足球和篮球的主题 足球和篮球的主题名称
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足球和篮球的主题 足球和篮球的主题名称
足球和篮球的主题 足球和篮球的主题名称
足球和篮球的主题 足球和篮球的主题名称
足球和篮球的主题 足球和篮球的主题名称
beauty in sports
lots of students always like to discuss the welcome lr in china between football and basketball
i will l them,they are all fantastic sports
many basketboys always say football is a tedious ,watching 22 people running and running but a goal for a long long time is really
annoying thing·
and many footboys does not be convinced neither,they say there is just 10 person fighting in a tiny room with a basketball and score is really an easy case ,so that is abbsolutly a ridiculous thing
and i wanna l them ,they all he their attractive sides
the most important point of them is ,they all he enthusia,
U can feeling the happy of sports from them ,so that is the beauty in sports
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