妹妹背着洋娃娃mp3 妹妹背着洋娃娃mp3百度网盘
1、The younger sister is carrying foreign-style doll Arrives at the garden to look at oriental cherry The baby cried to call Aunt On tree's bird is laughing Why does the baby baby cry Has remembered Aunt's words The baby baby do not want to cry again Had any concern to say to me Formerly I also had从前我也有个家 family 回忆中的景象 画面逐渐被弄Also has dear father and mother Had day of daddy to get drunk Picked up the axe to move toward Aunt Daddy daddy has chopped many under Red blood incarnadine wall MotherRolls to the bed under Her eye is also looking at my Then daddy is called me to him We bury mother under the tree Then daddy recommended axe Bared my skin to make baby。
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