,好好学习中文,学习的文化吧!gorge in luoyang. Next to xiangyang.









便下襄阳向洛阳。 -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Du Fu BOTH SIDES OF THE YELLOW RIVER RECAPTURED BY THE IMPERIAL ARMY

News at this far western station! The north has been recaptured!At first I cannot check the tears from pouring on my coat ——Where is my wife? Where are my sons? Yet crazily sure of finding them, I pack my books and poems- -And loud my song and deep my drink On the green spring-day that starts me home, Back from this mountain, past another mountain,Up from the south, north again-to my own town!

昔闻洞庭水, 今上岳阳楼。 吴楚东南坼, 乾坤日夜浮。 亲朋无一字, 老病有孤舟。 戎马关山北, 凭轩涕泗流。 On Yueyang Tower Long he I heard of Dongting Lake, Now I ascend the Yueyang Height.Here eastern state and southern break; Here sun and moon float day and night. No word from friends or kinsfolk dear, A boat bears my declining years. War’s raging on the northern frontier, Leaning on rails, I shed sad tears.