雇员用英语怎么说 雇员用英语怎么说呢
1、REFEREE 足球等的裁判员1. Guidelines to complete the application:2. Fields marked with are madatory.please fill in the form in English un less specified.3. Please verify that ehe desired program/course is not already on TA Pre-Approved course List and does meet the TA program/course eligibility criteria in accordance with the TA policy.3.-----------------EMPLOYEE'S DETAILS (To be completed by employee)PROGRAM/COURSE DETAILSproApprove to include in TA Pre-Approved course list effective _______gram/course Title(in english)(in local language)Type of program/courseplease specify for"Others"Program/courseProgram/course Website :Name of institution Country Email of institutionPhoneENDORSED BY(To be completed by reporting within 7 days upon receipt of application.)the above program/course meets the TA criteria in accordance with the policy.Comments:Name & signatyre of reporting marEmployee's IDDateREVIEWED BY(To be completed by local HRS within 7 days upon receipt of endorsed application.)the above institution is registered with the country's local government-regulated education department(or its equivalent).APPROVED BY (To be completed by APAC rewards by end of the month following the end of each quarter.)(Course code_________)Reject application。
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