在英语中,定冠词 "the" 用于表示特定或已知的人或事物。在 "the" 后面使用单数还是复数名词取决于所指的事物的数量。

在 "the" 后面使用单数或复数名词:规则和例外在 "the" 后面使用单数或复数名词:规则和例外


当 "the" 后面指代一个单一的事物时,使用单数名词。 例如: The book is on the table. The cat is sleeping in the sun.

当 "the" 后面指代一组事物作为整体时,也使用单数名词。 例如: The class is going on a field trip. The family is having a picnic.

当 "the" 后面指代抽象概念或集体名词时,使用单数名词。 例如: The truth will set you free. The crowd cheered at the concert.


当 "the" 后面指代两个或多个事物时,使用复数名词。 例如: The books are on the table. The cats are sleeping in the sun.


有一些例外情况,在这些情况下,在 "the" 后面可能会使用复数名词。

当 "the" 后面指代一组人或事物,但强调个体时,使用复数名词。 例如: The students in the class are very bright. The animals in the zoo are all different.

当 "the" 后面指代一组事物,但含义为 "集合体" 时,使用复数名词。 例如: The United States is a country of immigrants. The Himalayas are a mountain range.

在某些惯用语中,在 "the" 后面使用复数名词。 例如: The odds are against us. The stakes are high.


1. 选择正确的名词形式: The ____ is on the table. (book / books) The ____ are sleeping in the sun. (cat / cats) The ____ is having a picnic. (family / families) The ____ are on the table. (book / books) The ____ are all different. (animal / animals)