红与黑读后感 红与黑读后感1000字左右
书中主要的三个角色:1。于连:一个木匠的儿子,长得清秀英俊,一心想进入上流。2。雷纳尔夫人:夫人,长得端庄美貌。当她看到了年轻英俊的于连后,被他所吸引,不自觉地爱上了他。后来事情被人察觉,两人不得不分开,但她仍然一心想着于连。后来教士逼迫她写了一封诽谤于连的信,破坏了于连的婚姻。3。玛蒂尔德:巴黎一个很有势力的侯爵的女儿,长得天姿国色,但生性古怪。她后来也爱上了于连,并且不顾父亲反对,坚持要嫁给他。十八岁的于连外表英俊,尽管出身贫寒却心高气傲。他渴望挤入上流,却又"对上流,只怀着仇恨和厌恶,事实上,上流只在餐桌的末端接纳了他,这也许是他产生仇恨和厌恶的原因。"在当时的法国,家庭教师在上流的眼中是与仆人一样的级别,甚至连吃饭也不能与主人同桌。胸怀大志的于连尽管非常渴望挤入上流,非常珍视去家做家庭教师的机会,但他宁愿继续做木匠甚至逃离家乡也无法忍受与仆人一起吃饭的侮辱,经过抗争才被破格允许与主人同桌吃饭。他的坚强,他的高傲,他的虚荣,自尊心之强,在某种程度上是令人钦佩的。雷纳尔夫人对于连有好感,不仅因为他年龄小,聪明,干净,对她视为生命一样重要的三个孩子很友好,还因为于连的贫寒和可怜。The protagonist in the book in is a weak timid, low social status of young people, he is on his own knowledge, wisdom and persrance of persrance, of religion, rely on a woman, also in order to achi his great ambition, at the crowded into high society. During this time, he met the DE child, huand, wife, two people quickly Now think about, isn't this a love tragedy? It, again l people - the society, from the opite side is a colorful, full of love and society.fell in love, after soon fell in love. Soon, Mrs DE ruina became his feelings - woman. Later, unfortunay were found by Mr DE ruina, pique, connect to send to the seminary. There, Yu Liangang start was looked down upon, but as born clr and art, outstanding, not only got 2 pet's priests and xia si · times, two priests like abbe and got the respect of the people in the seminary. But he is not satisfied with this.
红与黑读后感 红与黑读后感1000字左右
红与黑读后感 红与黑读后感1000字左右
Closed the book, the mood always feel strange, there is a say, mind always he a question? Why, in is the cause of the peak, but will eliminated by the society relentless? Later, I see, because he not only depends on knowledge, more is to rely on outside ignoble means, and such a person, often is the first selection of the social cho objects.
In this view, "the red" the end of the story in the book also is very painful. In n before death, had asked Mrs DE ruina vowed to survive, good care of mathilde's child, this shows that in n is a man of heart. On n after the death of madame DE ruina also loyal to her promise, howr, is that n after the death of the third day, she also kissed her child died, it also suggests that madame DE ruina is so in love.
The writer writing unfolds, first is entire French
society’s one typical window -----all city Varriale’spolitical pattern. The aristocrat is born GermanSwitzerland that mayor is restores the dynasty in herehighest representative, the maintenance restorationpolitical power, prnts the bourgeoisie free partymember is in power in politics regards as the inherentresponsibilities.
《红与黑》,作者:法国斯丹达尔。主要人物:于连.索莱尔,玛红与黑英文读后感 First saw the title of the book, there is a strange impulse, "the red"? What color is tie-in after? Gradually, I began to fantasy... Wait until the moment when I closed the book, I seem to vaguely understood. Red, it is to point to a person when the appre于连没有了母亲,父亲视他为家庭的负担,两个哥哥甚至当着雷纳尔夫人的面把于连打得"满脸是血,昏倒在地"。想到于连的不幸遭遇,她常常伤感地流下泪来。当她发现于连由于贫穷而没有足够的内衣时,终于决定瞒着丈夫送点钱给于连,没有想到却遭到了于连愤怒的拒绝,于连将此看成是对他的羞辱。这不但没有使雷纳尔夫人产生恶感,反而更加敬佩起于连来。终于日久生情,不知不觉爱上了于连。在那段时期,他与雷纳尔夫人发生了暧昧关系,大部分是为了反抗和报复贵族阶级对他的 。但是,纸醉金迷,利欲熏心的上流也腐蚀了于连的灵魂,助长了他向上爬的欲望和野心。,于连进入阴森的神学院后,亲眼目睹了勾心斗角,尔虞我诈的丑恶内幕,于是他便耍起了两面派手法,这种表里不一的行为居然得到的表睐和宠幸。神学院的生活进一步扭曲了于连的性格,强化了他向上爬的野心和虚伪的作风。于连给木尔侯爵当后虽然还不时流露出平民阶级的思想意识,但在受到侯爵重用,征服玛蒂尔德后,于连的"平民阶级叛逆心"已消失。他成了复辟王朝的忠实走卒。正当于连一步步走向他所向往的"光明"时,因枪击雷纳尔夫人而断送了自己的前程,把自己送上了断头台。 作为一部的批判现实主义,作者却给予主人公于连了他深切的同情,通过人对欲念的执着追求与追求不到的痛苦来批判那个时代特定的现实,这也是《红与黑》流传至今魅力长存的原因。nt, and black, it represents the death...蒂尔德,德莱纳夫人。主要情节:木匠儿子于连一心想凭借巴结贵族来使自己能够进入上流。因为他惊人的记忆力,得到了德莱纳先生的青睐,得以进入上流,因为出身,对自尊有很强的要求。《红与黑》读后感
Soon, he was recommended as the bible of Paris a marquis home tutor. There, he met again mathilda, a art but proud girl, and the two quickly fall in love. On the two women, to n use during the total number of ignoble means. When in n thought he had set foot on the apprent road and got beyond class two women love, but ultimay failed, social relentlessly on the guillotine.把德瑞那夫人和于连从暧昧到私通这个过程的矛盾和煎熬刻画得淋漓尽致。让人不禁感觉似曾熟悉某一种场景,体会到在心上之人面前的那种局促和不安以及担心自己表现不佳的焦虑。
Poor collection t mar Valno thepromise originally is the petty bourgeois, as a result of hires oneself the church secret organization saint canobtain the now the fat difference, thus oneself withrestoration politi此书给我深的印象就是心理描写。尤其是于连和德瑞那夫人。在于连和德瑞那夫人初识不久,德瑞那夫人的心就早早跟着于连走了。于连对于瑞那夫人起初却是一种野心,一种占有欲,一种挑战自我的一个选择。cal power hitch in same place.Transcription hall Father Maslon is the spy which thechurch sends, all people’s words and deeds all under hissurveillance, the time which mutually supports in thisking place and the sacrificial altar, is person whichwields great power with great arrogance. These threepeople constitute " Three heads Politic ", reflected therestoration influence the aspect which you the cityrrogated all powers to oneself in Varriale.But theiropite, is a large number, has the huge economicpotentiality aggressive bourgeoisie free party member.Stendhal describes to the people guarantees king partymember’s be domineering a断断续续,花了半个多月的时间,读完了这本书。nd tyrannical, on the one handagain let the people draw such conclusion: Grasps has theeconomic potentiality the bourgeoisie, also will decide inpolitics is the final victor.《红与黑》读后感350字
《 The Red and the Black 》the book in circulation revolutionized in July, 1830before, takes charge of soup reaches unexpectedly pictures understands clearly historical movement this oneinevitably tends to.《红与黑》读后感:首先,对于连的短暂一生感到悲哀。完全没有自我。完全是时代的‘杰出’产物!时代造就了于连的狡诈与虚伪外国文学,作为大学期间一门必修课,起初令我很是头疼,其中重要的原因可能除了文学背景之外,作品中长长的人名也是非常之头疼。开课了,在我见了雷小青老师,直至听了她的课之后,我竟也渐渐的喜欢上了它。闲余时间,去图书馆借过几套文学书籍,其中的《红与黑》是印象比较深刻的。法国作家司汤达十分成功地塑造了于连·索黑尔这个极富时代色彩,又具有鲜明个性的艺术形象,而且通过主人公的经历,展示了法国复辟王朝时期广阔的时代画卷,触及到当时许多尖锐的问题。!
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