新视野大学英语1电子版书第三版 新视野大学英语1第三版教材
1、Unit1textA3. 1.confidence 2.explore 3emerged 4assume 5e 6comprehensive 7resources 8yield 9inherited 10tranit4 uncover uneasy unload applicant resistant accountant assist simplify notify qualify classify5 1classified 2assist 3resistant 4uncovered 5uneasy 6qualify 7unloading 8applicants 9simplified 10accountant 11notified6 D H A B M F O I G J7 1get by 2make the most of 3in aance 4over time 5reap the benefits of 6all at time 7remind of 8stand a chance of 9open the door to 10take pleasure intextB5 1stimulate 2potential 3cultivate 4instinct 5confident 6assured 7curiosity 8participate 9approach 10capacity6 1into 2like 3to 4up 5to 6up 7off 8in读写unit2TextA3 1awaits 2efficiency 3donation 4polished 5stuffed 6historical 7emotional 8embarrassed 9dump 10curb7 1made it 2After all 3strip off 4with open arms 5throw away 6straighten up 7keep back 8free ofTextB4 1awkward 2stretch 3overtaking 4delicate 5anticipate 6immense 7reluctance 8suspicious 9complain 10melted5 1out 2for 3with 4in 5in 6down 7to 8aboard读写unit3TextA3 1competitive 2transform 3typical 4response 5adopted 6focused 7compensate 8yze 9regulate 10estimate7 1fired off 2keep up with 3set up 4account for 5stand out 6add to 7take the lead 8at a disaantage 9in large part 10visit withTextB4 1concerned 2release ositive 4ceased 5enable 6decline 7scheduled 8essential 9neglect 10arouse5 1of 2to 3with 4of 5from 6but 7to 8for。
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