honor怎么读 honor怎么读音标
honor怎么读 honor怎么读音标
honor怎么读 honor怎么读音标
honor怎么读 honor怎么读音标
3、复数: honours原形: honor第三人称单数: honours现在分词: honouring过去式: honoured过去分词: honoured网络释义:荣誉 ; 光荣 ; 尊敬 ; 名誉 ; 光荣的网络释义短语搭配:in honour of为庆祝;为向…表示敬意man of honour正直的人;高尚的人guest of honour贵宾;重要客人honour killing雪耻杀亲;荣誉杀亲guard of honour仪仗队双语例句:I'll be good to you always, I give you my word of honour.我将永远对你好,我用我的名誉担保。
4、The community has its own principles it can itself honour or dishonor.这个社区有自己可以遵守或不遵守的原则。
5、I must as a matter of honour oid any taint of dishonesty.出于正直的考虑,我必须避免任何不诚实的污点。
6、He languished in jail refusing, as a point of honour, to talk.他在中受尽折磨,但出于荣誉拒绝说话。
7、Sophie monopolized the guest of honour for most of the ning.晚上大部分时间苏菲都单独拖住贵宾不放。
8、Mrs Young had the honour of being received by the Queen.扬夫人有受到王后接见的特殊荣誉。
9、The actors give it some verbal about how it's an honour just to be nominated演员们在谈论仅仅获得提名也是荣誉这个话题时讲了一番空话。
10、Make sure the franchisees honour the terms of the contract.确保经销商遵守合同条款。
11、They are on their honour as gentlemen not to cheat他们以绅士的名誉担保不会人。
12、Giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel敬重妻子犹如敬重弱者。
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