沉默是金作文 沉默是金作文800高中议论文
沉默是金作文 沉默是金作文800高中议论文
沉默是金作文 沉默是金作文800高中议论文
沉默是金作文 沉默是金作文800高中议论文
1、这么多不能讲,那么讲什么呢?还是沉默吧!是的When we talk of the famous proverb "Silence is Gold", we s一位哲人说过:沉默是一种修养、一种冶炼,鲁迅也有论述:不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡,印度着名诗人泰戈尔也说过:沉默是一种德行,沉默凝聚着力量,酝酿出光辉,沉默是金hould not simply label it as right or wrong, but explore it in depth.This proverb is especially true under sral situations. First, if we he made a promise not to let out a secret, we should always keep silent. Second, we should oid talking over facts or statistics of which we are not sure. Third, whenr we are expressing our ideas, brevity is the soul of wit and talking too much will always lead to faults and mistakes.Nrtheless, there are also some exceptions. If we find out a flaw in other's speaking or writing, we should not hesitate a moment to point it out. And to friends or acquaintances seeking a, we should feel free to them.In a word, we can draw the conclusion that in most cases "silence is gold", but in certain circumstances, talking is the right cho我只收到了题目,现在就有两种,一是、:作文“西方节日”我有,二是“沉默是金”但我没,谁发给我一下。
3、发给我,我也可以拿我的给你浮云Slience is not always gold。
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