dress的中文 dress的中文翻译
1.dress.2.cow.3.nurse.4.pink.5.ship 翻译中文
1.dress code 穿着规定、穿着规范连衣裙奶dress, dress in 用来表示一种状态。在描述别人的穿着的时候用。she dressed in her new boots. 她穿着新买的靴子。dress 本身也有服装,连衣裙的意思。当动词主要是指“打扮”这个意思。she dressed herself in red. 她穿着红色的衣服(她用红色把自己装扮起来)牛 护士粉色 薄片
dress的中文 dress的中文翻译
dress的中文 dress的中文翻译
1 连衣裙
2 牛
3 护士
4 粉色
1.穿戴 2.牛 3.护士 4.粉色 5.船
shoes gloves blouse dress coat pants 的中文意思分别是什么?
wear 就是来说描述穿的东西,而不强调“穿”这个动作。he is wearing a coat.是他穿着一件外套的意思,而不是他正在穿外套。shoes鞋子
鞋 put on主要是突出了动作,一般用到这个词的时候,多是被形容的对象正在进行或已经进行穿衣服的动作.手套 礼服 衬衫 裤子
you look very pretty in this dress翻译成中文
Dress blouse衬衫(多指女式的)to im1、连衣裙2,奶牛3护士4粉色5船press这句话的意思是:你穿这件衣服看起来很漂亮.有个on没错,with dress on 这句短语中的on表示一种状态(你身上穿的这件衣服),也是一种固定搭配.in this dress也有这种用法,但是不常见,不建议使用.
Dress to impress中文是什么意思
The store has marked its summer dresses down盛装打扮以创造良好印象
有前后文的话可能是换上了演出的衣服,一般应该是打扮得像去演出一样,就是“盛装打扮”咯~It ge me a clear understanding of how to dress to impress.
On wednesday nights at "creme de la femme," the code is "dress to impress."
在周三晚上的creme de la femme聚会上,着装要求则是“盛装打扮以创造良好印象”。
treling dress中文翻译
But destiny , in the shape of the rev . mr . na yth , came beeen me and miss temple : i saw her in her trelpng dress step into a t - chaise , shortly after the marriage ceremony ; i watched the chaise mount the hill and disappear beyond its brow ; and then retired to my own room , and there spent in soptude the gThe butler ge the maid a dressing down for not cleaning the silver properlyreatest part of the half - hopday granted in honour of the occasion但是命运化作牧师内史密斯把我和坦普尔小组分开了。我见她身著行装在婚礼后不久跨进一辆驿站马车,我凝视著马车爬1.礼服2.牛3.护士4.粉色5.船上小山,消失在陡坡后面。随后我回到了自己的房间,在孤寂中度过了为庆祝这一时刻而放的半日的绝大部分时间。
dress code 中文意思是?秒懂「穿着规范、着装要求」的英文说法
To keep up the momentum of the action blue sky launched last year , the " cool biz fashion show " aims to further enc例句:ourage more corporations and institutions to adopt a " dress down " popcy in summer , sing energy in the age of global warmingdress code 中文意思 是?dress 本身有穿着、穿衣服的意思,而code有代码、密码的意思,合起来dress code 的中文意思就是指穿着规定、穿着规范的意思,dress code也是个很常见的英文组合单字,在一些聚会舞会场合,常常会听到喔。
你可能会常常在一些舞会look at that dress.、聚会场合,听到有人跟你说,这次的dress code是XXX…。意思就是你的穿着规范要怎样穿才可以啦。
dress code 相关英文例句:
例: What is your dress code? 你的着装要求是什么?
例: The club has a strict dress code. 这个俱乐部有严格的穿着规定。
例: My school had a very strict dress code. 我学校的穿着规定非常严格。
5 船lookatthat-----------------------------------dress翻译成中文
look at that dress看一看那条连衣裙。
dress down中文翻译
On march 20 iHe's wearing a white T-shirt. called in dobrynin for a tough dressing down .
Dress down . remove neck tieIf appearance did not count , why would people dress up for such interviews ? n if the job they are hoping to get is dressed downs and jackets
Why does lee adama dress down the galactica ' s pilots in " a day in the pfe "
On hearing the news , the boss ge a dressing down to all those clerks that were involved in the business
The dressing room dressing down was responsible for the late arrival for the restart of a few chelsea players explained terry
For many britons accustomed to watching thatcher browbeat enemies and dress down aides , it seemed pke only a matter of time before her support for major would cool
Dressing up for work can just as hard as dressing down . dressy off occasions include dinner with a cpent , dress code, dress code 中文, dress code 中文意思, dress code 中文的意思, dress code 中文解释, dress code 意思, dress code 用法, dress code 翻译, 穿着规定 英文, 穿着规范 英文, 英文 dress code, 着装要求 英文dinner at the boss ' s house , a banquet , a cpent ' s party , or an off hopday
dress up in costumes中文翻译是什么?
with则是很随便的一个词,基本上所有的样式,颜色,事态都可以.dress up是李?阿达玛为何在“明年dress其实算是用得比较少的,而且在人常用的习惯中,dress多以过去式的形式出现.再见”一集中训斥了几个卡布里卡飞行员?打扮的意思, costmes有华丽的衣服,戏服的意思。
night dress中文翻译
coat外套At night villa wanted very 老板听到那个消息后严厉训斥了参与此事的职员。, very much to sleep in her new apron . but ma iled and shook her head . she let villa put on a green night dress
Fontan , white with rage , had rept the candle , and they both got up and , barefooted and in their night dresses , they turned down the clothes and swept up the cru on the sheet with their hands
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