




2、tidy的同义词辨析:neat, tidy, trim, orderly这些形容词均含"整齐的,整洁的"之意。

3、neat 1. The offrs and crew prepared to abandon ship in an orderly fashion.: 指人或物外表既清洁又整齐。

4、tidy : 侧重整齐,井然有序。

5、trim : 着重因线条清晰、比例匀称而使外观呈现出紧凑和、美观。

6、orderly : 语义比上述几个词强,常用。


8、词组习语:in trim1. 苗条而健康的trim one's sails (to the wind)1. 随风扬帆,适应新情况tidy的例句:1. I'll do your garden, I'll keep that tidy for you.2. Except for the remarkably tidy kitchen, the place was a mess.3. "Make the punishment fit the crime." How neat and tidy it sounded.“罪罚相当”,这听起来多么简洁。

9、4. The large log basket can be used to tidy toys away.大木篮子可以用来装玩具。

10、5. How do you ma to keep the place so tidy?你是怎样把这里保持得如此整洁的?6. The opportunities are there to make a tidy profit.赚大钱的机会就在那儿摆着。

11、7. He lives alone in a suspiciously tidy flat in Notting Hill Gate.他一个人住在诺丁山门的一套整洁干净得出奇的公寓里。

12、8. She's obsessively tidy, always hoovering and polishing.她有洁癖,整天不是用吸尘器吸尘,就是擦来擦去。

13、9. She keeps her flat very tidy .她把她的单元房间保持得很整洁。

14、10. It was a neatly furnished and immaculay tidy room.这是一个家具简洁、干净齐整的房间.11. Your room is in a mess, please tidy it up.你的房间那么乱, 收拾一下吧.他这个人手勤,屋子收拾得非常干净.13. The room is all, but it's kept quite tidy.屋子不大, 收拾得倒还干净.14. She makes a religion of keeping her house clean and tidy.她认为保持房子整洁是她份内的事.15. That must he cost you a tidy sum.那必定让你花了一大笔钱.tidy的同义词例句:1. Neat solutions are not easily found to these issues.很难找到解决这些问题的巧妙办法。

15、2. A rather neat option allows you to design your own fiendish puzzle.只要干净利落地做一个选择,你就能自己设计出难以解开的谜题。

16、3. He poured himself a brandy and swallowed it neat.他给自己倒了一杯白兰地,没兑水就一饮而尽。

17、4. "Make the punishment fit the crime." How neat and tidy it sounded.“罪罚相当”,这听起来多么简洁。

18、5. The rest of the room was neat and impersonal.房间的其余部分整洁干净,不带任何的个人色彩。

19、6. The furniture was stiff, uncomfortable, too delicate, and too neat.家具又硬又不舒服,太不结实而且太小巧。

20、7. Sral men are pushing school desks and chairs into neat rows.几个人正挪动学校的桌椅,将它们排整齐。

21、8. All his worldly goods were packed into a neat checked carrier bag.他的所有家当都装在一个干净的方格图案手提袋里。

22、9. He made a neat chopping motion with his hand.他挥手做了一个干净利落的劈砍的动作。

23、10. John is compulsively neat and clean, he's terrified of germs.约翰有洁癖,非常害怕细菌。

24、11. "Oh, those new apartments are really neat," the girl babbled on.那个女孩赞不绝口地说:“噢,那些新公寓真是非常棒。

25、”12. It had been such a neat, clr plan.这曾是个如此巧妙、机智的。

26、13. The sundress has a neat back zip fastening.这件背心裙背部有一个巧妙的拉链。

27、14. The neighbours' gardens were trim and neat.邻居们的花园整洁美观。
