
mean的意思 mean的意思和音标mean的意思 mean的意思和音标

mean的意思 mean的意思和音标


2、mean作名词的意思:平均数;中间;几何平均;等比中数意思是;表示…的意思;打算;产生…结果mean的英语音标:英 [mi:n] 美 [min]mean的时态:现在分词: meaning 过去式: meant 过去分词: meantmean的英语例句:1. When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.当生活很艰难,你想要放弃的时候,请记住,生活充满了起起落落,如果没有低谷,那站在高处也失去了意义。

3、2. "What do you mean?" I asked, offended on Liddie's behalf.3. This will mean more remand prisoners being held in pol cells.这将意味着更多候审犯人会被拘押在警局拘留室。

4、4. Take a dred and twenty values and calculate the mean.取120个值计算平均数。

5、5. But that doesn't mean this brand of politics is dead or dying.但那并不意味着这种主张已经或正在消亡。

6、6. Buying budget-prd furniture needn't mean compromising on quality or style.买价钱经济的家具并不意味着就要牺牲质量和样式。

7、7. I didn't mean any offence. It was a flippant, off-the-cuff remark.我本无意冒犯,那不过是句脱口而出的冒失话。

8、8. Rust and flaking paint mean the metalwork is in poor condition.生锈和掉漆说明金属配件损毁。

9、9. I didn't mean to break his nose. I just saw red.我不是故意要打断他的鼻梁。


11、10. I hated my father. He was hyper-critical and mean.我讨厌我父亲。


13、11. I'm not with you. Tell me what you mean.我不明白你说的话,告诉我你是什么意思。

14、12. They mean to bleed the British to the utmost.13. And what is that pearl of wisdom suped to mean?那番精辟见解到底是什么意思呢?14. She was no mean performer on a variety of other instruments.许多别的乐器她也mean(X)代表了矩阵X中每一列的均值演奏得相当出色。

15、15. Rachel started forward on the sofa. — "You mean you've arrested Pete?"雷切尔从沙发上猛地往前一欠身子。

