项目进度 英文 项目进度英文翻译
大家好我是源源,项目进度 英文,关于项目进度英文翻译很多人还不知道,那么现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、CV是指检查期间BCWP与ACWP之间的异,计算公式为:CV=BCWP-ACWP.找对人了 请看Engineer :工程师1. A company SAP external s that the is an extension of SAP localized mainly done scheng s, scheng s performance working group leader of the staff working hours and progress of the work of mament, each employees through this ry day can see their work, daily work schedule to be completed, leader ryone can see the visual performance of the work is the work of each member of a performance statistics, according to work strength, difficulty of work, time, bug rate, leader evaluation, Statistics Department, ryone's performance dlopment tools that MySQL + VS2005 / C # project roles: Systems Engineer (detailed design, coding, unit test) 2. School Safety Mament System for National frequent school stabbing incident, a city of a customized security mament platform, through the students, their parents credit card, send text messages, monitor the student query the current status in a timely manner. Divided into control centers, card serv centers, web of three modules. 1. Monitoring Centre for Monitoring the client through the credit card data through the Attendance soket sent to the monitoring server, monitoring server updates the data based on time model to the database. 2. Card serv center is on the attendance card mament, card sales card loss report three main functions 3.web control center is mad and updated data on the role and the card mode settings are divided into query statistics, settings, teacher attendance check the statistics of the three major functional classes of each school year students in the state, students who forgot their cards handmade sign in the settings can be checked out for each grade school class attendance, student attendance refund to set the teacher is teachers lee late and lee early to ma statistical dlopment tools: SQL2008 + VS2008 / C # + DXP project roles: project leader (DB design, project as a whole to grasp, requirements ysis, testing)。
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