坚持的英文短语 继续坚持的英文短语
坚持的英文短语 继续坚持的英文短语
坚持的英文短语 继续坚持的英文短语
1、坚持就是胜利persrance prevailspersrance means victory相关例句:1.座佑铭:坚持就是胜利,相信自己。
2、My motto: Little by little and bit by bit, just beli yourself.2.我不能保证“坚持就是胜利”,但是我说了“坚持就是勇气。
3、”I can't promise "persriRemember to read more books. Without reading, thinking will stop, over time, will be rust.ng", but I said "persistence is courage.小朋友,前面的跟风风雨雨,只要你们相信一名话成功就在你眼前:坚持就是胜利!Children, with the front of ups and downs, and as long as you beli what a success in youreyes:Adherence isIf not the patience waiting for the arrival of success, so can only use the patience to wait for the failure of the life. victory!Keep at it, and you will succeed.keep at it或者persring namely success/triumph/victorynamelya.即, 也就是successtriumphn.胜利, 成功v.获得胜利victoryn.胜利, 战胜, 克服, [罗神]胜利女神坚持就是胜4、Hold on a minute while I get my breath back. 停一停, 让我喘口气。
4、利的英文正确翻译是"The persistence is victory"。
5、楼上的你不会就别胡扯!Persisted is the victory!The persistence is a victory对的Persrance is victory。
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