汉英在线翻译 英译汉免费翻译器
汉英在线翻译 英译汉免费翻译器
汉英在线翻译 英译汉免费翻译器
汉英在线翻译 英译汉免费翻译器
1、你拿出右手我用我的生命来感受CNC Machines我愿意付出我的一切The Fundamentals of CNCCNC stands for comr numerical control and has been around since the early 1970’s.Prior to this ,it was called NC, for numerical control (In the early 1970’s comrs were introduced to these controls,hence the name change).While people in most walks of life he nr heard of this term, CNC has touched almost ry form of manufacturing process in one way or another. If you’ll be working in manufacturing, it’s likely that you’ll be dealing with CNC on a regular basis.While there are exceptions to this statement, CNC machines(See Fig.8.1) typically replace (or work in conjunction with ) some existing manufacturing processes. Take one of the st manufacturing processes, drilling holes, for example.A drill press can of course be used to machine holes. ( It’s likely that almost ryone has seen some form of drill press, n if you don’t work in manufacturing ) . A person can place a drill in the drill chuck that is secured in the spindle of the drill press. They can then ( manually) select the desired speed for rotation (commonly by switching belt pulleys),and activate the spindle. Then they manually pull on the quill lr to drive the drill into the workpiece being machined.As you can easily see, there is a lot of manual intervention required to use a drill press to drill holes. A person to do soming almost ry step along the way! While this manual intervention may be acceptable for manufacturing companies if but a all number of holes or work pieces must be machined ,as quantities grow, so does the likelihood for fatigue due to he tediousness of the operation. And do note that we’ve used one of the machining operations that would require a much higher skill ll (and increase the potential for mistakes resulting in scrap work pieces )of the person running the conventional machine tool.By comparison, the CNC equivalent for a drill press (sibly a CNC machining center or CNC drilling & tapping center) can be programmed to perform this operation in a much more automatic fashion. Everything that the drill press operator was doing manually will now be done by the CNC machine, including: placing the drill in the spindle, activating the spindle, itioning the workpiece under the drill, machining the hole, and turning off the spindle.As you might already he guessed, rything that an operator world be required to do with conventional machine tools is programmable with CNC machines. Once the machine is setup and running, a CNC machine is quite to keep running. In fact CNC operators tend to get quite bored during lengthy production runs because there is so little to do. With some CNC machines, n the workpiece loading process has been automated.Motion ControlAll CNC machine types share this commonality: They all he two or more programmable directions of motion called axes. An axis of motion can be linear or rotary. One of the first specifications that implies a CNC machine’s complexity is how many axes it has. Generally speaking, the more axes, the more complex the machine.The axes of any CNC machine are required for the pure of causing the motions needed for the manufacturing process. In the drilling example, these axes would ition the tool over the hole to be machined and machine the hole. Axes are named with letters. Common linear axis names are X, Y, and Z. Common rotary axis names are A, B, and C.Programmable AccessoriesAutomatic Tool Changer of machining CentersMost machining centers can hold many tools in a tool magazine. When required, the required tool can be automatically placed in the spindle for machining对于美国人来说,这种非正式的打招呼方式所传递的信息实际上和正式的握手相同。
13、You , Deceptive face , fithy soul.walk aclow the fhion derel lo thre fwtwve。
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