怀恋过去的英文 怀念过去的英文短句
怀恋过去的英文 怀念过去的英文短句
怀恋过去的英文 怀念过去的英文短句
2、"DESTINY"...?I don't want to be bound by anything.Time is not to let people forget the pain, but people get used to pain.(“命运”...?我不想被任何东西束缚着.)life is like a box of chocolate.you nr know what you're gonna get next.出自阿甘伟大的母亲的一句话,她就是这样教育一个弱智的孩子走向成功之路,无论如何,她是极其伟大的母亲。
3、翻译:生活就像一盒巧克力Love, why do you ask? The mature nr ask the past, the wise nr ask the Psent and the open-minded nr ask the future.,你从来不会猜到你接下来会得到什么the more you learn, the more you know. the more you know,the more you forget. the more you forget,the less you know. so why bother to learn.Alone,always he been,always will be.孤单,以前如此,以后依旧。
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