


大学淡水养殖 大学淡水养殖专业排名大学淡水养殖 大学淡水养殖专业排名

大学淡水养殖 大学淡水养殖专业排名

大学淡水养殖 大学淡水养殖专业排名
































主要There are 620 full-time teachers now. Among them the number of the professor is 101, associate professor is 217, the lecturer is 230.参考文献:



海南省农业学校(Hainan Agriculture School),坐落于海南省海口市,是由海南省教育厅主管的一所公办中等职业学校、重点中等职业学校、第二批中职教育改革发展建设学校、国防教育特色学校、海南省安全文明生态学校、海南省依法治校学校、海南省高技能人才培训基地。






小龙虾(学名:Procambarus clarkii):也称克氏原螯虾、红螯虾和淡水小龙虾。形似虾而甲壳坚硬。成体长约5.6~11.9厘米,暗红色,甲壳部分近黑色,腹部背面有一楔形条纹。幼虾体为均匀的灰色,有时具黑色波纹。螯狭长。甲壳中部不被网眼状空隙分隔,甲壳上明显具颗粒。额剑具侧棘或额剑端部具刻痕。









(1)在虾蟹等特种水产养殖上的应用 虾蟹属于低等的无脊椎动物,虾蟹没有特异性免疫系统,主要通过非特异性免疫系统抵御疾病的侵袭。早在1977年,Unestam就发现来自真菌细胞壁的β-1,3-葡聚糖可以明显提高克氏原螯虾的酚氧化酶活性。在饲料中添加05%的海藻免疫多糖和075%的海藻免疫多糖金属络合物,可以显著提高虾体内溶菌酶活性和SOD酶活性,并由此增加沼虾的非特异性免疫能力,进而提高其抵抗疾病的能力。用04%的海藻多糖β-葡聚糖投喂南美白对虾,可以显著提高对虾的成活率,极显著地提高南美白对虾的增重率并降低饲料系数。在日本沼虾饵料中添加01%的虫草多糖,其血淋巴吞噬指数在第21天达到高峰;28天后改投基础饲料,在停喂虫草多糖后的第14天出现第2次高峰,表明虫草多糖对机体免疫系统具有持续作用。在草虾饲料中添加02克/千克的葡聚糖,便可以将病原注射的草虾提高到90%以上。


(2)在鱼类养殖上的应用 日本九州大学对淡水鲤科鱼类和海水青甘参进行的葡聚糖免疫保护的功能试验证明,在淡水、海水鱼类动物中,以葡聚糖作为免疫保护剂,进行高浓度病原性细菌注射后,其远高于未用免疫保护剂处理者。在鳗鱼饲料中添加006%~01%的β-葡聚糖免疫多糖,可使鳗鱼肠炎发病率降低30%~50%,同时也能鳗鱼食欲,促进生长。在黄鳝饲料中添加02%的酵母细胞壁多糖,可以提高受免黄鳝的非特异性和特异性免疫应答水平,同时提高黄鳝的成活率。在饲料中添加04%的黄芪多糖,对齐口裂腹鱼的生长和免疫力有明显的促进作用。而香菇多糖可以通过促进鲤鱼细胞因子的表达,来提高机体的特异性免疫,增强机体的抗病能力。



几毫米大小的彩色小珠子,放在水里浸泡后,就能很快地变成直径超过1厘米的大珠子,甚至还能生出小“珠子”,这么“神奇”的东西自然吸引了不少小儿The ocean university of Qingdao童,最近很多小学生就流行养“水精灵”。

“水精灵”的真正面目是什么?对人体有没有危害呢?西北大学化学系一位老师分析说,名称:湿地生物(Wetland Biology)这应该是一种吸水性树脂,一般是用淀粉混合或酯制成的,而和酯都有一定的毒性;况且商家在制作中也不可能用昂贵的食用色素,可能会添加一些工业色素,所以建议小学生不要玩这种东西,如果皮肤接触了就要赶紧清洗,当然家长也要十分留心,切忌让年龄小的儿童玩耍,以免误食。




Key national professional













Qingdao Ocean University School Profile Qingdao Ocean University, whose predecessor was established in October 1924 private Qingdao University. May 1930 merger with the Provincial Shandong University initiated the National Qingdao University. 1932 State University of Qingdao to the National Shandong University until March 1951 with the East China University with the National Shandong University School of Shandong University. Shandong Maritime Academy was established in 1959. January 1988 was Qingdao Ocean University. Is a national key university directly under the State Education Commission. Qingdao Ocean University City districts located in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Construction area of 200,000 square metres. 620 existing full-time teachers. Including 101 professors, associate professor, 217, 230 lecturers. Key national professional There are two key state university disciplines : physical oceanography and aquaculture. The professional installation Oceanography, physics, ocean physics, chemistry, marine chemistry, applied mathematics, and comr applications, international economic law, meteorology, mechanical design and manufacturing, chemical, marine biology, ecology and environmental biology, marine geological prospecting, geophysical, economic mament, electronics and rmation s, industrial automation, hydrogeological and engineering geology, aquaculture, freshwater fish, food engineering, marine fisheries and fisheries resources Master's degree granting disciplines, professional Applied mathematics, physical oceanography, environmental oceanography, marine meteorology, marine physics, marine chemistry, marine biology, marine geology, fishing and aquaculture, aquatic products processing and storage, business mament, optics, signal and rmation processing, environmental geology, fisheries resources

Qingdao Ocean University of Qingdao Ocean University School Profile predecessor in October 1924 to set up a private Qingdao University. May 1930 merger with the Provincial Shandong University initiated the National Qingdao University. 1932 State University of Qingdao to the National Shandong University until March 1951 with the East China University with the National Shandong University School of Shandong University. Shandong Maritime Academy was established in 1959. January 1988 was Qingdao Ocean University. Is a national key university directly under the State Education Commission. Qingdao Ocean University City districts located in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Construction area of 200,000 square metres. 620 existing full-time teachers. Including 101 professors, associate professor, 217, 230 lecturers. There are two key state professional school state key disciplines : physical oceanography and aquaculture. The professional installation of oceanography, physics, ocean physics, chemistry, marine chemistry, applied mathematics, and comr applications, international economic law, meteorology, mechanical design and manufacturing, chemical, marine biology, ecology and environmental biology, marine geological prospecting, geophysical, economic mament, electronics and rmation s, industrial automation, hydrogeological and engineering geology, aquaculture, freshwater fish, food engineering, marine fisheries and fisheries resources to disciplines, professional application of mathematics, physical oceanography, environmental oceanography, marine meteorology, marine physics, marine chemistry, marine biology, marine geology, fishing and aquaculture, aquatic products processing and storage, business mament, optics, signal and rmation processing, environmental geology, fisheries resources

回答者:白金科比 - 魔法师 五级 8-12 17:28

School Profile

Qingdao Ocean University, whose predecessor was established in October 1924 private Qingdao University. May 1930 merger with the Provincial Shandong University initiated the National Qingdao University. 1932 State University of Qingdao to the National Shandong University until March 1951 with the East China University with the National Shandong University School of Shandong University. Shandong Maritime Academy was established in 1959. January 1988 was Qingdao Ocean University. Is a national key university directly under the State Education Commission.

Qingdao applied mathematics, the physical oceanography, the environment oceanography, the marine meteorology, the oceanophysics, the chemical oceanography, marine biology, the marine geology, aquaculture fishing for study, the aquatic product storeWith processing, business mament, optical instrument, signal and rmation processing, environment geology, fishery resourcesOcean University City districts located in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Construction area of 200,000 square metres.

There are two key state university disciplines : physical oceanography and aquaculture.

The professional installation

Oceanography, physics, ocean physics, chemistry, marine chemistry, applied mathematics, and comr applications, international economic law, meteorology, mechanical design and manufacturing, chemical, marine biology, ecology and environmental biology, marine geological prospecting, geophysical, economic mament, electronics and rmation s, industrial automation, hydrogeological and engineering geology, aquaculture, freshwater fish, food engineering, marine fisheries and fisheries resources

Master's degree granting disciplines, professional

Applied mathematics, physical oceanography, environmental oceanography, marine meteorology, marine physics, marine chemistry, marine biology, marine geology, fishing and aquaculture, aquatic products processing and storage, business mament, optics, signal and rmation processing, environmental geology, fisheries resources

回答者: ΑΒΓΔΕΖ - 高级魔法师 七级 8-12 17:29

Qingdao Marine University Q:湿地景观格局是湿地中各种生态过程综合作用的结果,并且对湿地功能和过程有着显著的影响,是湿地演替监测中最为综合的一个指标。湿地景观指标包括:湿地面积,各景观类型面积,景观结构,景观破碎化程度等。其中,湿地面积是湿地景观中最重要和最直观的指标。ingdao Marine University

The predecessor of Qingdao Marine University is the private university of Qingdao established in October of 1924. Set up Shandong University and amalgamated and established the state-run university of Qingdao with the province in May of 1930. The state-run university of Qingdao changed into state-run Shandong University in 1932, state-run Shandong University and university of East China shut the school and established Shandong University until March of 1951. The oceanography institute of Shandong was established in 1959. Renamed Qingdao Marine University in January of 1988. It is a subordinate national key university of State Education Commission.

Qingdao Marine University is located in the southern part of Qingdao of Shandong. With a construction area of 200,000 square meters.

National key speciality

This school has two national key disciplines : Physical oceangraphy and aquaculture.

Speicality offered of the undergraduate course

Oceanography , physics, marine physics, applied chemistry, marine chemistry, applied mathematics, comr and application, international economic law, meteorology, mechanical design and manufacture, chemistry, marine organis, ecology and environmental living beings, marine geologic prospect, geophysics, national economic mament, electronics and rmation , industrial automation , hydrogeology , project geology , sea-farming , fresh water cultivate , food project , sea fishery , fishery resources

Applied mathematics, physical oceangraphy, environmental oceanography , marine meteorology, marine physics, marine chemistry, marine biology, catch studying , aquatic products to preserve with the processing , business administration , optical instrument , signal and rmation processing , environmental geology , fishery resources in marine geology ,

The Ocean University of Qingdao

school survey

Ocean University of Qingdao predecessor is privay established Qingdao University which in October, 1924 established. In May, 1930 and the provincially established Shandong University merge organized state-run Qingdao University. In 1932 state-run Qingdao University changed the state-run Shandong University, the state-run Shandong University and East China University gathered the school until 1951 March to establish the Shandong University. In 1959 established the Shandong sea institute. In January, 1988 changed name Ocean University of Qingdao. Is national top university which State Education Commission subordinates.

Ocean University of Qingdao is situated south Shandong Qingdao the area. Floor space 200,000 square meters.

Existing professional teacher 620 people. Professor 101 people, associate professor 217 people, lecturer 230 people.

The national key specialized

this school has two national key disciplines: Physical oceanography and aquaculture.

The undergraduate course specialized establishment

oceanography, the physics, the oceanophysics, the applied chemistry, the chemical oceanography, the applied mathematics, the comr and the application, the international economic rules and regulations, the meteorology, the machine design and the manufacture, chemistry, the marine life, the ecology and the environment biology, the sea geology investigation, the geophysics, the national economy mament, electronics and the rmation , the industrial automation, the hydrology geology and the engineering geology, the sea water cultivation, the fresh water cultivation, food project, the sea fishery, the fishery resources

award the 's degree the discipline, the specialized

The ocean university precursor of Qingdao is a private University of Qingdao established October in 1924.1930 May merges with province 立 University of Shandong to establish the national University of Qingdao.The national University of Qingdao changes for national University of Shandong in 1932, until 1951 March national University of Shandong matches with 华 east university the school establishes the University of Shandong.Establish the ocean college of Shandong in 1959.Change name the ocean university of Qingdao January in 1988.Is a national point university that national education board keep belonging to.

The ocean university of Qingdao locates at in the Qingdao City City south area of Shandong.Building area 200,000 square meter.

Current and full-time the teacher's 620 people.Among them the professor's 101 people, the associate professor's 217 people, the lecturer's 230 people.

National point profession

Our school contain two national points course:Physics oceanography with marine products farming.

The undergraduate course profession establishes

Oceanography, physics, ocean physics, apply the chemistry, ocean the chemistry, applied mathematics, calculator and application, international economic mod, meteorology, machine the design and manufacturing, chemistry, marine life, ecology and environment living creature, ocean the geology 勘 checks, the Earth physics, national economy mament, electronics and rmation , industry automation, hydrology geology and engineering geology, sea water farming, fresh water farming, food engineering, ocean fishery, fishery resources

Give to the course, profession of the degree

The applied mathematics, physics oceanography, environment oceanography, ocean meteorology, ocean physics, ocean chemistry, marine biology, ocean geology, marine products farming catches to learn, the marine products article stores with process, the business enterprise mament, optical instrument, signal handles with rmation, environment geology, fishery resources

Qingdao Marine University Qingdao Marine University

The predecessor of Qingdao Marine University is the private university of Qingdao established in October of 1924. Set up Shandong University and amalgamated and established the state-run university of Qingdao with the province in May of 1930. The state-run university of Qingdao changed into state-run Shandong University in 1932, state-run Shandong University and university of East China shut the school and established Shandong University until March of 1951. The oceanography institute of Shandong was established in 1959. Renamed Qingdao Marine University in January of 1988. It is a subordinate national key university of State Education Commission.

Qingdao Marine University is located in the southern part of Qingdao of Shandong. With a construction area of 200,000 square meters.

National key speciality

This school has two national key disciplines : Physical oceangraphy and aquaculture.

Speicality offered of the undergraduate course

Oceanography , physics, marine physics, applied chemistry, marine chemistry, applied mathematics, comr and application, international economic law, meteorology, mechanical design and manufacture, chemistry, marine organis, ecology and environmental living beings, marine geologic prospect, geophysics, national economic mament, electronics and rmation , industrial automation , hydrogeology , project geology , sea-farming , fresh water cultivate , food project , sea fishery , fishery resources

Applied mathematics, physical oceangraphy, environmental oceanography , marine meteorology, marine physics, marine chemistry, marine biology, catch studying , aquatic products to preserve with the processing , business administration , optical instrument , signal and rmation processing , environmental geology , fishery resources in marine geology ,

School Profile

Qingdao Ocean University, whose predecessor was established in October 1924 private Qingdao University. May 1930 merger with the Provincial Shandong University initiated the National Qingdao University. 1932 State University of Qingdao to the National Shandong University until March 1951 with the East China University with the National Shandong University School of Shandong University. Shandong Maritime Academy was established in 1959. January 1988 was Qingdao Ocean University. Is a national key university directly under the State Education Commission.

Qingdao Ocean University City districts located in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Construction area of 200,000 square metres.

There are two key state university disciplines : physical oceanography and aquaculture.

The professional installation

Oceanography, physics, ocean physics, chemistry, marine chemistry, applied mathematics, and comr applications, international economic law, meteorology, mechanical design and manufacturing, chemical, marine biology, ecology and environmental biology, marine geological prospecting, geophysical, economic mament, electronics and rmation s, industrial automation, hydrogeological and engineering geology, aquaculture, freshwater fish, food engineering, marine fisheries and fisheries resources

Master's degree granting disciplines, professional

Applied mathematics, physical oceanography, environmental oceanography, marine meteorology, marine physics, marine chemistry, marine biology, marine geology, fishing and aquaculture, aquatic products processing and storage, business mament, optics, signal and rmation processing, environmental geology, fisheries resources

Qingdao Ocean University of Qingdao Ocean University School Profile predecessor in October 1924 to set up a private Qingdao University. May 1930 merger with the Provincial Shandong University initiated the National Qingdao University. 1932 State University of Qingdao to the National Shandong University until March 1951 with the East China University with the National Shandong University School of Shandong University. Shandong Maritime Academy was established in 1959. January 1988 was Qingdao Ocean University. Is a national key university directly under the State Education Commission. Qingdao Ocean University City districts located in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Construction area of 200,000 square metres. 620 existing full-time teachers. Including 101 professors, associate professor, 217, 230 lecturers. There are two key state professional school state key disciplines : physical oceanography and aquaculture. The professional installation of oceanography, physics, ocean physics, chemistry, marine chemistry, applied mathematics, and comr applications, international economic law, meteorology, mechanical design and manufacturing, chemical, marine biology, ecology and environmental biology, marine geological prospecting, geophysical, economic mament, electronics and rmation s, industrial automation, hydrogeological and engineering geology, aquaculture, freshwater fish, food engineering, marine fisheries and fisheries resources to disciplines, professional application of mathematics, physical oceanography, environmental oceanography, marine meteorology, marine physics, marine chemistry, marine biology, marine geology, fishing and aquaculture, aquatic products processing and storage, business mament, optics, signal and rmation processing, environmental geology, fisheries resources


监测场地类型:由于湿地景观的观测是利用Qingdao Ocean University遥感影像和航空照片,其监测场地类型不予考虑。




School general situation


620 existing full-time teachers. Including 101 professors, associate professor, 217, 230 lecturers.






Fern L.Filion,The Economic Valuation o这种小珠子的,胶丸大小的透明小球,颜色以红、黄、蓝、绿、紫、橙、黑、无色、青为主,非常抢眼,用小塑料袋或小玻璃瓶 装着,每瓶里面大概有15~30个小球,售价为0.5~1.0元,因为放入水中会有“神奇”的变化,所以它们也有个比较炫的名字———“水精灵”。(在某些地方也被称为“海绵宝宝”,“水晶宝宝”等)。f Wetland Benefits.Wetlands,Biodiversity And Dlopment.Wetlands International,1997.


淡水小龙虾为杂食性虾类,植物性和动物性饲料均能食用,能将腐殖质转化为蛋白质。虾苗阶段:藻类、轮虫、腐殖质和有机碎屑等和小型浮游动物如枝角类和桡足类等;成虾阶段:以水生植物为主,水草、植物的根、茎、叶,甲 壳类、软体动物、水生昆虫幼体以及底部腐殖质有机碎屑等。











淡水小龙虾水温低于 6 ℃进入洞穴越冬,32 ℃以上也进入洞穴或深水区避暑。适应性广,有很强的抵御恶劣生态环境能力。昼伏夜出,有自相残杀名称:湿地景观(Wetland Landscape)习性。温度适应范围0-37℃ ,pH值5.8-8.2;对重金属、、菊酯类等杀虫剂非常敏感。

Hirsch,R.M.,W.M.Alley&W.G.Wilber 1988.Concepts for a national water-quality assesent program.U.S.Geological Survey Circular 1021.

淡水小龙虾营底栖爬行生活,栖息于河道、田沟、池塘、沼泽、湖泊、水库和稻田等淡水水域中,营造洞穴栖居和繁殖。离水后可存活 7-15 天;夏季离水后在保持湿润的条件下可存活2-5 天。冬季枯水期,泥洞中的成虾可自然越冬。



小龙虾(学名:Procambarus clarkii):也称克氏原螯虾、红螯虾和淡水小龙虾。形似虾而甲壳坚硬。成体长约5.6~11.9厘米,暗红色,甲壳部分近黑色,腹部背面有一楔形条纹。幼虾体为均匀的灰色,有时具黑色波纹。螯狭长。甲壳中部不被网眼状空隙分隔,甲壳上明显具颗粒。额剑具侧棘或额剑端部具刻痕。

是淡水经济虾类,因肉味鲜美广受人们欢迎。因其杂食性、生长速度快、适应能力强而在当地生态环境中形成的竞争优势。 其摄食范围包括水草、藻类、水生昆虫、动物尸体等,食物匮缺时亦自相残杀。小龙虾近年来在已经成为重要经济养殖品种。在商业养殖过程中应严防逃逸,尤其是严防逃入人迹罕至的原生态水体。其对当地物种生态竞争优势而导致破坏性危害。



