英语情景剧剧本初中 英语情景剧表演视频初中
1、这个怎么样?The fox and the sn goatsAct One. In the goat hutStoer: Mrs. Goat is putting breakfast on the table. Her sn kids are sitting around the table.Mother: Children. I must go to the town this morning. You will be here alone. There is one thing you must do: lock the door. Don’t open it until I get back.Kid 1. We won’t, Mama. We will keep the door locked all the time.Mother: All of you stay inside.All kids: We will, Mama. We will be good little goats.Mother: All right, my children. I will not be long. I will bring you a surprise. Good-bye, now.All kids: Good-bye, Mama.Stoer: Mrs. Goat goes away. Her kids we good-bye. Then they go inside and lock the door.Kid 2: Whoop-eee! We are all alone.Kid 3. Isn’t this fun?Kid 4. Let’s dance and sing. La-dee-da. La-dee-da!Kid5. We are like big goats. We are so big that we can be alone.All kids: La-dee-da! La-dee-da!Stoer: Outside the hut is the sly red fox. He is hiding in he bushes. He wants to catch the kids. He sees Mrs. Goat go to town. So he waits a little while. Then he runs to the door and taps.Fox: Tap-tap-tap! Tap-tap-tap!Kid 6. Who is there, please?Fox: It is me, your friend, a dear, dear friend.Kid 7. What is your name? Dear, dear friend?Fox: I can’t l you. It is a big surprise. Now open the door.All kids: Oh, no. Mama said we must keep the door locked. We must mind our mother.Fox: Please let me in. I he such a good surprise for you.Kid 3. Go away!Kid 2: Come back when manna is here.Kid 5: (Looking out the window) Oh, oh. It is Mr. Fox. He wants to catch us and eat us all up.All kids: Ho! Ho! You can’t fool us, Mr. Fox. Go away.Kid 6: We won’t open the door.Fox: Well, I will go away then. I only want to be your friend.Stoer: Mr. Fox makes it look as if he is going away. But he hides in the bushes. When he looks back, he shakes his fist.Fox: All right! You just wait! I’ll find a way to get you. Wait and see.Kid 5: (looking from window) He’s gone! He’s gone. Now we can play again.All kids: La-dee-da! La-dee-da!Kid 4: Wait till Mama hears about this.Kid 7: We minded her. The door is shut.Act Two.Stoer: The sly red fox walks on tiptoe. He goes near the goat hut. He can hear the kids singing.Fox: (to himself) How can I get into that house? There must be some ways. I might jump up on the roof. No, that wouldn’t do any good. I could dig and get under the house. That wouldn’t me any.Stoer: Mr. Fox sits and thinks. He looks back of the house. There he sees Mrs. Goat’s dresses on the line.Fox: Oh, oh! Now I he a way to get into the house. La-dee-da! La-dee-da!Stoer: There is no kid at the window now. In five jumps, Mr. Fox gets to the line. Quickly he gets into Mrs. Goat’s dress and puts on her big straw hat.Act Three: At the hut door.Fox: Tap-tap-tapKid 1: Who is there?Fox: (in a soft vo)It is Mama. I am back from town. Let me in.Kid 6: Oh, good! It’s Mama. Do you he a surprise for us?Kid 5: Wait! That can’t be Mama. She has not had time to get to town and back.Kid 7: It sounds like Mama. Let me look out from the window and see.Stoer: Kid 7 looks out and sees Mrs. Goat’s dress and hat.Kid 7: It’s Mama all right. I can see her dress and hat.Kid 3: All right, Mama. You can come in. The door is unlocked.Stoer: Kid 3 unlocks the door and opens it. The sly red fox makes one big jump. The kids run ry way.Fox: Now I he you, little kids. M-m-m-m. What a good pie you will make. M-m-m.Kid 1: Hide! Hide from him.Stoer: And they do hide. One gets under the sink, one under the bed. Another gets in the fireplace, another back of a big chair. One gets in the bathtub, one back of the TV. The last one gets inside the tall clock.Fox: Ho! Ho! Ho! So you think you can hide from me. I can find ry one of you and put you in my big bag.Stoer: One by one. Mr. Fox finds the kids and puts them in his bag. Then he takes the bag up and runs out the door with it. He doesn’t know that he has left one little kid. He didn’t think to look inside the tall clock.Act Four: At the door of the hut.Stoer: Just as Mr. Fox goes into the bushes, Mrs. Goat gets home. She sees the door open.Mother: Dear! Dear! Those had little goats! They did open the door. Children, where are you?Stoer: Mrs. Goat does not get an answer. She runs about the house calling and calling.Mother: Children! Children!Stoer: Mrs. Goat starts to cry. Then she hears a sound from the tall clock. Bang! Bang! Bang!Mother: Where is that bang-bang coming from?Kid 7: Mama! Mama! Is that you? Open the tall clock. I can’t get out. Please me.Mother: Why are you there? Where are the other kids? Why? Oh, why did you unlock the door?Kid 7: Oh, Mama dear! The red fox got in. He put on your dress and hat. I looked out the window and saw your dress and hat. So kid 3 opened the door.Mother: Where are the other kids?Kid 7: In Mr. Fox’s bag. He’s gone.Act Five. At Mr. Fox’s house.Stoer: Mother goat and kid 7 run after the fox. Soon they get to his house. Mrs. Goat goes in on tiptoe and sees the fox sleeping. He had to rest after bringing the bag full of goats.Mother: (In a whisper) Where do you think the children are? Did the fox eat them up?Kid 7: (Looking around) No, Mama. See that bag over there?Mother: (in a whisper) Children, are you in the bag?All kids: Quick, Mama! Get us out. The fox is going to put us in a pie.Mother: Sh-h-h! I’ll untie the bag.Fox: (dreaming) Z-z-z-z-z! M-m-m! How good those kids will be! I can hardly wait to make them into pie.Mother: (untying the bag) Sh-h-h! Quick! Come with me. Get a big rock, each of you! Be quick!Stoer: Each kid gets a rock and puts it in the bag. Then Mrs. Goatties the bag to the fox’s tail.Fox: Z-z-z-z-z! So you kids wouldn’t let me in. I fooled you, didn’t I? How do you like being put in a pie?Mother: (loudly) All right, children, let’s go home now.Fox: No, you don’t!Stoer: Mr. Fox jumps up, but falls down. He can’t run.All kids: La-dee-da. La-dee-da! We got away!10人英语短剧】阿拉丁传说 The Tale of Aladdin。
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